Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Tibor's thought-provoking 10. Marketing Mix

 4 own blog:

Tibor first thought with alarm - Topic: Esoteric and MLM ( ) Language: Hungarian .
2 Please help - Topic: Esoteric Facebook ( ) Language: Hungarian
3 Psychological Reasons physical symptom Topic: Health & Esoteric , Healing music ( ) Language: Hungarian
Tibor 's fourth provoking trouth ( ) Subject : Esoteric , MLM Language: Angol
The Facebook ( . Lots of instructive division ) Tibor Gyula outdoors and " awakening " esoteric group if jelölsz friend me on Facebook , or raise your group , you can make you . In the past I have edited the blog are based on books and CDs , and now based on these requirements. Many of my friends went on to become the co- author of some , and these become the blogs . I would like to express my thanks to all who took over his writings . ♥

1 Motto : Love and serve , and do not forget ! ( What Not to forget : Love and serve .... )

2 Motto : "I want to know God 's thoughts Everything else is detail. ". Albert Einstein.

There is a misconception that marketing has various branches: eg: political, commercial, traditional, network marketing. In my opinion, the essence of reality and the two ancient quote is:1st "Man, know thyself!"
2nd "Just want people to act with you, you can act for them as such!"
If average people who want to become a marketing specialist, at least the basic works, read a few times:
I Ce holidays: the science of warfare
II. Al Ries - JackTrout: Marketing War
III. Al Ries - Jack Trout: The twenty-two iron laws of marketing
IV. Al Ries - JackTrout: Positioning. Battle of the customers mind busy place
Sun Al Ries - JackTrout: Career Elevator
VI. Kevin Hogan: Business secret language
VII: Niccolò Machiavelli: The Prince
If you want to be better than average, you will learn the above and the following is added to read:
VIII: Bill Galanger Orvel R.Wilson-Jay-C Levinson: Guerrilla trade
IX. Cavett Robert: We move people?
X Don Failla: Could ABC
XI. Chester L. Karrass: The negotiation game
XII. Ec Oakley - Doug Krug: Advanced change management
XIII. Alan Houel - Christian Godefroy: How to handle difficult people
XIV. Cavett Robert: We move people?
XV. Maxwell Maltz: Pszichokibernetika
XVI. Dezsényi Peter: Ask for a loan bears hammer!
XVII. Joe Girard: How do we sell ourselves?
XVIII. Walter Lübeck: A Spiritual Handbook for NLP

If marketers want to be very good, its a secret, do not refer to work, but rather a game where you can win. You can win a bunch of people with one or more games. Daily Train yourself and others! Play loose, work for others, forget about who is right, put your focus, or you're a winner, and be passionate! It's easy! It really is that simple? I missed something: Smile, enjoy yourself while, and never give up!

You are a winner you are! Never, never, never give up!

IV. Positioning (Al Ries - Jack Trout: The Battle of the customers in return for busy place)

Too much communication one of society's biggest problems of the poor efficiency of communication processes. We are a society that more and more messages, and therefore less and less to get to the destination. The solution is key to positioning. Positioning is the first concept, which offers a solution to the ever-growing problem, how can we ensure that we listen too much communication society.
What does the positioning?
In the jungle, the communication is only one way people can achieve good results: if a selective manner, only certain narrow focus on target markets. Or "position."
The human brain is able to defend itself against a deluge of today's communication: filter the incoming information, and most of them will be refused. Generally, only those willing to absorb the information, which are consistent with the previously acquired knowledge and experience. The advertising spend billions to continue to change people's ideas formed skull. But once they have already been developed, it is almost impossible to change them. In particular, not a weak weapon, such as advertising. "Do not confuse me with facts. I had already formed my own opinion. "Approximately 97% of the people - to think this way. Végighallgatják quietly when talking about things unknown to them. (It was so successful in the "new" type of approach to advertising.) But they can not bear it when they tell them that they were wrong about something. So if you want to change the reklámjaiddal vevőjelöltek already established ideas, it leads to catastrophic fail.
Túlkommunikált our society for people to defend themselves only one thing: over-simplify things. Today, an average brain sponge dripping with the most similar to new information only at the expense of the old are able to absorb. Yet we are trying to force more and more information on this oversaturated sponge and then to wonder, because messages do not reach the finish line. Gyömöszölhetnek only because more information is only one way into this csaphatjuk túlkommunikált society: if your message is too simplistic.
A more valid and communication, the finding that less is more. You must sharpen your message to penetrate into the human brain is like a knife cutting through butter.
The enemy and an obstacle to get our message across, none other than the communication volume. Only you can find a solution to this, when you realize the nature of the problem. So if your message is about communication, what are the benefits of politician prospect, your product, or just yourself, to build things to be reversed. Solve problems is not within the product, you may not even have to find your own mind. The solution is customer-designated, ie, the skull is inclusive. because only a fraction can target your message, the sender page instead of the receiving side, the host should be focused on sensations arising from the skull. Rather than to what is actually in the product.
Under construction! To be continued!

VI.Bussinnes secret language (Author: Kevin Hogan, How to read anyone in 3 seconds. Életvezetésről, önmenedzselésről)

The greatest leaders are not just talk, they communicate goals along. Words, body language and energy. The shop is like a poker game, the best available information, and we consciously take risks with difficult decisions. In poker and in business always helps if you know what you think of another. Honest or arrogant? To tell the truth or what they want to hear? Kevin Hogan to build your business from the perspective reveals the basics of physical and verbal communications and in particular how it affects the behavior of business, and acts of the outcome. This practical guide to modern research, based on credible sources and real-life situations. Shows you how to become a master of physical and verbal communications, directing others to convey information effectively. However, to really become successful professionals, we need more communication képességeknél. We all feel that kind of communication is taking place under our noses, which are beyond the words, but I also know that we still have not broken the code. This book will do. If you want to understand the real business communications (which happens below the surface of the negédes conversation), and that we paid our benefit, we learn the contents of this book from first to last word. The secret language of business can not remain secret for long! According to its intended readers of the business will be a classic.

Expect him to be a little nervous.
The science of nonverbal communication of body language is often the case in the science and stereotypes.
On hearing these words, you miss a heartbeat.
Most people do not want to hear them (like you and me).
But a significant part of exposing intelligence.
Must be difficult at some stereotypes and prejudices to think that others are able to read nonverbal behavior.
They are simply stereotypes. Generalize on the basis of certain traits in people.
The research results show that women take better prejudices than men. The women have more "reach the people." It is not a close race (except when men behave like women and generalize the behavior of misleading others).
The bias in judging others.
This is what reading means to the people.
Take a deep breath ...
The society, none of them support because they could lead others to become cancerous.
No "nice" nor "dirty" does not exist in the understanding of body language and nonverbal communication. No right or wrong, simply to understand and explain.
Very real experience.
For better or for worse level, but also in the generalization and prejudice must be effective.
Behavioral point of view, that is, does not encourage the refrain.
In other words, just because someone black or white, man or woman, does not mean that we should not apply or go out of respect.
There are certain traits that are associated with the bőrszínnel, sex, religion, education etc, typically within a culture.
In other words, the gangsta rapper probably will not find popular in Nigeria, Haiti and Australia vadonjaiban. Bőrszínről not a word here, but that the similarities with humans living in a community.
The culture has a huge role in understanding nonverbal communication.
A culture within these comparisons sometimes cause / effect the results. Sometimes causation.
And there is a big difference in the effect of the relationship, but this book is not about the difference.
But whether we can read others well.
That a non-verbal messages we send, which will likely affect others.
This book is straightforward and intelligent discussion of the complex and politically incorrect things (sometimes even a slight on them ...).
There is not a part of the book, which I wanted to intentionally hurt anyone. I do not intend to stir up the debate nowhere.
What there is, the non-verbal communication, anthropology, social psychology and neurosurgery in the area of ​​information gathered by the greatest minds.
Everything is in storage, and hopefully easier for others to read and not become a painful experience.
There are prejudices. Not too little. Consciously and subconsciously.
It is important to recognize in ourselves and not ignore them.
If he says that "there are no prejudices," then the art of önmegtévesztés exercise. The very nature of human beings have prejudices.
Recognize, then dominated by the emotions associated with it.
Be good to people.
Six years ago, a very spirited event was moderate: a quick date. 16 men and 16 women were present, who in turn during the night four minutes to fill each other.
Four minutes after a card had to indicate whether they want to dating with the other.
Finally, I drove three of these events. Two in Minneapolis and one in Seattle.

Very interesting things I learned:

1. The women are much less marked in a man with whom randiznának than vice versa (we men are more flexible and more comfortable ... or bitter).
2. The ninety-three percent of women said that the first thirty seconds, he knew that once again wants to see the person.
3. Almost the same number of men could "go straight", "immediately" or "three seconds".
4. If someone wanted to get more people to go out with him the less.

In the evening the results of three or an entire book it would be full of.
But now the important thing is that evening, people all decided on the basis of the prejudices of their own you may encounter.
Then I realized that maybe I am not quite correct.
Maybe we know ourselves well enough and three seconds, we can make a decision.
The secret language of business communication is nonverbal, but the body language nonverbal communication is not only a means. Soon you will know more.
The body language is just the basics will be read, or to the conduct, acts and effects of the outcome. It will recognize the key elements of body language and how it affects communication, as well as the effects of such things as clothing, the symbols around us, in the context of the environment, space, personnel status, income, physical properties and the detection period .
Do not worry ... I will help you to understand.
When I say "a lot of research confirms," ​​please accept the fact there "section. Gondolatnál Otherwise, all sixty articles and footnotes should be checked. We deal with a simple, but very precisely.
This solid technical knowledge of the sleeve toward the chapters that will lavírozni, which I hope the book is the heart and soul.
The true impact of body language and nonverbal communication by focusing on all kinds of personal interactions. The business world, ranging up to the private sector with sharp insights and useful information will enjoy guestrooms, you can apply instantly ... up their children as well.
Which is amazing that what happens in the office, very similar to that seen in sexual relations and family members will take place.
The last chapters of the self, and seek to know how to observe their nonverbal communication. It was also discussed that the business world as a secret language of daily life can most usefully be used.
In most people's everyday lives should work together with people from different countries and cultures, whether in person at the workplace or in the application of modern technologies. This ever-increasing importance to the area, which leaves us in an increasingly globalized world, so even been incorporated into a chapter, which discusses the relationship between body language and other cultures.
- Kevin, next time you come to Italy, held a presentation for private bankers, do not wear more black than in recent times.
- Why not, Ronald?
- Because it is boring.
- What should I wear?
- Anything, not just blacks.
Great. And meant it.
Many Europeans take seriously enough the color.
I was wearing a light blue, I felt like a lighthouse.
In this book you will find a research built on accurate information, which are non-verbal communication testbeszédről and respond to existing knowledge. In the book, all based on facts and research, not someone megvizsgálatlan ideas or assumptions.
In my own experiences and observations belecsempésztem also to be able to sell a nice combination of science and its real-world content. But the observations are the only way. Observers and, if anything, I'll also let you.

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Contact information: Flat: Győr. Tel: 06304847121, Skype: szabaditibor7 E-mail:, blog:

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