4 own blog:
Tibor first thought with alarm - Topic: Esoteric and MLM ( http://tibor7.blogspot.com ) Language: Hungarian .
2 Please help - Topic: Esoteric Facebook ( http://tibor8.blogspot.hu ) Language: Hungarian
3 Psychological Reasons physical symptom Topic: Health & Esoteric , Healing music ( http://tibor4.blogspot.hu ) Language: Hungarian
Tibor 's fourth provoking trouth ( http://tibor7-english.blogspot.com ) Subject : Esoteric , MLM Language: Angol
The Facebook ( . Lots of instructive division ) Tibor Gyula outdoors and " awakening " esoteric group if jelölsz friend me on Facebook , or raise your group , you can make you . In the past I have edited the blog are based on books and CDs , and now based on these requirements. Many of my friends went on to become the co- author of some , and these become the blogs . I would like to express my thanks to all who took over his writings . ♥
1 Motto : Love and serve , and do not forget ! ( What Not to forget : Love and serve .... )
2 Motto : "I want to know God 's thoughts Everything else is detail. ". Albert Einstein.
John C. Maxwell: - A. Links 101,
- B. Mug and professional attitude in the MLM business,
- C. Mesternap
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AL8kFU_QktU&feature=player_embedded # t = 43
"Truth should be humbler in search of porn. World's foot stomp the port, but the search of truth must make himself so humble that even the dust is able to trample him. Only if you can not look past the truth." Gandhi.
A. John C. Maxwell: 101 Links
What everyone should know ...
No one undertakes the journey alone. Constantly rely on others to tangible or otherwise, to help us towards the ultimate goal. Not be possible without the support of others, without success, to develop positive relationships, however, challenging. The risk of such links, but dr. Maxwell shows that the rewards far outweigh the risks. This short course in human relations skills will equip valuable relationships with others in bringing you on your way towards success.
I.A nature of relationships
John C. Maxwell Relationships 101 - it was summed up what everyone should know the human relations (ene.)
Virtually everything we do, depends on teamwork. It does not matter to anyone leading or following, coach or player, parent or child, the Executive Director or employee of a nonprofit organization - people in contact with .. Personal success, the leaders of our effectiveness can depend on what shape our relationships with others.
The ability to understand people's choice will ultimately depend. All people can learn the ability to understand, inspire, and ultimately manipulating others.
As leaders we need to know: the people who do not follow the leader is not true. The good leadership and good human relations is based. If you are not proficient in human relations, then the leadership will not be effective.
1. Why are the links to success
(Relationships are the glue that holds the team members)
Virtually everything we do, depends on teamwork. No matter whether leading or following, coach or player, parent or child, or executive or employee of a nonprofit organization - in this, contact with other people. The question is whether to be successful - that contact with others. The drive will also get the best odds, if you or a harmonious relationship with your team members. The following to find out whether have built a solid relationship - whether from other people: find your connections to the following five features!
A: Respect
If relations are concerned, everything begins with respect: the desire to add value attributed to other people. Les Giblin said: "I can not get to the other person feel important for the presence, if anyone keep a secret."
The honor is to have the front to show off before the others would do anything beigazolására, simply because human beings. But at the same time it must always expect others to respect must be earned. And as soon as this under difficult circumstances to merit.
B: Shared Experiences
Respect lays the foundations of a good relationship, but alone is not sufficient. Not stand in close contact with someone who does not know. This link requires shared experiences over time.
C: Confidence
If you respect people, and you spend enough time with them, that common experience to win, win situations, or in a situation in which the stem szökkenhet confidence. Trust is essential to any good relationship. George MacDonald, a Scottish poet's observation that "megtisztelőbb if trust you than if you like." Confidence can hold without any link does not exist.
D.: Reciprocity
The one-sided personal relationships are not lasting. If one person can only give to another is always accepted, so the connection is finally terminated. The same is true for any relationship, the relationship between team members is also included. Bringing together the relationship between the evolution of humans, both to give and receive, that is giving everyone the benefit thereby. Do not forget to team members, colleagues and friends ask questions about their hopes, their desires and aims. Full attention be given to the people! show others that you care about them!
5th: Cross-joy
When the contacts are being developed, and begin to solidify the growing number of stakeholders enjoy our joy in each other. The mere coexistence of positive experiences can change the unpleasant tasks.
Yourself how you behave when you interact will take place? Szentelsz a lot of time and energy to building a solid relationship, or so focusing on the outcomes that have a tendency to ignore (or legázolni) others?
If the latter is true for you, think of George and Edward Kienzle Dare wise words: "Few things are paying off more and more time than the guardian, understand that people compile. Virtually nothing is confirmed and better driving position for personal, and nothing gives greater satisfaction, and get more happiness. "If you become a man building a solid relationship, as well as individuals and as a member of the team can both be successful.
B What should I know about others?
People do not care about him, how much you know until they know how much you care about them.
If you desire to succeed and have a positive impact on others, can not do without ability to understand others. Understanding of others gives you the opportunity to not only the business arena, but to influence all areas of your life.
Understanding of others, of course affects the ability to communicate well with people. The biggest mistake you commit only when you try to speak convincingly, if your own thoughts and emotions you give absolute priority. Most people actually want to listen, respect and understanding. At the moment, when people see that you understand them, they are also more motivated to understand álláspontod.
People do not understand why other people?
Lack of understanding of the others who are not endless source of tension in our society.
Once heard, when a lawyer said: "Of all the debates and strife ', which arises among the people, not the cause of disagreement, but a lack of understanding of each other."
If we could reduce the number of misunderstandings would not be so crowded and the courts have been less violent crime, would be less divorce, and dramatically alleviated the everyday stress, which most people live through. If such a beneficial tool for understanding, then why do not people exercise? There are several reasons for this:
1. Fear: Many people, when others do not understand, often in response to fear about them. If one started to fear from others, often trying to overcome their fear, to learn more about the illetőkről. The thing becomes a vicious circle. But the only thing people should do to follow the late U.S. president Harry Truman's advice: "If we understand the other person's point of view - to understand what you are trying to do - nine times out of ten tries to act correctly."
2. Selfishness: When the fear is not a stumbling block, selfishness, often more. People do not deliberately selfish, lies simply in human nature to think about their own interests first. If you would like to see examples of this, you will play a two-year child. Due to the nature itself, choose the best toy and does not broaden its igazától. One way to overcome the natural self-interest is to try to get the things seen in the perspective of others. The challenge for marketing professionals is that the prospective buyer szemléljék from the perspective of the world. This is also the challenge for us all, whatever the profession. The following verse reminds us that what should be a priority sorrendünknek when dealing with others:
The least important word: I
Key words: what
The two most important words: Thank you very much.
The three most important words: Nothing happened.
The four most important words: What is your opinion?
The five most important words: We did a good job.
The six most important words: I would like to better understand your position.
The failure to appreciate the differences: After the selfishness behind us, the next logical step is to learn how to recognize and appreciate the unique properties of other people. Instead of trying to shape their own picture of the others, you tend to learn to estimate their differences! If a person lies in an ability that is missing from you, the better. Pótolhatjátok two weaknesses of each other. If the others came from different cultures, broaden látókörödet and learn from them everything you can! Emerging knowledge not only them but also helps to relate to others.
The failure to recognize the similarities: They all respond to the emotional responses to things around us. In order to facilitate understanding, think about what emotions you live through as a person interacting with you! They realize that what one desires to events in any given situation. It is highly likely that employees in many respects similar feelings fed.
If all the people you meet, so kezelsz as if he were the most important person in the world, they tell you give it to you he is indeed "someone."
The key to understanding people's needs and desires known. If you are able to understand them, they can be influential and have a positive impact on practice in their lives. People's understanding of what we know, it can be summarized in the following list:
1. Everyone is "somebody" wants to be. Does not exist in the world of a man in whom the desire not to live, someone to be that significant effect. Even the least ambitious and most modest person you want to keep others appreciated. Everybody wants to respect others, and estimate, in other words, everyone is "someone" wants to be. Once this information becomes part of everyday thoughts, you will see an incredibly bright light on the reasons for people's actions.
2. Nobody cares how much you know until you know that you care about her. At the moment, as soon as people realize that you care about them, you make me change the fed feelings. The people connected with the great moments of your life, and my favorite memories, but just the hardest, most painful and tragic occasions as well. The people are the greatest eszközeidet, but also the largest kötelezettségeidet. The challenge is that whatever happens, continue to wear your heart on their fate. Thus, to properly treat people. In addition, you never know who will emerge körödből to influence them to change your life and others.
3. Everyone needs to others. Contrary to popular belief, there is not something that önerejéből broken man and a woman. Everyone needs friendship, encouragement and help. People's performance alone made almost negligible when compared to the co-released from their skills, and work jointly with others is also pleasing to. In addition, happy people rarely solitary hunters. Everyone needs others to melléálljanak and help. If you understand and are willing to give and help others and to preserve good indítékaidat, then he may change both their lives and yours.
4. Every man, "someone could be, if there is someone who understands and believes in him. I really do not require too much effort, to help other people to feel important. The right time to consciously bring about big changes in small things done. When last did you get yourself in trouble, the people that made me feel special cogent explanation, namely that they do anyone? The booking is absolutely dwarfed by the power invested in them under the impact. All your friends, and all the people I just meet, have the potential to play an important role in the lives of others. Only encouragement and motivation you need to help unfold their inherent abilities.
5. If for someone help me, many people are affected. That only people you give, the life of all the flows, to whom the person affected. The influence tovaterjed nature. You can even react, because when you help others, and the motives are good, always get more than they ever can give. Most people are sincerely grateful when another person felt it was special that I never tire of this thanks to detect. Others choose for your understanding! The ability to understand people's choice will ultimately depend. Some people are born with instincts developed, which allows them to others érzésvilágának thought and understanding. If you are not such, it can develop the ability to cooperate with others. Every man can possess the ability to understand, inspire, and ultimately manipulating others.
II. The building blocks of relationships
3. How to encourage others?
If we believe in people before they bizonyítanának, we find the key to their potential to stimulate them to reach their full potential. Everyone is happy to take your encouragement. Tossing the man, when we are depressed, and an incentive, when we feel discouraged. Encouragingly to Hass, the best must be assumed that the people and trust them to be fed. In fact, all the fruitful relationship of trust building and maintaining a vital, yet in short supply nowadays. Take a look at four of the following facts in relation to the trust.
a. Most people do not trust themselves.
b. Most people have no one who has the confidence in him.
c. Most people can tell when to trust it more.
d. Most people are doing anything that earned your trust.
How do we place our faith in the people?
If you're lucky, you can help and support growing up. As a result, there is pressure to believe in the people and give voice to your faith. However, not everyone has been given to the guardian felnevelkedés advantage. Most people must learn to have confidence in others. Other people try to justify the faith they apply to the proposals, which can be designed using the first letters of the word TRUST:
Trust, already a success before the people!
The winners will be everyone likes it. Easy for people to nurture trust, who are already proven. Much harder to believe is already in front of people before beigazolnák faith, but this is the key with which to incite them to reach their full potential in them. right the first time you must trust them, even before you become successful, sometimes even before you knew it before you take them to have confidence in themselves!
Life of certain players desperately want to believe in themselves, but they barely glimmer of hope. When you come into contact with them, remember the French hero of World War I, Marshal Ferdinand Fock the slogan: "There are no hopeless situations, only to have men and women who lost their hope." Every man in it lies the seed of greatness, but it may be that now just lies dormant. However, if you believe in humans, a core hose, and give him a chance to fuck Hop.
I'd rather put the emphasis on strengths-!
Many people wrongly imagine that the networking and influence to obtain "prestige" and should be still non rámutatniuk others. However, the positive way of building contacts in the opposite direction lies. The best method by which the people demonstrated faith in them confidence and encourage them if they focus attention on strengths. Both privately and publicly praise them for what they are doing well! Tell them how good prized qualities and skills! And whenever it has the chance to praise gratulációdat and their families and their close relatives in the presence of interpreting them, act like that!
Zengő past successes, praise!
Even if you emphasize the strengths of people, probably will also need further encouragement, which gave faith shown in them and encourage them. Kozmetikumcég founder of Mary Kay, Mary Kay Ash, the contractor gives this advice: "Everyone has an invisible label hanging around his neck, which reads to me made me feel that I'm important! Never forget this message when working with people! "This is one of the best way is to remind them of their achievements past.
David and Goliath story of her classic example of how the successes of the past can help people to trust themselves. You probably also remember the story of the Bible. A nine-foot-tall Philistine champion, Goliath by name stood in front of the army of Israel, every day for 40 days and taunted them and fired them to send a warrior who oppose him. The fortieth day, a young shepherd named David, is the front line to bring food to the army for Jewish brethren. While staying there, he witnessed the huge, challenges and seasoned kötekedéssel fitymáló hivalkodásának. David is so angry that he told King Saul: He wants to get the fight against the giant. Then, the following occurred:
Saul said to David: "You can not go against this Philistine to do battle with him, or because you're a child, youth detention and he was a man of war. And Saul answered David: Shepherd's father was a sheep of thy servant, in addition, and when he came to the lion and the bear, and took a lamb out of the saliva: I went after him and cut, and freed his mouth when he arose against me: therefore I took beard and cut off and killed him. Your servant and the lion and the bear was killed ... The Lord who delivered me from the hand of the lion and the bear, will deliver me from this Philistine hands as well. "
David back on past successes and future trust them with handmade actions. And when they defied the giant, of course, cut szálfaként decided yet, and David is just a stone and a sling used. And when he cut off Goliath's head, fellelkesítette example of his countrymen, Busted and the Philistine army.
Not everyone has the natural ability to estimate past successes, and draw confidence from them. Some people need help. If you can show others that performed well in the past, and are able to help them to realize that past victories paved the way for future success before, you will be able to effectively make a move. If past successes resonant, then helping others to believe in themselves.
-Give them confidence when they fail!
Heartened when the people were in them and trust, and you begin to believe that to succeed in life, you will soon come a critical crossroads. The first one - two times when you fail - and it's going to happen, because the failure is part of life - has two choices. Or backed out, or continuing.
Some are flexible and willing to even attempt to continue the success of the final order, if you do not see immediate progress. But others are not so purposeful. They crumble at the first sign of difficulty. To give them a boost and encourages them to continue to trust them to testify, even if mistakes and perform poorly.
One way is if you're a historical and spiritual nehézségeidről megrázkódtatásaidról talking about them. People sometimes think that if you are successful, then you surely always has been.
-Share your images with them for future success!
-Show them a new level of life!
4. How do I get in contact with people?
5. How can there be better observed in the other person?
III. The development of relations
6. How to build trust with others?
7. Which is the most important relationship?
8. How to serve and lead the people is at the same time?
Under construction! Go on!
B. Professional attitude and loser of the MLM business
Like any business, this business also has a professional attitude and mug.
The pros in the business think big from the beginning, and the first big moment üzletként treated. Learn a profitól not save your work, even when they are outside the comfort zone. They know that the harvest is always preceded by a seeding, and everyone would reap what you sown. A professional approach is successful, the seeds sown on the ground and working patiently with the hope that goodness will rain and then sunshine. The loser attitude that they want to reap that have neglected to put the right time.
The pros know that they can not, they are the company's professional student, so humble, grateful, and trained themselves. The mug everything they can, glass (brain) is full, do not open, and can not be taught.
The attitudes of professionals looking for the money, the loser of the attitude object.
I'll explain briefly, without explanation, because the explanations in detail in the gondolatébresztőimben find it,) what do otherwise is a professional, like a loser attitude. You decide which one you want to be? If you want to be a professional, an algorithm should be called a success megfutni and repeat often enough that large numbers are able to succeed in your business.
Senior sikerköre departure in brief:
1. Commit yourself for registration. (It's free, it is impossible or very difficult?)
2. Write down your goals! (If you are saved, you will not be able to be effective! Impossible or very difficult?)
3. Type in your telefonregiszteredből névlistádat! (50 -150 is, without any sort, do not lean instead! Phone, E-mail: It is impossible or very difficult?)
4. Call me over the phone three to four questions! Know that there will be half the igeneknek! (It is impossible or very difficult?)
5. The marketing plan (MT - t) keeps the sponsors. Listen to it, take notes and watch the reactions of the nominees. Do not let one person pulls the negatívitásával the rest! If you must, gently remove it! (It is impossible or very difficult?)
6. The meeting how to proceed (HTT) at the time agreed with the candidate, sponsor assistance. (It is impossible or just difficult?)
7. The n-HTT is to launch the new contestants! (It is impossible or very difficult?) And all the success here will close, and start again from the beginning!
This shop is different than we've already met. The store is easy, just people with and people are complicated!
I ask: Do you think what the real work of the MLM business?
For the short, succinct answer is this:
Everyone is just there and what you can, and there just does not like to do it, that part of the deal, which still is outside of that komfortzónáján!
A good long answer is much more complex:
I now own myself I noticed the following:
There is a challenge hierarchy. This hierarchy of legcsúcsán the phone and the opportunity to get acquainted with! I would much rather talk in person with two men recently, as 10 people on the phone call, that person 2-5 minutes talking persuading them to come to your marketing plan for public display. But what is the result? The 10 telefonhívásból is not a personal encounter between the two.
Someday, 18 years ago, I hated people talking. Highly introverted (inward), I was fixed on me and if anyone would have the question of standing up to speak in front of people, or die, probably would have chosen the latter. If you're making right now with this, I absolutely understand it.
July 1992, said the top of the first MLM business sponsors:
Tibor, a great deal if you want, then you have to stand in front of people talking. (Well, there just "is Sarts with myself." I? "Whoever, when two people talked to me and wanted to also say, has escaped?" I went home, felled by a carpet, ráültettem my dog, and I read to him many times (in my hand was shaking the paper) the marketing plan.
I came from here! Anyone who has read me now, then certainly a lot better or énemnél!
You will not get away with this marketing plan in the maintenance shop, best if you start immediately! The first marketingtervednek the aim is that you survive the second one is to survive the nominee. Relax! The third will go like clockwork. Or if you are so enthusiastic, that you can barely breathe, and marketing plan while keeping almost drown, then the candidate will enter. It also will enter, if you make a mistake in the marketing plan! Do not look for logic in this, because you can not find. Today on anyone tell you anything! Indeed, attention to the face and is shocked when, I enjoy it very much. The speech was one of great strength. I practiced and got better and better.
Why is the challenge to the hierarchy legcsúcsán phone? Mainly because I'm sorry for her money! You can feel sorry for her money! When you begin to make phone calls, and you do not know very well, strong and eager to talk about, somewhere around 80% of denials are. A Yes 20% - a rate which is already very good at it, then go up to 70%, but there will never be more, and this is about. half keep his word, and actually come. The other half forgets something comes up, or just want to shake off the "Yes", and not for a moment he thought seriously to come. This ratio insults you! It insults me to this day! But there's no better way than to call, as described in the papírodon goals, as described in 50 to 100 people in the name list papírodon, committed, strong and 101% enthusiasm. As long as two people can talk in person, during which time the 10 men invited to call you made.
Here's an invitation to the telephone, which works for me now:
1.Halló, XY-looking Sz.T. I am now, and here we met, remember me? (Answer, listen!)
2.Egy very important thing because I am calling, would be just 2 minutes to my phone?
3.Csak 3-4 to ask questions like: Do you think how many people use today, mobile phone, landline phone, Internet, electricity, gas? (Answer to everyone.)
4.Márciusban open market in Hungary is a multinational billion euros, the ACN képtelefonnal, telecommunication services, franchishe system can connect. It's like a tiny GSM lakásodról open shops, 5, at 20, 100, so imagine the process and the second month in passive income may be true, not only from the time when it reached the top. Have you heard of Donald and Robert Trumpról Kiyosakiról? They dollármilliárdosok American, they are in the background and this company offered. (Do not ask me to care about - this? "Of course I care about, since it is not stupid!)
5. Open or get more information? Since everyone is a visual type, this option is available in 1 hour in a professional way to present the Győr, Csaba Way 16 - in the restaurant next to Crystal. Whichever would be appropriate for you: On Tuesday afternoon, 5 or 4 in the afternoon on a Friday? (Do not ask me to come - this? "The question as to when, not whether it comes - this?)
So you see there now and then. Managed to enter the határidőnaplódba? Have a nice day!
When it comes, I bet, I present the szponzorodnak, who was built in front of the postulant! This is very important, and not the interests of the sponsor, but yours! (A blog about the second half of the 21 thought-provoking reads: This is based on the MLM If you want to be a professional, until you read this, as long as you dream about!)
Under construction! Go on!
C. John C. Maxwell: Mesternap (12 keys to successful agenda.)
Under construction!
THE WORLD WHY show the trends. The dynamic trend of the telecommunication now! Why you should pay special attention to this point?
1. Because everyone uses it!
2. For here and now in this you can connect! A 1 trillion dollar business is now included by ACN to connect with virtually no capital in the millions! If you have a reason, you will have 81.250-HUF for registration and 47.500 HUF for videotelefon, and almost unlimited possibilities for a monthly fee of 2.550 HUF businesses abroad, travel and telephone no. You realize that what it is about this offer? You really realize? I think not! If you would realize, you can hold your hand - broken leg for the opportunity to rush me, like a poisoned mouse! I'd rather work for 50 years? Your destiny and your life!
The FANTOM sponsor
The ACN is currently present in 23 countries, you can see their names on the Internet. Gradually open the possibility of the World. If your country has already opened up this opportunity, then what are you waiting for? Sign in for a sponsor, and go away. He observed that there is always NOW? Now is the best time to start! Manna expect God out of heaven? This is the biggest opportunity exists for everyone who is willing to change for a better life. I know you hate change. But do not you hate to stay poor? I do not like change. But the change is the only reason why we are in this Earth. God has entrusted us with this. Impossible for the holistic world created to develop, through the development of subsets of itself. God so that you can be proud of the greatest confidence that you put into you, or reject. This is your decision, and there are consequences.
Why are so incredibly bad news for MLM businesses? Why is it that when you hear that some MLM you stand up and go to the marketing plan?Everyone has encountered direktmarketinges people, mainly high-value products, vacuum cleaner, pots and disposals. The buyer, whether he said yes, even German, is almost always a very negative image remained for several reasons:1. Most cases, cold bidding technique by a man who does not know - so do not trust him - he came home with some kind of bait aggressively.2. Aggressively sold her a relatively expensive product, a relatively very short period of time pressed decision-making under pressure. There was no possibility of similar products price - value ratio for comparison, is sold to whom, is subconsciously aware that most likely indicted or tried to fool me.3.When someone in the direct marketer's efforts people watching, it is generally thought that he could not do this because he did not like that. Therefore, will be grateful to fate that he should not do this to people who are forcibly sell a product which does not want to buy. Develop an agent working hard for a lot of compassion, which is becoming increasingly difficult as time goes by german say. This was later followed by a kind of repentance: the man once again took advantage of a good heart.4. The extraordinary shopping usually upsets the family budget, and at worst a useless product, which should be getting in your way and just taking up space. However, it is almost impossible to sell, therefore, is often followed by remorse "purchases." Every time a customer gets in the way, this is almost always think: "How stupid I was, that I bought it."5. Although the moment of birth throughout the life of the sale (we learn by imitation and speaking, and sales are also the best.), No matter who we look at the point of view: we love to buy but hates to be sold to us.Much, much more is involved than a lumber sale or purchase: The whole fight is about the struggle for energy: where does the attention outward flow of mental energy. Since the energy of the known physical law that goes from positive to negative, all positive people than he would like to receive energy and to safeguard its own energy to the energy vampire.Although most people are consciously accept that Network Marketing is not direct marketing, like a lot of momentum due to the subconscious is always the attitude direktmarketinges (program) will be activated in the neural pathways for both sides.Since we never see the outside world is always perceived as the "offender".Why is it that when you hear is, "Be positive" then everyone who so asserts this in his own private outside mean? Because it - whether she is positive, the others are negative, they must change! And if they would change - of course we are not willing - it would be a sausage fence and in the meantime we have the right baseball bat until their respective csépelni negative bastard's head until it switches to positive.This style is direct marketing, the trader's style and habit. Now is your chance to bedaráljuk, now is your chance to open the wallet, the bastards have money just sitting on it, and if I sell it to him a mere half million allow vessels in stock, 30% of the beats immediately grasp how it is ? There is a shortage of everything, and if I can not sell it, then remains poor! This fear!Asserts that the MLM is not direct marketing, and we are not agents! Meanwhile, the body language communicates so loud that we preach water and drink wine while that of the candidate, if they eat here, its back - face away. Of course, we try to deceive certain speed and other bonuses, the money is talking about dense. If there are objections, then of course, he is a stupid bitch, fall on, to see if the business is not - because they are not stupid jugs are looking for - but in any event, it must be convinced that who is right, and such a stupid cunt, as he his place, because that is sensitive to our souls. I remember something: a poet named Ady Endre: A Hungarian fallow c. verse. I wonder who they talking about? Certainly not us, it was not even born then ...The activation of the artist gondolatvilágában direktmarketinges approach something like this:"The MLM was also only the sons of bitches errand to the megírjátok névlistátokat tereljétek and the people, and I will tell you the marketing plan. Wow, how much I work, they are just an excuse and do not take people, and if everyone would only be a man! Now it is time to stand up presentation on the others, do not always just me ... But you learn but the marketing plan, because if it does not say word - the word, as I, with okozol damage to the company and me. This is a professional company, you can not afford to hold talks under the standard of this one ... N. 21 - and talking about dreams you'd better forget it urgently because bepanaszollak the center, and you'll get locked up as the enemy of the people ... is way down the road ... We too, that the driver will take you one more time, then you definitely forget it. "Subconsciously communicate with 97%. (400 billion bits / sec. Information reaches the brain, of which 2000 bits / sec. Knowingly.) What do you think consciousness under the sponsorship? Beware of an agent in sight! Energiapajzzsal up! This energi vámpíre who make their living, it takes me the power! Since I can not defend against it, shame on the run, but useful. (A major experience in this, done this before many times before, because I did not understand what is going on here!)Imagine a love-linear scale. The origin 0 in love (fear) and it takes away from the infinity of love. Thus, we come closer to God. The polarity of love is not hate, but the lack of love, fear. The polarity of the light in darkness, nothing more than the absence of light.The world has the largest network marketing opportunity. Who is this is a true, authentic examples of Jesus of Nazareth. Product Name: Gospel = good news. Although the product is skewed and addled during the power system shows that nearly 2,000 years, this is the largest existing store in the world. The shop's founder, the Apostle Paul should not even be alive, happily working without it! Jesus himself worked. People used as mirrors to improve himself. Everyone is still working himself into the world and also in network marketing as well.ACN me the following message: If someone builds rapidly to an appropriate level, it will not be able to control its own country nor the Government nor the international economic situation. If you can train yourself to be entitled to 5 per year income is sufficient, through its investments to gain complete financial independence, then the ACN for the future will be no limit. Therefore unacceptable is when someone does not nourish the brain of every day CDs, books and meetings. Such a person writes on the wall: "I will eat tomorrow." Question: The brain is not hungry? The very big trouble!I, as a sponsor, a contract with the underwriters, who imports a network show. I promise him that he encouraged, and I will support. Hand in hand előbányászni help him in his dreams (which are mostly well-intentioned parents, or other dream was abducted by thieves, so long ago that you can not remember.) Together and accomplish. In order to help him realize his dreams, because I understood that Network Marketing is all about, that my dreams will be realized, if I helped enough people to achieve your dreams.If I make the mistake that critics only once for someone because they indulge my instinct to prove how stupid the other one, then sure, I re-activated direktmarketinges a bad habit. Network Marketing again left the track and direct marketing has changed my attitude, and do not even know about it. The subconscious is communicating, however, there are no boundaries, and everyone who hears it, the subconscious will know that a breach of the sponsorship agreement and a guy I'm vile. The tekintélyemet by others through the gift of confidence in me, that I used to take the other person's mental energy. That this ignorance, I disguised as constructive criticism, or jealousy, the unconscious fear of shortages Motivated by the matter in terms of confidence and replicate.The intention is to improve the expression of only one possible way of asking, because it is not hostile, and not offensive. Network Marketing in the sponsor's role in reassuring and encouraging professional personal trainer's role. The only thing why people commit people, the desire for love. To love and be loved, even more so to return to God here on Earth. All else is explanation. People, because people are coming out of the marketing plan, no trend in telecommunications, or due to oxidation. Search for the lost paradise, of which wound up making. Waiting for someone to back us there, and love fills the gaping void in our souls. And we hope that even in this life we find this man.We do not find it looking in the wrong place. Only need to look into the mirror and see. We'll see the man who leads us to the chaos! Who is love! Who can make us rich. Who can make us wiser. Do not look to the outside world, because we are! Quite close. The God in us, who are looking for. Only there you can find anywhere else!Constructive criticism does not exist! Always, all criticism is destructive! Those who criticize it for communicating, "I do not believe in you. I do not believe in myself. Such an idiot for wasting my time, like you. I do not know why. Probably the reason for the noble soul. The victim, what do you mean, entitles you to parancsolgassak. It will be good if csipkeded yourself, and try to meet me. Do not forget that you're not Sarts the wheel! Or I do what I say or do what I say! "You know someone who wants to copy? I do not! If you do not believe me, you can check out "The Secret" ("The Secret") c. movie again. If you still do not understand, then again and again and again ... Until then, look, until ... until you get a deeper understanding. I'm about. I 50x. I do not claim to understand the full depth. I am sure of one thing: all that is instinctive, fear and lack of offspring. The job is to love change. The furnaces we love this land. But just because we can give, which is within us. Love is the highest vibration, the maximum energy: There are two means to get to it:1.Vagy we reject - as the core - give it to someone else, and more vetésből price. Relying on internal strength, we believe in ourselves and in others. This is the path of love.2. We are constructive or judgmental of others kidnapped by masked, mental energy, free of charge. This leads to wars, to the exclusion, and incitement to hatred. This external force, the circumstances of the victim role journey. This is the way to fear.And now comes the hard part for me is: why do I always like my 18-year sponsors? Well, because of the 2011th by January I was such a sponsor. Like attracts like the principle (The Law of Attraction), the sponsors have helped me, I am reflecting that I may see and know myself. Everyone is master teacher, and the whole universe will help me learn about myself.So no one else in my right eye and put anything there is no reason to be angry with anyone. I have to be more grateful for the invaluable help önismeretemben everything and everyone.The computer said that if garbage goes in, garbage comes out of it! Here's the solution! Why everyone is responsible for the attitude. We need to stop the flow of inward sokszemét unlimited. Cut off the TV!
And to nurture our souls with positive thoughts! Not the solution that do not have time to do so, and then we eat tomorrow!
There is enough love. There is joy enough. We have enough of everything!
You choose. Fortunately, this is a wise universe.
Nothing is without consequences! Choose love!
1. Because everyone uses it!
2. For here and now in this you can connect! A 1 trillion dollar business is now included by ACN to connect with virtually no capital in the millions! If you have a reason, you will have 81.250-HUF for registration and 47.500 HUF for videotelefon, and almost unlimited possibilities for a monthly fee of 2.550 HUF businesses abroad, travel and telephone no. You realize that what it is about this offer? You really realize? I think not! If you would realize, you can hold your hand - broken leg for the opportunity to rush me, like a poisoned mouse! I'd rather work for 50 years? Your destiny and your life!
The FANTOM sponsor
The ACN is currently present in 23 countries, you can see their names on the Internet. Gradually open the possibility of the World. If your country has already opened up this opportunity, then what are you waiting for? Sign in for a sponsor, and go away. He observed that there is always NOW? Now is the best time to start! Manna expect God out of heaven? This is the biggest opportunity exists for everyone who is willing to change for a better life. I know you hate change. But do not you hate to stay poor? I do not like change. But the change is the only reason why we are in this Earth. God has entrusted us with this. Impossible for the holistic world created to develop, through the development of subsets of itself. God so that you can be proud of the greatest confidence that you put into you, or reject. This is your decision, and there are consequences.
Why are so incredibly bad news for MLM businesses? Why is it that when you hear that some MLM you stand up and go to the marketing plan?Everyone has encountered direktmarketinges people, mainly high-value products, vacuum cleaner, pots and disposals. The buyer, whether he said yes, even German, is almost always a very negative image remained for several reasons:1. Most cases, cold bidding technique by a man who does not know - so do not trust him - he came home with some kind of bait aggressively.2. Aggressively sold her a relatively expensive product, a relatively very short period of time pressed decision-making under pressure. There was no possibility of similar products price - value ratio for comparison, is sold to whom, is subconsciously aware that most likely indicted or tried to fool me.3.When someone in the direct marketer's efforts people watching, it is generally thought that he could not do this because he did not like that. Therefore, will be grateful to fate that he should not do this to people who are forcibly sell a product which does not want to buy. Develop an agent working hard for a lot of compassion, which is becoming increasingly difficult as time goes by german say. This was later followed by a kind of repentance: the man once again took advantage of a good heart.4. The extraordinary shopping usually upsets the family budget, and at worst a useless product, which should be getting in your way and just taking up space. However, it is almost impossible to sell, therefore, is often followed by remorse "purchases." Every time a customer gets in the way, this is almost always think: "How stupid I was, that I bought it."5. Although the moment of birth throughout the life of the sale (we learn by imitation and speaking, and sales are also the best.), No matter who we look at the point of view: we love to buy but hates to be sold to us.Much, much more is involved than a lumber sale or purchase: The whole fight is about the struggle for energy: where does the attention outward flow of mental energy. Since the energy of the known physical law that goes from positive to negative, all positive people than he would like to receive energy and to safeguard its own energy to the energy vampire.Although most people are consciously accept that Network Marketing is not direct marketing, like a lot of momentum due to the subconscious is always the attitude direktmarketinges (program) will be activated in the neural pathways for both sides.Since we never see the outside world is always perceived as the "offender".Why is it that when you hear is, "Be positive" then everyone who so asserts this in his own private outside mean? Because it - whether she is positive, the others are negative, they must change! And if they would change - of course we are not willing - it would be a sausage fence and in the meantime we have the right baseball bat until their respective csépelni negative bastard's head until it switches to positive.This style is direct marketing, the trader's style and habit. Now is your chance to bedaráljuk, now is your chance to open the wallet, the bastards have money just sitting on it, and if I sell it to him a mere half million allow vessels in stock, 30% of the beats immediately grasp how it is ? There is a shortage of everything, and if I can not sell it, then remains poor! This fear!Asserts that the MLM is not direct marketing, and we are not agents! Meanwhile, the body language communicates so loud that we preach water and drink wine while that of the candidate, if they eat here, its back - face away. Of course, we try to deceive certain speed and other bonuses, the money is talking about dense. If there are objections, then of course, he is a stupid bitch, fall on, to see if the business is not - because they are not stupid jugs are looking for - but in any event, it must be convinced that who is right, and such a stupid cunt, as he his place, because that is sensitive to our souls. I remember something: a poet named Ady Endre: A Hungarian fallow c. verse. I wonder who they talking about? Certainly not us, it was not even born then ...The activation of the artist gondolatvilágában direktmarketinges approach something like this:"The MLM was also only the sons of bitches errand to the megírjátok névlistátokat tereljétek and the people, and I will tell you the marketing plan. Wow, how much I work, they are just an excuse and do not take people, and if everyone would only be a man! Now it is time to stand up presentation on the others, do not always just me ... But you learn but the marketing plan, because if it does not say word - the word, as I, with okozol damage to the company and me. This is a professional company, you can not afford to hold talks under the standard of this one ... N. 21 - and talking about dreams you'd better forget it urgently because bepanaszollak the center, and you'll get locked up as the enemy of the people ... is way down the road ... We too, that the driver will take you one more time, then you definitely forget it. "Subconsciously communicate with 97%. (400 billion bits / sec. Information reaches the brain, of which 2000 bits / sec. Knowingly.) What do you think consciousness under the sponsorship? Beware of an agent in sight! Energiapajzzsal up! This energi vámpíre who make their living, it takes me the power! Since I can not defend against it, shame on the run, but useful. (A major experience in this, done this before many times before, because I did not understand what is going on here!)Imagine a love-linear scale. The origin 0 in love (fear) and it takes away from the infinity of love. Thus, we come closer to God. The polarity of love is not hate, but the lack of love, fear. The polarity of the light in darkness, nothing more than the absence of light.The world has the largest network marketing opportunity. Who is this is a true, authentic examples of Jesus of Nazareth. Product Name: Gospel = good news. Although the product is skewed and addled during the power system shows that nearly 2,000 years, this is the largest existing store in the world. The shop's founder, the Apostle Paul should not even be alive, happily working without it! Jesus himself worked. People used as mirrors to improve himself. Everyone is still working himself into the world and also in network marketing as well.ACN me the following message: If someone builds rapidly to an appropriate level, it will not be able to control its own country nor the Government nor the international economic situation. If you can train yourself to be entitled to 5 per year income is sufficient, through its investments to gain complete financial independence, then the ACN for the future will be no limit. Therefore unacceptable is when someone does not nourish the brain of every day CDs, books and meetings. Such a person writes on the wall: "I will eat tomorrow." Question: The brain is not hungry? The very big trouble!I, as a sponsor, a contract with the underwriters, who imports a network show. I promise him that he encouraged, and I will support. Hand in hand előbányászni help him in his dreams (which are mostly well-intentioned parents, or other dream was abducted by thieves, so long ago that you can not remember.) Together and accomplish. In order to help him realize his dreams, because I understood that Network Marketing is all about, that my dreams will be realized, if I helped enough people to achieve your dreams.If I make the mistake that critics only once for someone because they indulge my instinct to prove how stupid the other one, then sure, I re-activated direktmarketinges a bad habit. Network Marketing again left the track and direct marketing has changed my attitude, and do not even know about it. The subconscious is communicating, however, there are no boundaries, and everyone who hears it, the subconscious will know that a breach of the sponsorship agreement and a guy I'm vile. The tekintélyemet by others through the gift of confidence in me, that I used to take the other person's mental energy. That this ignorance, I disguised as constructive criticism, or jealousy, the unconscious fear of shortages Motivated by the matter in terms of confidence and replicate.The intention is to improve the expression of only one possible way of asking, because it is not hostile, and not offensive. Network Marketing in the sponsor's role in reassuring and encouraging professional personal trainer's role. The only thing why people commit people, the desire for love. To love and be loved, even more so to return to God here on Earth. All else is explanation. People, because people are coming out of the marketing plan, no trend in telecommunications, or due to oxidation. Search for the lost paradise, of which wound up making. Waiting for someone to back us there, and love fills the gaping void in our souls. And we hope that even in this life we find this man.We do not find it looking in the wrong place. Only need to look into the mirror and see. We'll see the man who leads us to the chaos! Who is love! Who can make us rich. Who can make us wiser. Do not look to the outside world, because we are! Quite close. The God in us, who are looking for. Only there you can find anywhere else!Constructive criticism does not exist! Always, all criticism is destructive! Those who criticize it for communicating, "I do not believe in you. I do not believe in myself. Such an idiot for wasting my time, like you. I do not know why. Probably the reason for the noble soul. The victim, what do you mean, entitles you to parancsolgassak. It will be good if csipkeded yourself, and try to meet me. Do not forget that you're not Sarts the wheel! Or I do what I say or do what I say! "You know someone who wants to copy? I do not! If you do not believe me, you can check out "The Secret" ("The Secret") c. movie again. If you still do not understand, then again and again and again ... Until then, look, until ... until you get a deeper understanding. I'm about. I 50x. I do not claim to understand the full depth. I am sure of one thing: all that is instinctive, fear and lack of offspring. The job is to love change. The furnaces we love this land. But just because we can give, which is within us. Love is the highest vibration, the maximum energy: There are two means to get to it:1.Vagy we reject - as the core - give it to someone else, and more vetésből price. Relying on internal strength, we believe in ourselves and in others. This is the path of love.2. We are constructive or judgmental of others kidnapped by masked, mental energy, free of charge. This leads to wars, to the exclusion, and incitement to hatred. This external force, the circumstances of the victim role journey. This is the way to fear.And now comes the hard part for me is: why do I always like my 18-year sponsors? Well, because of the 2011th by January I was such a sponsor. Like attracts like the principle (The Law of Attraction), the sponsors have helped me, I am reflecting that I may see and know myself. Everyone is master teacher, and the whole universe will help me learn about myself.So no one else in my right eye and put anything there is no reason to be angry with anyone. I have to be more grateful for the invaluable help önismeretemben everything and everyone.The computer said that if garbage goes in, garbage comes out of it! Here's the solution! Why everyone is responsible for the attitude. We need to stop the flow of inward sokszemét unlimited. Cut off the TV!
And to nurture our souls with positive thoughts! Not the solution that do not have time to do so, and then we eat tomorrow!
There is enough love. There is joy enough. We have enough of everything!
You choose. Fortunately, this is a wise universe.
Nothing is without consequences! Choose love!
If you live far away from me, maybe even speak different languages, can I be your FANTOM sponsors. You certainly think that if the sponsor is not handy, then this disadvantage. Let me assure that this is the biggest advantage of the existing MLM businesses abroad. The man in your sponsor as see the first always be as you promoted: If you are great, you have a great sponsor for a while, and then realize that he is "man" is full of errors. And you'll realize this, except if you do not see it. Will be set up as as the greatest man on this earth. And will remain, because if you meet very rarely, and embellishes the solemn do everything.
Human errors and the sponsors do not destroy what you built. (As it happened a few times I have.) Think about it my friend: You have more than enough to cope with their own song, EGO, EGO, or the sponsors want to have to fight, lay? Because he's got, you can be sure! Which do you want? If you want to build up a gigantic business with ACN, the largest to the existing support this blog, and sponsor of a phantom, who is only guided by the interests of their own selfish good to say, (all copied it, too.) Sky's the limit and no limit on the their own fantasies. He certainly does not take off her energy "building -" and "good intentions" criticism.
Since my birth I'm autonomous, and I'm always criticism. Sometimes it pulls me full of energy "constructive intention" to look only for one week out of my head.
Since my birth I'm autonomous, and I'm always criticism. Sometimes it pulls me full of energy "constructive intention" to look only for one week out of my head.
And I find your true friends, and try to be good to be with whom. (I know that there is very little!) You will have more true friends, if one of the most important goal is that you become a true friend! You know, everything is copied into your subconscious level.
The following questions would add: Is there any reason why not join me?
ACN registration number: 6400000126 GYT99KFT, Szabadi Tibor Gyula
Contact information: Flat: Győr. Tel: 06304847121, Skype: szabaditibor7 E-mail: szabaditibor@gmail.com, blog: http://tibor7.blogspot.com
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