- First: Tibor gondolatébresztői
- Second: Tibor's provoking-though...)
On Management
"The true measure of leadership influence - nothing more and nothing less."
"When the real leader speaks, people listen to him."
"A leader is like the urine. If you prove to yourself that, it's not." John Maxwell.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AL8kFU_QktU&feature=player_embedded # t = 43
I.The driving ABCD,
II. The "meek doves"
III. Squirrel - spilit, beaver - method, gift of the goose.
IV. John Maxwell: The Success Journey
I.The ABCD driving ... (Dr. John C. Maxwell peg)
There is no undertaking to driving without grow. In conclusion: The only real advantage of the leadership, an organization which has over the other in a competitive society.
1.The LEADERS Attractive (principle: a manager of people attractive, as we ourselves, who do not want to!)
COMMAND =-impact, (the leaders to attract people!)
What they see of people, determines the attraction or repulsion. Smile, pleasing appearance is important.
Those friendships, for instance,. csapatjátékoknál to evolve, often kept for a lifetime, and one of the greatest achievements in the sport expect.
3.QUANTITY the leaders who attract OTHERS, confidence is!
(The people are unsure!)
The driver must be able to know and be able to tell others, no doubt, to know the answer.
4.The Manager inspires! (Which is attractive to them is that they want to entertain!)
"I want to entertain. The entertainment pleasure born, makes the pleasure to participate, participation, attracts attention, the focus expands awareness, develop awareness of the insight, knowledge born of the vision, the knowledge will facilitate the actions, and the results have been attracted to. "
How to live their lives off the people who elected the boredom?
5.The AZERI LEADERS attractive because they have the ability to encourage others to, kept alive by hope. (Less boast ... more praise! ")
"I've never seen people who have really done a good job, if not encouraged, encouragement, enthusiasm and recognition of those who work." (Charles Schwab)
PEOPLE 6.AZ of significant things he wants around them.
"History is not on prominent personalities have been raised, what they gained, but what they sacrificed their lives." (John C. Maxwell)
CONTACT OFFICERS 7.A character. (Radiate warmth.) Tízméteres the rule: "If tízméteres interact with a customer, smile and say hello." (Wal Mart)
8.The LEADERS provide hope for. "The hope of any change of the base." (John Maxwell)
"There is no hope, did not." (Peter Levi)
9.A VISION driver is able to show you! The discontent and discouragement is not the lack of things, but the lack of foresight. "
10A charismatic personality LEADERS
"The wonderful ability with which they induce others to adopt our views and represent the levels of elevates the whole team." (Fortune Magazine '96 .01.15.)
How to attract people?
1.Attraktive look. 1 2 3 4 5
2.Community - where people belong. 1 2 3 4 5
3. Trust - People feel safe with me. 1 2 3 4 5
4.Enthusiasm - Good to be with me. 1 2 3 4 5
5.Encouragement - Others are also more inclined to feel good themselves. 1 2 3 4 5
6.Importance - I'm giving you a value for the others. 1 2 3 4 5
7.Vontact capabilities. 1 2 3 4 5
8.Hope - give hope to others. 1 2 3 4 5
9. Vision - the people can see, it's worth to the team csatlak.1 2 3 4 5
10.Charizma - People are attracted to me. 1 2 3 4 5
-A trust in the SENIOR PEOPLE
Lou Holtz motivational film rögbi trainer:
Do what you think is good, do everything, treat others as you would like to deal with you, because they ask you three questions. "
A: trust in you?
Two: do you believe it?
And three: like people, care about me?
What people believe:
1. Most people do not believe in himself.
Do not hold back on what you are, but rather, is what is not.
Psychologists say that if you are asked to write down the strengths, then four, five, or more than you describe. If the weakness to be described, then the list twice - three times as long will be.
2. Most humans believe in a few (or no one believes them.)
"The prison population of more than ninety percent of childhood, they said that prison will be carried out."
3. Most people recognize if someone believes in him.
So go ahead, give careful consideration to the possibilities.
Many of the leaders is to his people by the higher its assessment.
A good leader is to evaluate the higher people themselves.
4. Most people will do its utmost to win, the leading insurers in the faith.
The leaders believe in people. "I believe in you." If someone says, and the same body language can communicate a huge difference to our lives.
If someone really believes in us, and feel this, it takes us a whole new level.
LEADERS of established links (connected to the people.)
ORIGINATOR! The leaders should adhere to the people. They are like a locomotive, the cars visszatolatnak, (people) for themselves and relate them. It is always the responsibility of leadership, never followers! Mozdonyszerű are leaders who visszatolatnak, and collide with people. (Well, it's pretty whack, eh?)
There are leaders who have no connection to their employees, and have no connection to their customers either. And there are leaders who have never been taught how to avoid contact.
CONTACT SKILLS is for those who radiates warmth. LEADERS of established links! Three different parts of the accession process. Until then, people did not even try to drive until you have built up 3-way relationship. (1st themselves, task 2, 3 and others, most recently, when the first two have already built up prior to this relationship!) Three linear relationship should be. Partnership target + + = high-productivity relationship.
John Maxwell says it is an example of her own life, from the period starting when Pastor was: When I got there in the congregation, which became senior pastor of twenties, he knew that the result will not be achieved until there is a relationship with people. Therefore, the first year, made no attempt to achieve results. Relationship created in the first year.
Relationship with ourselves:
"We should not lead others until we can not keep." Harry Truman
There is a saying in the character to. This is the foundation stone on which to build from, if you want to win respect for ourselves. Just as a building can not be a weak foundation, you can build a lasting respect for either a weak character. Character without any effort to to gain dignity, unnecessary, and certainly disappointing.
Relationship with others
Big mistake that many leaders believe that the responsibility of following the Contacts when actually driving.
How to create connection
1.The Chief of the people.
3.SEEK TO, they have in common.
The 101% principle: Find the first 1%, which we agree, and add to our efforts 100%.
Conflict: first, to focus on which we agree.
4.UNDESTAND and discovers people have different temperament (sanguine, choleric, melancholic, phlegmatic, and the extrovert and introvert)
Most of our behavior is not good or bad, this perspective is the question. What you see is not based on what is happening, but that what we are. What people hear, the látásmódjukon based.
Related to the irascible power.
The gently melancholic nearby.
Confidently associated with the phlegmatic.
Related to the sanguine enthusiasm.
In other words, all the different personality types can genuinely connect.
5.DISCOVER the human talents and abilities.
90% of the misunderstanding stems from the lack of understanding.
6.TREAT WELL ourselves differently than others.
USE ourselves, our brains
- USE our hearts to others.
Who is my view?
If something else takes too long, the slow, if I, the thoroughness.
If nothing else to do it, the lazy, if I do not do it, I'm busy.
If someone else does something, I have not told him, exceeded its powers when I say the initiative.
If nothing else holds a courtesy rule, the rough, if I Pass one - two, I'm original.
If someone else gets recognition, the selectivity, if I, the reward of the good work.
7. Find the key man life!
Everyone there is a key. Once there, a fair use. Used to help you avoid that harm. Turn to his benefit, not ours! Only you can turn your own handy if you get her permission.
Use his interest in the power that a leader at our disposal!
PEOPLE UNDER THE 8.ÁLLJUNK difficult times.
"Any leader who is connected with the people in hard times, remains in contact with them forever."
9. Do not believe unconditionally OTHERS
You can buy people's time, even stayed in, but not enthusiasm, loyalty ..., hearts, heads or souls commitment to buy.
The human heart can not be bought and loyalty! Must be earned THEM!
Always build a relationship! The relations effort is still needed. The leader gives the driver of the originator.
-Management levels: 1 The appointed leader, 2 Who are followers. 3. Those who are to follow leaders whose followers are. 4. Those who are to follow leaders, leaders who form a fifth A leader who is committed to executives who were the LEADING constitutes hoping that someday he too was concerned.
II.The "meek doves"
The terrace is an approx. 2 m3 - galambketrec and consists of 6 pigeons. Previously, 8 - n, but they were two of them in an unguarded moment the door is opened to the freedom of choice. Could not they just shut up, disappeared, left the rest. It looks like that 3 male and 3 female, so the ratio is healthy (the pigeons are monogamous.)Being a beautiful April afternoon, I sat in the hammock to read. The cage is in the middle of a large pot containing potting, and a withered weed and a half feet high. The weed often branches fluttering pigeons. A pair of nesting sites chosen base of the weed. The female is now sitting on two eggs. The next match. While there reading - odalestem, and soon noticed that there is a hierarchy among the pigeons: a pair of nesting males, whenever another dove flew to the feeding troughs, quickly jumped, and drove away. Csendőrködött constantly, even not only expelled the rest, but it was one of them, which is persecuted, stung, and flapped its wings, and the refugees. I've had the unfortunate half-bald, and very thin. Appalled by this very noble igazságérzettől guided by a thin stick through the bars several times thoroughly eltángáltam csendőrködő the males, but the situation has not changed anything. Then I opened the cage door, I caught the aggressive bird, I got into my hand, raised the number several times, if you wanted to get it. The pair had watched all this, sitting on two eggs and steadily.Back on the bird, the pair sat down next to the tile. Another male, the biggest surprise, attacked and started beating his beak, and this allowed himself to be. Interfered with the stick again, and this eltángáltam aggressive males as well. I felt the confusion caused by the failed coup in birds. And suddenly I realized: the struggle for absolute control over food sources were limited. The little birds are aware of outsourced food, "running out of food, to fight for it" command is activated. Won first place in the hierarchy of unlimited control over the food, that is guaranteed to stay alive in the birds.Once clarity has been gained in my mind, I put a full feeder, and the seeds were scattered in several places. The battle between the birds immediately ceased all calmed down. Aggressiveness is no trace left.The obvious lesson of the case. The birds - and also most of the people - they see the deficit as a result of internal vision. When anyone sees the deficit, the war breaks out for control of resources. The battle of the aggressive party megrendszabályozásával not be released, because it is misunderstood. Aggressive new pretender to come along and try to take power. If it is megrendszabályozzuk, lack of understanding in force in the organization.
The vision deficit should be eliminated. Must be replaced by Abundance eyesight.
The outsourcing of feeding birds is more feasible. The man has a voice, plus the possibility of ambiguous communication. In humans, this gives the following options:
"Together we cry together, laugh together, we dream."
III.Mókusszellem, hódmódszer, gift of the goose. Go!
All human activity to the general principles of management in an illustrative and above average, lasting bevésődésének formulation.
Caution: It is difficult to play the game that we do not know the rules!
(OR: Sometimes the "I"-ed, sometimes called the "sponsor", and both are most often the biggest obstacle to your success. Because everything is copied, often subconscious level.)
(An Indian Longclaw Charles Andrew (1940-1994) teaching of what we can learn from the animals. Ken Blanchard - Sheldon Bowles, Peggy Sinclair and following.)
"When the student is ready the teacher appears"
1.Mókusszellem: Meaningful work.
The deszkaetető was a tree stump at the top. The squirrels előrajzottak of the woods, crossed the lawn and felpattantak the feeding troughs. Teligyömöszölték pofazacskójukat a sunflower seed, then, uzsgyi! - Iszkoltak back often. Starting to measure the time, and found that an average of 3 minutes and fifty seconds to make a pass. Roughly sixteen hours of driving. The feeder was mounted so that the succession automatically sent through a tube placed above, with seed-filled container.
The question is: Why are working diligently to squirrels? Motivated because it hard if you do not accumulate enough food, you will not survive through the winter.
The forest mókusszellem God's plan to meet.
Squirrels work hard because they see meaning in their work. This also affects humans.
Meaningful, more than important, but important start. How can something be a fontosnál important? The intelligent does not mean that the main fontosnál. Only covers a larger area. Three lessons here: First, that work is considered important. Secondly, it is well understood and should lead to a common goal. Thirdly, some kind of value systems that must guide every plan, decision and action. These three work together, a meaningful result. In short, this mókusszellem. However, as I said, all the important start. If you want people to hajrázzanak, mókusszellemben work, then first you must explain to them why they are needed. Why become a better place in the world of jobs. People need to understand how it can contribute to the prosperity of mankind, how to leave their mark on the forest ösvényükön.
All depends on the understanding, rather than the work itself. Almost any kind of work, identify and critical, both to improve the world. Everyone is really needed, but people do not realize how it fit into the overall picture. We must learn to see how they helped others, what we did. Everyone is an important component of a chain, which gives pleasure to other people's lives and content. What a wonderful blessing to be given to another human being! Work in almost any social value.
As soon as they begin to clearly see their work, great things happen. In fact, one of the most powerful human emotions are talking about, which is a row of love and hatred. This is the self-esteem. In order to feel good in our skin, is one of the surest way to understand how our work fits into the overall picture. We live with ourselves if in agreement, surely the starting point of the hajrázás.
Two types of target are required:
- First eredménycél, ie, to determine what you want to achieve - whether workpiece, presentation, or delivery of something to sell, or any other.
- Értékcél On the other hand, is to determine what impact do we want our team members, customers, our suppliers, or the public.
The goals for the future milestones field, current place of residence, and the desired point. Effectively focus their attention.
Whence it comes from the value system? The team, or driving?
Both, but rather the values of leadership competence as a goal-setting. The goals there are a few crucial. Szőröstül the values - the skin. The goal may be negotiable, afford it. Not always the direct route is the shortest. Értékrendnél the other one does not exist, only the straight path. The driver must insist that everyone follow the straight path.
The values of the organization hajrázó real boss. Directs behavior, and not there to terelgessünk with others. A senior policeman is not. However, we must ensure the organization's internal unity, so that everyone is the same "zsoltároskönyvből" sing. For our values not be imposed onto it to others rather than goals, but their adaptation is yes. Who has no respect for our values, go somewhere else to work! not detain anyone who is not in our eredménycéljainkért work. So why tartóztatnánk it, who does not underestimate our values?
Mókusszellem (Összefoglalás.)
Meaningful work
1. We know that we make a better world.
- This depends on understanding, rather than the work itself.
- Not completed units are counted, but how to help others, what we do.
- Result: self-esteem - a feeling that one line is the strength of love and hatred.
2. Everyone is working towards a common goal.
- The goal is not sufficiently pronounced to be embrace. Support you get when you wake confidence and the team members placed in the foreground.
- The leaders of the crucial objectives will be pursued, and the rest of the team. (For most people support it, which helped to create.)
- The goals for the future milestones of your location and the current terrain to reach the desired point. Effectively focus their attention.
3. Guided by the values of all plan, decision and action.
- The goal of the next part of the MAE values. The goal unfurled, the values lived. The objectives vary, the values rock, which is built. The aim of the momentum of the people, while maintaining the values of the effort.
- The fair values can only be content to win if we give her own testimony cselekedeteinkkel, and with the way we insist that others will act accordingly.
- The body of values hajrázó the real boss.
2.Hódmódszer: Hand-held ambition
The rain has completely filled the riverbed, the water flooded the coastal base of trees, the trail was washed away in places. On the other side was a mature tree, 3m height of a job, which made it possible makeshift ladder of ascent. The height of a perfect view of the open logs, twigs, mud made hódgátra, damaged by the heavy rain. The water átbukott a four - five-foot stretch of which have broken off half a meter in the upper layer, but here - there is a new tree branches attached to it.
Shiny brown water came from the Lake furry head tükréből and rippled the surface, revealing behind it, moved forward as a beaver. Three other heads also emerged. The beavers szorgoskodtak tirelessly, as was previously the Chipmunks. (A mókusszellem hajrázáshoz lead when hódmódszerrel others.) Fortunately, the water swelled a lot of wood can be easily made available. These körberágták, kidöntötték - while quite a noise erupted - and then corrected gátszakaszhoz float. A branch of the teeth were included, and then busted, or pulled the logs to the appropriate location ékeljék barricade. The current one - twice seized and a hard-earned tovasodort tree trunk, but the Beavers certainly have hozzáedződtek for this inconvenience, because it started without hesitation utánpótlásért. The hódmódszer answer to the question of who commands here? Some kind of boss? It was not possible, which animal is the leader. Half an hour of contemplation, even after I became smarter. Remained a mystery exactly what systems are working. As soon as I thought it was clear the relationship, they immediately changed the lineup.
- Sorry, I gave up finally, I have no idea. I do not see any of them as directed.
- If no one manages to be all of us know what to do next and how to implement?
- I think on their own - hazarded.
- You bet!
Hódmódszer = Hand-held ambition.
- Each beaver largely controls the fate of their own. Their own decisions about how to carry out the work. Acting as a self-employed.
- If everyone mókusszellem buzog, but the leadership in pushing its own vision of the workers, the organization will not hajrázni. The leadership is not a solution likely to respond that the employees like it, Amazon is not going to give a good performance. moreover, he probably would be better solutions. Much better.
Nothing can be faster than the continuation hajrázást than the narrow-minded, malicious or perhaps driving a megtépázza the workers' self-esteem, and körömszakadtáig insists on its own solutions. The beavers are not cultivated from architectural wonders that another beaver parancsolgat them. Each of them is determined by how it improves the barrier. Smaller branches are taken when you're there, you can do so. Acting as their sole discretion. It is important to understand that these beavers are acting a certain thing, it was decided. Rather than because they were directed to it. The hódmódszer means that the team members on the task and the responsibility to decide how to strive towards the goal. The good work carried out in a good way.
- So what's the responsibility of leadership?
- Any real manager's job: to tell subordinates to give their work a sense of what it is: Specifies the direction to be followed. Ensure that the team would "embrace the goal. Will help to create values. Előteremti the necessary resources. Takes care of the controllers. Provides for the operation of the organization's external - internal support. Mindful of the future target is to remove the obstacles and is ready to iránymódosításra. As the team is concerned, let them work, who actually performed the work.
- The driver of the job to know which way to run the organization. The team members are to carry out the work required to get there. The basic goals and values to designate the playing field and gives the rules of the game. Decide what kind of post play. After it leaves the track, and let the players guide the ball. The goals and values partjelzők sort. The players must know that until the rules are complied with, within the limits imposed wherever you go. And I also need to know that until the ball is in play, the coach is absent from the track. If you want to sell control of his men's hands, it can also be given the freedom to live with him, and freedom, if anything, you know exactly how much leeway. They know how far you can go without than half of the field would be, but are also well aware that the sponsor would not intervene, not to seize control of himself.
- When you tell the people how far you go, you can sponsor it really shows how far he will go. Images of the Great Spirit created the beavers minds about what a perfect barrier, giving them a stream and some trees, then gave them the rest.
- It will not be in this mess?
- A man is much better to communicate and cooperate to achieve the objectives is much better than the other species is unique. The sponsor's job difficult. Főnökösködés without the hard drive thing. But the team members is even more difficult. Although most people want more autonomy, and in time to respond, but hard to change things. The current situation might not like them, but they know how to prosper in it. The old, familiar problems more comfortable than the new ones are not known.
The hódmódszer: hódtervét meet your God.
The mókusszellem and hódmódszer:
- The first of the society, while the latter meet the needs of the individual. The hódmódszer the individual to the organization describes the relationship. As soon as we know it, it becomes clear to the other side of things, the organization is its relationship to the individual.
- That?
- How to treat one another as the Beavers?
- Quite properly. I have not seen that marakodnának like squirrels. The squirrels would think judging by the behavior of the people that do not have enough seeds to all of them.
- A bossy boss only worse, when everyone comes főnökségre.
- And what do I see more? Beleártják themselves to each other in the work of beavers?
- No. If one places a branch, the others are not hurt.
- Another good observation. The beavers are respected each other. Lose control if we do anything, someone threatening to disrupt it. The good and the Beavers did not hide themselves from tree trunks. We all have access to the necessary work and material is accurate, complete, minutes away from everything they have information ready. There are no secrets. The organization must support us, if directed to our own work. Well this one issue.
Who actually managed an organization of their work, which estimates the individuality. Respects, hear their thoughts, feelings, needs and dreams, and to act accordingly. The hódmódszer both sides determined the relationship between individual and organization. Controlled by the individual on the one hand, holding the efforts towards the target. Moreover, the organization allows it, encourages individuals to do so. And if that happens, respect, listen to their thoughts, feelings, needs and dreams, and to act accordingly. You need to do to appreciate the individuality of the subjects. By grabbed the point.
This one might even say that this is actually the golden rules of moral leadership.
In contrast, the old management principle is: "He who has the gold, the creator of the rule. (Most of the chief sponsor and then you saddle yourself if legyűrhet others.)
- So far, the two sides talked hódmódszer, when in fact they are three. Triangle rather than medal to compare. The third side is that the hódoknak a work which can be carried out. Barrier built of wood and clay. Nothing is arrived at, if we expect them to erect concrete walls. The work done hódmódszer assumed. Would gain nothing if you expect them to erect concrete walls. The work done hódmódszer assumed. To give people a job, which can be carried out. We can not expect them to be sober at the top of the scale or perform at the level of qualifications.
- It's understandable.
- There are two perceived norm. Sometimes this expectation is too high. Sometimes the opposite. The latter is the worst. If you put the bar too low, we are not happy with the people. Rather, they are breached.
- I thought it was like to hang.
- Ostensibly so, but do not think it honestly felt that way. Nothing can undermine self-esteem faster than the knowledge that the parasite system. Humble people, not for payment to be fairly decent if you earn. This can not be easily forgiven.
- Interesting. I remember my father told me that good feeling, if you pay tax honesty. Never, no one else I have not heard yet, it feels good, and true. Always taken pride that I consent to the taxpayers of the public good.
- Nothing can humiliate you more than if you get something for nothing. The same applies to if you do not allow people to contribute to the performance capabilities under a common goal. The same goes for skills. Whenever a job waiting for the people, which was not them, to prevent hajrázást.
- Then what is the right solution? The golden mean?
- The important thing is that you do not want too much too soon. If you simply ask people, they can easily be fulfilled, it does not provide them the joy of a job well done, which is necessary hajrázáshoz. We must induce them to megerőltessék themselves. Give them a job that demands the best of their abilities, allows you to learn, go so far uncharted territory.
Hódmódszer (Összefoglalás.)
1. The playing field is clearly designated.
The goals and values, identify the playing field and provide the rules of the game.
- The leader will decide what kind of post play, and then leaves the tide, and allow the players to guide the ball. The coach (sponsor) is not always a hoot, and not a running on the track!
- The freedom of control stems from the fact, if you - who knows exactly how big a margin.
2. The thoughts, feelings, needs and dreams to be heard, respected, and they act in accordance.
- Only you can control with, if the organization is supported by the rest of us, not attack us, not disheveled apart our work.
- The golden rules of management to appreciate the individuality of the subjects.
- A well értesültség usher in power. Everyone is free to require access to all data. Hajlandóknak Managers must be able to control the releasing of their hands, which they tried to grab the whole past lives. Főnökösködés hard thing to be without a boss.
3. Possible, but challenging task.
- The production does not exceed the expectations of the level of skills and abilities, but the requirement is too low degrading.
- Nothing can undermine self-esteem faster than the knowledge that parasites in the system, rather than contribute. Humble people, if you do not have to earn fairly decent for payment.
- The hajrázás compels people to megerőltessék themselves, demanding the best of their abilities, this allows you to learn, and so far uncharted enter the area.
3. The gift of geese
The cane - and could keep an eye on the hidden gyékényszálak between work GEESE, all of which are hanging ropes, small weights are fixed.
- Much more than the geese, like a squirrel, or beaver, geese, and the gift of all - around everywhere perceptible.
- Right now, too?
- You bet! The goose gives the gift of enthusiasm mókusszellemhez and hódmódszerhez.
Enthusiasm! The mere idea that can assure the hajrázáshoz enthusiasm, careful study has already led to the geese. Large V shape flew through the overhead is much lower than the former. The geese have noticed csalimadarainkat because it turned once again and they passed over us, before továbbvonultak.
Why not descended?
The geese, some protest, they turned to us again. This time is directly descended. It seemed that they not be bothered, but when I changed my posture, were frightened. Twinkle under a wing, and when lifted up, shame they all began to cackle. Clamor of a rock concert is reached.
- What a riot!
- Maybe noisy, but it is important to say to us. Surpass the squirrels and the hódokon.
- More noise than on the highway, during rush hour.
- The gift of geese. However, nothing I could start. - Well, this is what it is for a gaggle? Who gaggle of geese?
- Really, who also gaggle? Each other?
- That's right! Gaggle, and why?
Wondered. I thought küldözgetnek messages to each other, but now I know my friend will ask what kind of messages. The squirrels makogva powder with the world. The beavers farkcsapással warned of the danger.
The next ten minutes more lúdcsapat also flew out. I saw a while as if everyone and everything csacsognának squirrels, geese, these conversations with each other strongly. In addition, a gaggle was rapid, warning that it was not possible, such as beavers farkcsapása.
The warning followed a change, but the geese stayed about the same behavior. Gágogással csalimadarainkat there was deafening, but it was just getting off the tube.
I also noticed that from time to time vezérgúnár lagging, and a new bird is a flying wedge head. But it seemed that this is no context hangoskodással.
- Are you sure you communicate something, but no warning, and not in leadership in the business.
- What is the opposite of a warning?
- Is that all right?
- Even better. What is all the more better?
- That all great? Amazing? Delusional?
- Of course. Rejoice at each other. Listen!
They listened, and I had to give him the truth. the geese have been encouraged and inspired each other. Played football in high school, he immediately got to know the cheering. This is a gaggle, lelkesítésnek indeed, exhortation sounded.
The gift of geese: LINKED exhortation.
I sat stunned. how easy it is! What is obvious, impressive, impressive.
If you really start to urge people to encourage them ... If ... If you really go about and tell them how great they do ...
I left unspoken conclusion. I could not find words to describe what I wanted to say.
- You are right. The mókusszellem hódmódszer and sparks. The goose is a gift, like a flash fire loccsantana gasoline. When people discover the power of goose gift, nothing can stop them any more. It sounds simple, but it takes time until we understand the inherent wisdom. Must be some sparks, before the goose gift fellobbantjuk the flames. In addition, out here you can learn directly from the ludaktól. This lesson will never forget.
- These birds are omnivorous in their hundreds of kilometers. Wonder Of The World really lively. And encouraged each other constantly on the go.
- As long as the bags were collected from the bait GEESE, later observed flying wedge, and even a discovery I made.
- They both gaggle of geese. Vezérgúnár not only, but all the geese. Eh, not only should encourage the management team? We all buzdíthatjuk each other.
- Of course. The goose gift for everyone.
The gift of God's gift of geese, which have given each other.
- I understand now why he said that enthusiasm gives the gift of the goose and the mókusszellemhez hódmódszerhez.
- This should be achieved on a mission. Those who go ahead to véghezvigyenek something that they believe in the value and significance, namely the good work, they should contribute a good way to work. Faith is the correct method and results of mission together. The motive is to fulfill the mission of the people the real causes of the ground work. Need to be met. He rewarded them to satisfying this need. The hajrázók good job, a good way, an appropriate reward. My grandfather used to say: "If there is no scoring, no match."
- If there is no scoring, no match?
- In perhaps the most sports organizations hajrázó all, but imagine a basketball - games in which no one can count the points and the audience did not cheer.
- Can be pretty bleak.
- The bomb. The professional athletes come into the arena money, would not the same, and it is important to understand this. People are rewarded in two ways, and both are important. The first is economic, the other is the moral recognition. The forge, and the resultant recognition and enthusiasm.
- That sounds good.
- In addition, it is true. Do not forget: the financial and moral recognition is equally important, but the material in advance. Must be met in respect of the financial needs of food, clothing, and so on, before praising the spirit of táplálnánk.
- Take any praise?
- Good question. We need to honestly praise. The praise just confirmation that the man who is to count the presence and to properly correct the work done will contribute significantly to fulfill the common mission. Mókusszellem, hódmódszer.
- What if I simply can not find dicsérnivalót?
- Another good question. First, there's always something. But the search must exercise positive moments, and it is not easy. The traditional management practice, is to conclude nothing for it. Secondly, if you just can not praise someone, it is still buzdíthatjuk. The encouraging words indicate that we believe in their abilities, recognition of which has already praised them.
- Why people are so focused on the recognition of the material? Most people did not talk about something else almost. Have never met anyone who has been on strike for recognition, more moral.
- You are quite right, people do not like to admit it, a lot of work behind the moral problem of recognition, mainly lies in the lack of respect. Yet strangely exert if mászkálnánk plate, which we ask for confirmation to count the presence and valuable contribution to our common goal. So the money has mércévé. Can easily be held accountable and comparable. We also should bear in mind that the essential material needs. The feeding, clothing, housing létfeltétel. It is natural that the money is a primary consideration, therefore, before we focus on, and this focus makes it difficult to proceed further. The leadership can do about as well as the team members. A manager manages bértömeggel always given and, if exhausted, then the end of the story. Dicséretből and buzdításból but unlimited reserves. If you run out of it, solely because he is responsible. From a liability but is repulsed by the executives as well as the nature of the vacuum.
- I always fall into the same trap, and the more money we are talking about, even though the unlimited possibilities of the real focus should be. In praise of ratification. Well, there is confirmation of active and passive, and people will not be without one hajrázni. The active reinforcement of what you normally think of: give the people what a great job, or to offer a reward. The confirmation of the passive, which is much more effective. Classic example of where the language is almost elharapjuk, or sit in our hands, this instinctive response kényszerünket ground are prevented. Quietly, and we hope, when a team is a complex, full of difficulties and struggling to take forward the important business. Something in which we excel, and every nerve tense, because we want ourselves to seize control, but at least a few words about the warning of the potential dangers. But listen, and némaágunk clear message to employees: "You are doing well, megbirkózol the task, I trust in you."
- These geese gágágágá encouraged and praised each other, could do no better than this, but the people for ratification of the main stand. This is the overwhelming power of silence! A eulogy is a major content or behind, or not. If, however, someone we provide the necessary means to carry out tasks, and then - provided, to be able - let it work undisturbed, they are always honest.
- It says that a eulogy is not always honest. It does not matter? I mean, you always praise the people, it does not become false?
- While I honestly believe they will not. The real praise it means to be honest, in addition to time, caring, unconditional, and enthusiastic as well.
- I bet that the gift of a greater change in the goose, as mókusszellem or hódmódszer.
- But only if the two are now in place. The goose and the gift of ineffective mókusszellem hódmódszer without. Such as fertilizer sprayed on the rock. Germinate in a two-magocska crevices where soil accumulated in a small, but in the long run, nothing can save you.
The gift of geese: LINKED exhortation
- Two more guidance.
Here is the first:
designed -> intrinsic
neutral -> personalized
General -> concrete
Traditional-> individual
He said the praise somewhere between the extreme values are located. The more the right side, the more effective. The intrinsic, personal, concrete, specific praise, and always worth a lot more planned, neutral, and general traditional jellegűnél.
Here's the second:
A football match or sitting in the audience in silence, while the home team leads the ball to the opponent's goal, then örömujjongásba to break out, as the berúgják goals. Most of the organization so that it behaves.
The gift of geese (Összefoglalás.)
LINKED exhortation
1, both the active and passive reinforcement TRUE.
- The praise just confirmation that the man who has to work the count, and to significantly contribute to fulfill the common mission.
- Active in the confirmation, if communicated to people, what a great job, or to offer a reward. Confirmation as the passive, if you keep off, and allow a team in a complex, full of difficulties and bring forward the important business, while it did not have any control, nor even give advice.
- The true (timely, attentive, enthusiastic and unconditional) may be commended for not overdo it.
2. If there is no scoring, no match, and the progress is to be praised.
-A football match or sitting in the audience in silence, while the ball is kept at the gate, only to break the goals, örömujjongásban. Not only the result, but progress is to be welcomed. Everyone shared the results of the measurements (scoring) stimulated.
- The more they praise the following scale on the right side, the more effective:
designed -> intrinsic
neutral -> personalized
General -> concrete
Traditional-> individual
- No more problems, and focus on the criminals (police behavior), but they begin to look for the good people who are responsible for actions (remedial behavior).
3. The forge and the resultant recognition of the enthusiasm.
- Meaningful work and a hand-held ambition of mission results.
- Side Praise brings enthusiasm to work.
- Recognition of the material in advance. Should satisfy the material needs (food, clothing, etc), before praising the spirit táplálhatnánk.
Game of life!
Or nothing!
IV.John Maxwell: The Success Journey
Success for everyone!
The traditional sikerkép: Bill Gates fortune, Arnold Schwarzenegger (or Cindy Crawford) build, Albert Einstein's mind, Michael Jordan athletic, business boldness Donald Trump, Jackie Kennedy's social position and reputation, Walt Disney's imagination and heart of Mother Teresa.
1.The image of success, many people identify with other people. Yet it is clear that you and I can not be other than who we are - and most importantly, we can not be 8 other people. More importantly, do not they want to do this. If any of those people you are trying to skin belebújni, success has already ruled out. Become only a weak imitation, who lost the opportunity to become the world, have become Help: into its own. If you avoid the first trap, when he thinks that the success of someone else alike, bad image in this case may constitute a success. Most people wrongly identify the kind of success in performance, achievement of a goal, a wish fulfillment. Some typical misconception:
2.Gazdagság: The wealth does not lead to either satisfaction or success. I once asked John D. Rockefeller (More than $ 350 million, distributed as a donation.) How much money would make me happy: His answer was: "A little bit more."
King Solomon: "He who loves money, it is never enough of it, who loves the property, never satisfied with his income." Wealth is fleeting: pl. Charles Swabb, president of the largest independent steel mill nincstelenként died.
3. Another common misconception, you can achieve success if you feel happy and successful. This is wrong! The tycoon Donald Trump has identified the happiness of success, because many of his friend was happy. His friends thought him a happy and successful. Many people equate success with some of the things that makes him no. The persistent search for happiness makes people unhappy. Interface with a rollercoaster and imaginary, depending on lelkiállapotunktól writhes between success and failure. Life is uncertain, the moods vary. Happiness can not be considered a measure of success.
4. Possession and realization: the process is repeated many times in our lives. Never followed through on that last one is mine, what I wanted, brought only temporary relief.
5. Power: Charles Mc Elroy so once joked: "A high power, fast absorbing, anti-depression drug. The power degradation in the total meltdown of power. "Abraham Lincoln:" Nearly all men can withstand the vicissitudes, but if you are interested in the character, give power to the hands. "The power is not the success or security source, the dictator finally loses all.
6. Realization: maturity Target disease: There are no two people who would be the same sikerképe. To achieve these objectives is not in itself a success or satisfaction. (Kosárlabdázástól Michael Jordan retired, but later could not do without. It also shows that success is not merely a list of objectives, which achieved the goals you check the box line. Do not reach the terminus of the success, but the journey itself.
The correct sikerkép: What will be a success? To do this, two things are required: The right sikerkép, and of the principles of good leadership. The image of success is not the same Nobody because we are all different, each person's individual personality. In contrast, the same process .. It is based on principles which do not change. Success: the objective recognition of our life, fulfillment capabilities, ultimately serve to benefit others. It seems that success is why the journey rather than destination. This was never a drain on erőtartalékainkat. Never in a position where we have fulfilled the ultimate goal and looking for new targets are still feeling unsatisfied.
The approach adopted sikerutazás, also has the advantage of achieving the ultimate objective approach in contrast to today can be successful. At the moment when the request switch to life goals, and abilities to help others to complete, we will immediately successful, will not sometime in the distant future, a faint hope.
What are you looking for: I think that every man be found buried deep in his soul to the overwhelming desire of which he would go into the fire, which is the deepest and most hidden feelings and thoughts of tone. Some people already feel kisgyermekkorukban exactly what it is. Others in the party to sacrifice their lives to rábukkanjanak. Anyway, what is there. Just have to find.
THE WORLD WHY show the trends. The dynamic trend of the telecommunication now! Why you should pay special attention to this point?
1. Because everyone uses it!
2. For here and now in this you can connect! A 1 trillion dollar business is now included by ACN to connect with virtually no capital in the millions! If you have a reason, you will have 81.250-HUF for registration and 47.500 HUF for videotelefon, and almost unlimited possibilities for a monthly fee of 2.550 HUF businesses abroad, travel and telephone no. You realize that what it is about this offer? You really realize? I think not! If you would realize, you can hold your hand - broken leg for the opportunity to rush me, like a poisoned mouse! I'd rather work for 50 years? Your destiny and your life!
The FANTOM sponsor
The ACN is currently present in 23 countries, you can see their names on the Internet. Gradually open the possibility of the World. If your country has already opened up this opportunity, then what are you waiting for? Sign in for a sponsor, and go away. He observed that there is always NOW? Now is the best time to start! Manna expect God out of heaven? This is the biggest opportunity exists for everyone who is willing to change for a better life. I know you hate change. But do not you hate to stay poor? I do not like change. But the change is the only reason why we are in this Earth. God has entrusted us with this. Impossible for the holistic world created to develop, through the development of subsets of itself. God so that you can be proud of the greatest confidence that you put into you, or reject. This is your decision, and there are consequences.
Why are so incredibly bad news for MLM businesses? Why is it that when you hear that some MLM you stand up and go to the marketing plan?Everyone has encountered direktmarketinges people, mainly high-value products, vacuum cleaner, pots and disposals. The buyer, whether he said yes, even German, is almost always a very negative image remained for several reasons:1. Most cases, cold bidding technique by a man who does not know - so do not trust him - he came home with some kind of bait aggressively.2. Aggressively sold her a relatively expensive product, a relatively very short period of time pressed decision-making under pressure. There was no possibility of similar products price - value ratio for comparison, is sold to whom, is subconsciously aware that most likely indicted or tried to fool me.3.When someone in the direct marketer's efforts people watching, it is generally thought that he could not do this because he did not like that. Therefore, will be grateful to fate that he should not do this to people who are forcibly sell a product which does not want to buy. Develop an agent working hard for a lot of compassion, which is becoming increasingly difficult as time goes by german say. This was later followed by a kind of repentance: the man once again took advantage of a good heart.4. The extraordinary shopping usually upsets the family budget, and at worst a useless product, which should be getting in your way and just taking up space. However, it is almost impossible to sell, therefore, is often followed by remorse "purchases." Every time a customer gets in the way, this is almost always think: "How stupid I was, that I bought it."5. Although the moment of birth throughout the life of the sale (we learn by imitation and speaking, and sales are also the best.), No matter who we look at the point of view: we love to buy but hates to be sold to us.Much, much more is involved than a lumber sale or purchase: The whole fight is about the struggle for energy: where does the attention outward flow of mental energy. Since the energy of the known physical law that goes from positive to negative, all positive people than he would like to receive energy and to safeguard its own energy to the energy vampire.Although most people are consciously accept that Network Marketing is not direct marketing, like a lot of momentum due to the subconscious is always the attitude direktmarketinges (program) will be activated in the neural pathways for both sides.Since we never see the outside world is always perceived as the "offender".Why is it that when you hear is, "Be positive" then everyone who so asserts this in his own private outside mean? Because it - whether she is positive, the others are negative, they must change! And if they would change - of course we are not willing - it would be a sausage fence and in the meantime we have the right baseball bat until their respective csépelni negative bastard's head until it switches to positive.This style is direct marketing, the trader's style and habit. Now is your chance to bedaráljuk, now is your chance to open the wallet, the bastards have money just sitting on it, and if I sell it to him a mere half million allow vessels in stock, 30% of the beats immediately grasp how it is ? There is a shortage of everything, and if I can not sell it, then remains poor! This fear!Asserts that the MLM is not direct marketing, and we are not agents! Meanwhile, the body language communicates so loud that we preach water and drink wine while that of the candidate, if they eat here, its back - face away. Of course, we try to deceive certain speed and other bonuses, the money is talking about dense. If there are objections, then of course, he is a stupid bitch, fall on, to see if the business is not - because they are not stupid jugs are looking for - but in any event, it must be convinced that who is right, and such a stupid cunt, as he his place, because that is sensitive to our souls. I remember something: a poet named Ady Endre: A Hungarian fallow c. verse. I wonder who they talking about? Certainly not us, it was not even born then ...The activation of the artist gondolatvilágában direktmarketinges approach something like this:"The MLM was also only the sons of bitches errand to the megírjátok névlistátokat tereljétek and the people, and I will tell you the marketing plan. Wow, how much I work, they are just an excuse and do not take people, and if everyone would only be a man! Now it is time to stand up presentation on the others, do not always just me ... But you learn but the marketing plan, because if it does not say word - the word, as I, with okozol damage to the company and me. This is a professional company, you can not afford to hold talks under the standard of this one ... N. 21 - and talking about dreams you'd better forget it urgently because bepanaszollak the center, and you'll get locked up as the enemy of the people ... is way down the road ... We too, that the driver will take you one more time, then you definitely forget it. "Subconsciously communicate with 97%. (400 billion bits / sec. Information reaches the brain, of which 2000 bits / sec. Knowingly.) What do you think consciousness under the sponsorship? Beware of an agent in sight! Energiapajzzsal up! This energi vámpíre who make their living, it takes me the power! Since I can not defend against it, shame on the run, but useful. (A major experience in this, done this before many times before, because I did not understand what is going on here!)Imagine a love-linear scale. The origin 0 in love (fear) and it takes away from the infinity of love. Thus, we come closer to God. The polarity of love is not hate, but the lack of love, fear. The polarity of the light in darkness, nothing more than the absence of light.The world has the largest network marketing opportunity. Who is this is a true, authentic examples of Jesus of Nazareth. Product Name: Gospel = good news. Although the product is skewed and addled during the power system shows that nearly 2,000 years, this is the largest existing store in the world. The shop's founder, the Apostle Paul should not even be alive, happily working without it! Jesus himself worked. People used as mirrors to improve himself. Everyone is still working himself into the world and also in network marketing as well.ACN me the following message: If someone builds rapidly to an appropriate level, it will not be able to control its own country nor the Government nor the international economic situation. If you can train yourself to be entitled to 5 per year income is sufficient, through its investments to gain complete financial independence, then the ACN for the future will be no limit. Therefore unacceptable is when someone does not nourish the brain of every day CDs, books and meetings. Such a person writes on the wall: "I will eat tomorrow." Question: The brain is not hungry? The very big trouble!I, as a sponsor, a contract with the underwriters, who imports a network show. I promise him that he encouraged, and I will support. Hand in hand előbányászni help him in his dreams (which are mostly well-intentioned parents, or other dream was abducted by thieves, so long ago that you can not remember.) Together and accomplish. In order to help him realize his dreams, because I understood that Network Marketing is all about, that my dreams will be realized, if I helped enough people to achieve your dreams.If I make the mistake that critics only once for someone because they indulge my instinct to prove how stupid the other one, then sure, I re-activated direktmarketinges a bad habit. Network Marketing again left the track and direct marketing has changed my attitude, and do not even know about it. The subconscious is communicating, however, there are no boundaries, and everyone who hears it, the subconscious will know that a breach of the sponsorship agreement and a guy I'm vile. The tekintélyemet by others through the gift of confidence in me, that I used to take the other person's mental energy. That this ignorance, I disguised as constructive criticism, or jealousy, the unconscious fear of shortages Motivated by the matter in terms of confidence and replicate.The intention is to improve the expression of only one possible way of asking, because it is not hostile, and not offensive. Network Marketing in the sponsor's role in reassuring and encouraging professional personal trainer's role. The only thing why people commit people, the desire for love. To love and be loved, even more so to return to God here on Earth. All else is explanation. People, because people are coming out of the marketing plan, no trend in telecommunications, or due to oxidation. Search for the lost paradise, of which wound up making. Waiting for someone to back us there, and love fills the gaping void in our souls. And we hope that even in this life we find this man.We do not find it looking in the wrong place. Only need to look into the mirror and see. We'll see the man who leads us to the chaos! Who is love! Who can make us rich. Who can make us wiser. Do not look to the outside world, because we are! Quite close. The God in us, who are looking for. Only there you can find anywhere else!Constructive criticism does not exist! Always, all criticism is destructive! Those who criticize it for communicating, "I do not believe in you. I do not believe in myself. Such an idiot for wasting my time, like you. I do not know why. Probably the reason for the noble soul. The victim, what do you mean, entitles you to parancsolgassak. It will be good if csipkeded yourself, and try to meet me. Do not forget that you're not Sarts the wheel! Or I do what I say or do what I say! "You know someone who wants to copy? I do not! If you do not believe me, you can check out "The Secret" ("The Secret") c. movie again. If you still do not understand, then again and again and again ... Until then, look, until ... until you get a deeper understanding. I'm about. I 50x. I do not claim to understand the full depth. I am sure of one thing: all that is instinctive, fear and lack of offspring. The job is to love change. The furnaces we love this land. But just because we can give, which is within us. Love is the highest vibration, the maximum energy: There are two means to get to it:1.Vagy we reject - as the core - give it to someone else, and more vetésből price. Relying on internal strength, we believe in ourselves and in others. This is the path of love.2. We are constructive or judgmental of others kidnapped by masked, mental energy, free of charge. This leads to wars, to the exclusion, and incitement to hatred. This external force, the circumstances of the victim role journey. This is the way to fear.And now comes the hard part for me is: why do I always like my 18-year sponsors? Well, because of the 2011th by January I was such a sponsor. Like attracts like the principle (The Law of Attraction), the sponsors have helped me, I am reflecting that I may see and know myself. Everyone is master teacher, and the whole universe will help me learn about myself.So no one else in my right eye and put anything there is no reason to be angry with anyone. I have to be more grateful for the invaluable help önismeretemben everything and everyone.The computer said that if garbage goes in, garbage comes out of it! Here's the solution! Why everyone is responsible for the attitude. We need to stop the flow of inward sokszemét unlimited. Cut off the TV!
And to nurture our souls with positive thoughts! Not the solution that do not have time to do so, and then we eat tomorrow!
There is enough love. There is joy enough. We have enough of everything!
You choose. Fortunately, this is a wise universe.
Nothing is without consequences! Choose love!
1. Because everyone uses it!
2. For here and now in this you can connect! A 1 trillion dollar business is now included by ACN to connect with virtually no capital in the millions! If you have a reason, you will have 81.250-HUF for registration and 47.500 HUF for videotelefon, and almost unlimited possibilities for a monthly fee of 2.550 HUF businesses abroad, travel and telephone no. You realize that what it is about this offer? You really realize? I think not! If you would realize, you can hold your hand - broken leg for the opportunity to rush me, like a poisoned mouse! I'd rather work for 50 years? Your destiny and your life!
The FANTOM sponsor
The ACN is currently present in 23 countries, you can see their names on the Internet. Gradually open the possibility of the World. If your country has already opened up this opportunity, then what are you waiting for? Sign in for a sponsor, and go away. He observed that there is always NOW? Now is the best time to start! Manna expect God out of heaven? This is the biggest opportunity exists for everyone who is willing to change for a better life. I know you hate change. But do not you hate to stay poor? I do not like change. But the change is the only reason why we are in this Earth. God has entrusted us with this. Impossible for the holistic world created to develop, through the development of subsets of itself. God so that you can be proud of the greatest confidence that you put into you, or reject. This is your decision, and there are consequences.
Why are so incredibly bad news for MLM businesses? Why is it that when you hear that some MLM you stand up and go to the marketing plan?Everyone has encountered direktmarketinges people, mainly high-value products, vacuum cleaner, pots and disposals. The buyer, whether he said yes, even German, is almost always a very negative image remained for several reasons:1. Most cases, cold bidding technique by a man who does not know - so do not trust him - he came home with some kind of bait aggressively.2. Aggressively sold her a relatively expensive product, a relatively very short period of time pressed decision-making under pressure. There was no possibility of similar products price - value ratio for comparison, is sold to whom, is subconsciously aware that most likely indicted or tried to fool me.3.When someone in the direct marketer's efforts people watching, it is generally thought that he could not do this because he did not like that. Therefore, will be grateful to fate that he should not do this to people who are forcibly sell a product which does not want to buy. Develop an agent working hard for a lot of compassion, which is becoming increasingly difficult as time goes by german say. This was later followed by a kind of repentance: the man once again took advantage of a good heart.4. The extraordinary shopping usually upsets the family budget, and at worst a useless product, which should be getting in your way and just taking up space. However, it is almost impossible to sell, therefore, is often followed by remorse "purchases." Every time a customer gets in the way, this is almost always think: "How stupid I was, that I bought it."5. Although the moment of birth throughout the life of the sale (we learn by imitation and speaking, and sales are also the best.), No matter who we look at the point of view: we love to buy but hates to be sold to us.Much, much more is involved than a lumber sale or purchase: The whole fight is about the struggle for energy: where does the attention outward flow of mental energy. Since the energy of the known physical law that goes from positive to negative, all positive people than he would like to receive energy and to safeguard its own energy to the energy vampire.Although most people are consciously accept that Network Marketing is not direct marketing, like a lot of momentum due to the subconscious is always the attitude direktmarketinges (program) will be activated in the neural pathways for both sides.Since we never see the outside world is always perceived as the "offender".Why is it that when you hear is, "Be positive" then everyone who so asserts this in his own private outside mean? Because it - whether she is positive, the others are negative, they must change! And if they would change - of course we are not willing - it would be a sausage fence and in the meantime we have the right baseball bat until their respective csépelni negative bastard's head until it switches to positive.This style is direct marketing, the trader's style and habit. Now is your chance to bedaráljuk, now is your chance to open the wallet, the bastards have money just sitting on it, and if I sell it to him a mere half million allow vessels in stock, 30% of the beats immediately grasp how it is ? There is a shortage of everything, and if I can not sell it, then remains poor! This fear!Asserts that the MLM is not direct marketing, and we are not agents! Meanwhile, the body language communicates so loud that we preach water and drink wine while that of the candidate, if they eat here, its back - face away. Of course, we try to deceive certain speed and other bonuses, the money is talking about dense. If there are objections, then of course, he is a stupid bitch, fall on, to see if the business is not - because they are not stupid jugs are looking for - but in any event, it must be convinced that who is right, and such a stupid cunt, as he his place, because that is sensitive to our souls. I remember something: a poet named Ady Endre: A Hungarian fallow c. verse. I wonder who they talking about? Certainly not us, it was not even born then ...The activation of the artist gondolatvilágában direktmarketinges approach something like this:"The MLM was also only the sons of bitches errand to the megírjátok névlistátokat tereljétek and the people, and I will tell you the marketing plan. Wow, how much I work, they are just an excuse and do not take people, and if everyone would only be a man! Now it is time to stand up presentation on the others, do not always just me ... But you learn but the marketing plan, because if it does not say word - the word, as I, with okozol damage to the company and me. This is a professional company, you can not afford to hold talks under the standard of this one ... N. 21 - and talking about dreams you'd better forget it urgently because bepanaszollak the center, and you'll get locked up as the enemy of the people ... is way down the road ... We too, that the driver will take you one more time, then you definitely forget it. "Subconsciously communicate with 97%. (400 billion bits / sec. Information reaches the brain, of which 2000 bits / sec. Knowingly.) What do you think consciousness under the sponsorship? Beware of an agent in sight! Energiapajzzsal up! This energi vámpíre who make their living, it takes me the power! Since I can not defend against it, shame on the run, but useful. (A major experience in this, done this before many times before, because I did not understand what is going on here!)Imagine a love-linear scale. The origin 0 in love (fear) and it takes away from the infinity of love. Thus, we come closer to God. The polarity of love is not hate, but the lack of love, fear. The polarity of the light in darkness, nothing more than the absence of light.The world has the largest network marketing opportunity. Who is this is a true, authentic examples of Jesus of Nazareth. Product Name: Gospel = good news. Although the product is skewed and addled during the power system shows that nearly 2,000 years, this is the largest existing store in the world. The shop's founder, the Apostle Paul should not even be alive, happily working without it! Jesus himself worked. People used as mirrors to improve himself. Everyone is still working himself into the world and also in network marketing as well.ACN me the following message: If someone builds rapidly to an appropriate level, it will not be able to control its own country nor the Government nor the international economic situation. If you can train yourself to be entitled to 5 per year income is sufficient, through its investments to gain complete financial independence, then the ACN for the future will be no limit. Therefore unacceptable is when someone does not nourish the brain of every day CDs, books and meetings. Such a person writes on the wall: "I will eat tomorrow." Question: The brain is not hungry? The very big trouble!I, as a sponsor, a contract with the underwriters, who imports a network show. I promise him that he encouraged, and I will support. Hand in hand előbányászni help him in his dreams (which are mostly well-intentioned parents, or other dream was abducted by thieves, so long ago that you can not remember.) Together and accomplish. In order to help him realize his dreams, because I understood that Network Marketing is all about, that my dreams will be realized, if I helped enough people to achieve your dreams.If I make the mistake that critics only once for someone because they indulge my instinct to prove how stupid the other one, then sure, I re-activated direktmarketinges a bad habit. Network Marketing again left the track and direct marketing has changed my attitude, and do not even know about it. The subconscious is communicating, however, there are no boundaries, and everyone who hears it, the subconscious will know that a breach of the sponsorship agreement and a guy I'm vile. The tekintélyemet by others through the gift of confidence in me, that I used to take the other person's mental energy. That this ignorance, I disguised as constructive criticism, or jealousy, the unconscious fear of shortages Motivated by the matter in terms of confidence and replicate.The intention is to improve the expression of only one possible way of asking, because it is not hostile, and not offensive. Network Marketing in the sponsor's role in reassuring and encouraging professional personal trainer's role. The only thing why people commit people, the desire for love. To love and be loved, even more so to return to God here on Earth. All else is explanation. People, because people are coming out of the marketing plan, no trend in telecommunications, or due to oxidation. Search for the lost paradise, of which wound up making. Waiting for someone to back us there, and love fills the gaping void in our souls. And we hope that even in this life we find this man.We do not find it looking in the wrong place. Only need to look into the mirror and see. We'll see the man who leads us to the chaos! Who is love! Who can make us rich. Who can make us wiser. Do not look to the outside world, because we are! Quite close. The God in us, who are looking for. Only there you can find anywhere else!Constructive criticism does not exist! Always, all criticism is destructive! Those who criticize it for communicating, "I do not believe in you. I do not believe in myself. Such an idiot for wasting my time, like you. I do not know why. Probably the reason for the noble soul. The victim, what do you mean, entitles you to parancsolgassak. It will be good if csipkeded yourself, and try to meet me. Do not forget that you're not Sarts the wheel! Or I do what I say or do what I say! "You know someone who wants to copy? I do not! If you do not believe me, you can check out "The Secret" ("The Secret") c. movie again. If you still do not understand, then again and again and again ... Until then, look, until ... until you get a deeper understanding. I'm about. I 50x. I do not claim to understand the full depth. I am sure of one thing: all that is instinctive, fear and lack of offspring. The job is to love change. The furnaces we love this land. But just because we can give, which is within us. Love is the highest vibration, the maximum energy: There are two means to get to it:1.Vagy we reject - as the core - give it to someone else, and more vetésből price. Relying on internal strength, we believe in ourselves and in others. This is the path of love.2. We are constructive or judgmental of others kidnapped by masked, mental energy, free of charge. This leads to wars, to the exclusion, and incitement to hatred. This external force, the circumstances of the victim role journey. This is the way to fear.And now comes the hard part for me is: why do I always like my 18-year sponsors? Well, because of the 2011th by January I was such a sponsor. Like attracts like the principle (The Law of Attraction), the sponsors have helped me, I am reflecting that I may see and know myself. Everyone is master teacher, and the whole universe will help me learn about myself.So no one else in my right eye and put anything there is no reason to be angry with anyone. I have to be more grateful for the invaluable help önismeretemben everything and everyone.The computer said that if garbage goes in, garbage comes out of it! Here's the solution! Why everyone is responsible for the attitude. We need to stop the flow of inward sokszemét unlimited. Cut off the TV!
And to nurture our souls with positive thoughts! Not the solution that do not have time to do so, and then we eat tomorrow!
There is enough love. There is joy enough. We have enough of everything!
You choose. Fortunately, this is a wise universe.
Nothing is without consequences! Choose love!
If you live far away from me, maybe even speak different languages, can I be your FANTOM sponsors. You certainly think that if the sponsor is not handy, then this disadvantage. Let me assure that this is the biggest advantage of the existing MLM businesses abroad. The man in your sponsor as see the first always be as you promoted: If you are great, you have a great sponsor for a while, and then realize that he is "man" is full of errors. And you'll realize this, except if you do not see it. Will be set up as as the greatest man on this earth. And will remain, because if you meet very rarely, and embellishes the solemn do everything.
Human errors and the sponsors do not destroy what you built. (As it happened a few times I have.) Think about it my friend: You have more than enough to cope with their own song, EGO, EGO, or the sponsors want to have to fight, lay? Because he's got, you can be sure! Which do you want? If you want to build up a gigantic business with ACN, the largest to the existing support this blog, and sponsor of a phantom, who is only guided by the interests of their own selfish good to say, (all copied it, too.) Sky's the limit and no limit on the their own fantasies. He certainly does not take off her energy "building -" and "good intentions" criticism.
Since my birth I'm autonomous, and I'm always criticism. Sometimes it pulls me full of energy "constructive intention" to look only for one week out of my head.
Since my birth I'm autonomous, and I'm always criticism. Sometimes it pulls me full of energy "constructive intention" to look only for one week out of my head.
And I find your true friends, and try to be good to be with whom. (I know that there is very little!) You will have more true friends, if one of the most important goal is that you become a true friend! You know, everything is copied into your subconscious level.
The following questions would add: Is there any reason why not join me?
ACN registration number: 6400000126 GYT99KFT, Szabadi Tibor Gyula
Contact information: Flat: Győr. Tel: 06304847121, Skype: szabaditibor7 E-mail: szabaditibor@gmail.com, blog: http://tibor7.blogspot.com
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