4 saját blog: (Four bloggs)
1. Tibor gondolatébresztői - Téma: Ezotéria, és MLM.( http://tibor7.blogspot.com ) Nyelv: magyar
2. Kérlek, segíts - Téma: Ezotéria a Facebookon ( http://tibor8.blogspot.hu )Nyelv: magyar
3. Lelki ok, testi tünet -Téma: Egészség,Ezotéria,Gyógyítás zenével( http://tibor4.blogspot.hu )Nyelv: magyar
4. Tibor's provoking trouth ( http://tibor7-english.blogspot.com/ ) Téma:Ezotéria, MLM Nyelv: english
A Facebookon: Tibor Gyula Szabadi, és "Ébredezők" ezoterikus csoport (rengeteg tanulságos megosztással.) Ha ismerősnek jelölsz engemet a Facebookon, vagy jelentkezel a csoportba, be tudlak tenni. Régebben könyvek és CD-k alapján szerkesztettem a blogokat, most pedig ezen írások alapján. Sok ismerősöm ezúton mintegy társszerzőjévé vált, és válik ezeknek a blogoknak. Ezúton szeretném köszönetemet kifejezni mindenkinek, akinek az írásait átvettem. ♥
NEW Ars Poetica (Hoponopóno and spiritual intelligence)
Source: Lydia Smith ♥
Why pardon the man in the dream planet? Because of ignorance ... you leave ... leave it .... ♥
Tesla's discovery of number mysticism necessarily longs to
(Tesla felfedezése a számmisztikáról feltétlenül ide (IS) kívánkozik:)
And the proof that
The Hungarian language of the Universe numerological codes, and in fact the protolangugaes:
(És a BIZONYÍTÉK arról,hogy
a MAGYAR nyelv a Világmindenség számmisztikai kódja, és ténylegesen az ŐSNYELV:
The world is God's dream!
There is a proverb:
"Do not waste your life without dreams man!"
So. That it's time to live my life according to this:
In other words: If you want something - something - do with your life, you will now find it!
Still another way: If you do not want to do with your life, then do not bother me!
I love you. I'm sorry. Please forgive me! Thank you. And I love you.
(This blog entry 2011th October 15 was made after. On that fateful day Hoponoponó turned me on the light energy centers me. 20 years looking for the switch ... I want that all blog entries by a panel should be to anyone not to try to find anything who is my blog it wants to read, so on I was the 2010th 12:23 on. But you know that 20 years of intensive research, the results of reading this blog: 400 personal development and esoteric books, 250 training, 250 audio tapes and 300 CDs about these lines. Maybe you do not have time önmagadra.Azért publish it because I trust your childhood was a spark of curiosity and openness Benned.Gyermekkorod sebezhetőségéből preserved something. sOMETHING.)
"I love you. I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. And I love you."
The vast majority of this paper is not ready to accept what I am writing here and now. Not everyone will be able to tolerate either. A large majority, at best, minimum egoist will take the worst case of closed-class mad. Please note that you only read on if you or open up.
The 100% responsibility for consequences.
"I love you. I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. "
1. Danah Zohar - Ian Marshall Spiritual Intelligence (SQ)Detail There are three types of intelligence: IQ (rational), EQ (emotional) and SQ (Spiritual). Computers are a high IQ, and many animals have a high EQ. Boundaries between living in a finite game play. But neither the computer nor the animals are not able to ask the question why the rules are like those, and that of others, whether they could be better? The SQ, however, allows people to be creative (in other words "awake"), the rules are changing and changing situations. Allow us to play by the rules, that a "borderless game" we play. The SQ - thanks we can distinguish. In essence, the SQ - the power converter is distinguished from the IQ. The EQ as I can tell you that I'm just in what situation and how to behave in a given situation. This means that the situation within the borders of doing, you acknowledge that the situation will lead me. In contrast to the situation SQ questioning, asking: I want to stay in this situation, or do I want to create a better one? The SQ is pushing the limits imposed deal with situations. Then the perfect functioning of the intelligence, if we are open enough to collect all this information without the prior adjudication, that adjudication of the practice - exemptions. And the SQ - nk coordinates the EQ and IQ operations. Coordinates, rather than suppressed. This divine principle of free will. All three have strong intelligence and weaknesses. Our open, judgment-free and our tolerance is the ability to see things from the perspective of others - is - we can see, all three of our ability to develop harmoniously. (Why is it that the "enemies" as a mirror to help us best.) 2. According to the NLP As a model of human consciousness 1.Az imagine an iceberg. The peak, which appears in the conscious mind. What is the deep and not visible to the subconscious.Second 400 billion bits / sec. information is received to the brain each day. It 2000bit/sec. the conscious.Third Autopilot mode takes place in our lives, and encounter with 30 seconds flat we have become conscious, then we switch back.4th Almost every decision we make subconscious level, while we believe that a conscious decision we make.5th Ever since we were children, we programmed in the world (parents, TV etc), develop a filter through which to release the information.6th The filter is intended to prevent, to guard ourselves into the információáradatba, as a side effect "protects" the filter is not allowed by the "too big success," "harmful" effects as well. The energy-saving answers in nature. When some stimuli to the brain, highlight some answers from the subconscious, a memory, an emotion (EQ) and végigfuttatja the program, which is based on emotion seems to be optimal, but it is not. This is the unconscious precedes the conscious decision is our decision, and the program runs bad. I think I consciously decided that, in fact, incorrect program based on almost zero information. The divine intuition tolakodva prevents optimal decision before us. Therefore, the constant need cleaning: "I love you. I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. " 3.Joe Vitale: Hoponoponó http://data.hu/get/4351114/Joe_Vitale-Hoponopono.pdf Treat yourself! "In 2004 I heard about a therapist in Hawaii who cured a whole osztálynyi infirm insane patients - without being at all would have seen them. A psychologist studying the dossier received and looked at himself to see how he created that person's illness. As self-healing, the patient is cured. "When I first heard this story, I thought it was a so-called" urban rumor. ' How could anyone heal anyone else by healing himself that? How could even the most self-development of a master can heal mentally infirm patient? It did not make sense. It was not logical, so I forgot the story. "Then I heard it again a year later. I heard that the therapist used a Hawaiian healing process, called hoponopóno. I never heard of it, but I could not get it out of my head. If the story is true, I need to know more about it. I always interpreted the 'full responsibility' means that I am responsible for what they think and do. In addition, there is nothing to do. I think most people also understand that under the full responsibility. We are responsible for what we do, not for what anyone else - but otherwise, we can watch this. "The Hawaiian therapist who healed those mentally ill people, a new kind of taught me a perspective on the issue of liability. The name of Dr. Hew Len Ihaleakala. About an hour we talked by phone for the first time. I asked him to tell me the complete story of the therapeutic work. He said that he worked for the Hawaii State Hospital for four years. There they lived in a mental retardation those who were dangerous to themselves and for society. Psychologists are often replaced by another. The nursing staff are often sick, and many simply quit. That class of people when they traveled compared to the wall, fearing that a patient attacked. It was not pleasant to live there, work there or just visit the place. "Dr. Len told me he never saw patients. He agreed that his office worked with and reviewed the files of patients. Looking through the files while working on himself. As he worked on himself, patients began to heal. A few months later, the patients - who had previously held lekötözve - were allowed to act freely, he said. "Others who were given hard drugs had to leave for their medicines. And those who had no chance to ever releasing them could leave.I regarded him with deep respect. And not only what happened, he said, but the staff began to enjoy his work. In the absence of exit and disappeared. Several nurses ended up as far as was necessary, since the cured patients were released, and all nurses traveled to work. Today the department has been closed. Then I put the 'million dollar' question, "What did you do with yourself, what would cause that people recovered?" "I just healed that part of me that created them." He said. I did not understand. Dr. Len explained that total responsibility for your life means that everything in your life - simply because your life is - it is your responsibility. Literal interpretation of the whole world is your creation. Huhh. It will be difficult to digest. To be responsible for what I say or do is one thing. Being responsible, that someone in my life says or does is a completely different. Well, the truth is: if you assume full responsibility for your life - then all you see, hear, taste, touch, or other ways megtapasztalsz, is your responsibility as it appeared in your life. This means that the terrorist acts of the President, the economy and all you experience and do not like - your job is to heal. Ultimately there are only projection, which is inside kivetítesz.The problem is not with them, but you and Bringing about changes, you must change yourself. I know this is tough to think about, let alone whether it accepts or experienced. Much easier to blame others than take responsibility. As Dr. Len than talking, I began to notice that the cure for the Ho'oponopono technique önszeretetet means. If you want your life to turn to the right, develop, heal your life. If you want to cure anyone, even a mentally ill criminals, do we have to heal yourself. I asked Dr. Len how it has healed itself. What, exactly, when the patient looks at the dossier? "I just do it again Again and again: 'I'm sorry' and 'Love'" he said."That's it?""That's it."Turns out that loving yourself is the best way to improve your self, and as you upgrade it yourself, your world is improved. Let me show you a simple example of how this works: one day, someone sent me an e-mail, which made sad. In the past I would have handled this, it would have worked with the emotional pain points or have been trying to find reasons why the person is sent to a disturbing message.Now I decided to try Dr. Len method. I began to quietly say 'sorry' and 'Love'. Not a person was addressed. Simply recalled the spirit of love to heal within me what the outer circumstance. Within an hour I got an email from the same person. He apologized for the previous üzenetéért. Note that I did not do anything in order to apologize. I did not even write him back. But that kept saying 'I love you', I somehow healed myself, which was created in him. Later, I attended a Ho'oponopono workshop, led by Dr. Len. The now 70-year, level-headed shaman nagyapakülsejű somehow seemed the world had gone.He praised my book, The Attraction Factor is (The Attraction Factor). He told me that as I develop myself, my book will increase vibrations, and everyone who will read, you will feel it. In short, as I am making progress, I will develop my readers as well. "And what about the books that have been added and you are out?" I asked."They are not 'out there'," he said, slapping the head once again the wisdom of the mind. "They are still in you."In short, no, that out there. An entire book should be required to make this a practical technique due to its depth can be handed over. Be sufficient in number to whatever you want to improve your life, there is only one place where you should consider to: yourself. And when you do, do with love.This attraction factor - like attracts like - and his ego is so strong, God was attracted to the God-self in others.Joe Vitale/ Source: asztralfeny.hu, krisztina.hu, and Joe Vitale: Hoponopóno c. book. / Morrnah Nalamaku Simeone, "you Hoponopóno creator of identity, and the first teacher's desk was a sign which said," Peace begins with me. "Teaching the truth does not need to reach the whole world. Even you did not have to go because we are all one, and have worked through me, and everything happens within. Dr. Hew Len in mind that only a tiny piece of the world sees, and the image is not only incomplete but also inaccurate. Guy Claxton: The discursive mind (The Wayward All) experiments were described in his book, which suggest that our brains had previously tell you what to do before we made a conscious decision. Benjamin's famous experiment of liberals EEG neurologist noted that what happens in the brains of test persons. He showed that the increase in brain activity prior to, consciously decided before the test person had something to be taken, which shows that the intent of the collective unconscious came, and only then realized. Claxton writes that "liberals discovered that the intention to move about. one-fifth of a second sooner appeared, than the movement itself. However, the increase in brain activity is clearly about one-third seconds before the intended release. " William Irvine writes of desire: why we want what we want? c. in his work: "The current one similar experiments indicate that the elections are not conscious, rational develop. In fact you notes the (collective) unconscious mind made up, and when you finally reach the surface of consciousness, then we accept it is ours. "This has been Irvin's reasoning. I do this, he adds: And we think that we have consciously chosen. This is not true. The program shall communicate to the subconscious mind, conscious of the command, and also that the decision was a conscious mind. This, however disguised, unconscious memory-based emotional decision was motivated! (EQ) is almost always! Since the conscious mind thinks that he has decided, and it is almost zero information is held on this subject, it does not override, so to speak, itself. Unless the cleaning because it erased the collective unconscious. In this case the program is flawless divine intuition suggested appears in the brain that the conscious mind, or accept, or not.Benjamin himself is liberal, that is, the man who so eloquent and much-debated attempt was led by the Mental Time writes in his book. "An unconscious look of the action will not be consciously controlled. Only that part could be consciously controlled, which finally happened in the action. Peace begins with me. The problems are nothing more than a tudatalattimban visszajátszódó memories of my problems is not related to anyone in any place or situation. These problems, "complained of symptoms," as one of Shakespeare's poetic szonettjében formulated. When I experience a problem playing back the memories, I have a choice. Opt out of it to remain bound to them, or can afford GOD TO recourse to the conversion to free them. So I set my mind back to the original, zero, empty state. The state of memory immunity. When I sit in the emlékeimtől free (because it is divine to my request they wiped the collective unconscious, that is, in my subconscious as well), then I Self Divine, as the Divine created the exact likeness of himself. When the subconscious state is zero, that is timeless, limitless, infinite, and death are not affected. (Jesus realized! The Church of the Virgin can not explain with specificity of Jesus, and proclaimed God's only son, Jesus was not more specific, what they say but in what you read here.). If, however, dictated by the memories, you can get stuck in time, in space, the problems of uncertainty, the chaos of thought, wrestling with the problems of handling cases. If you let the memories uraljanak, then my mind to renounce blur, and especially to the Divine harmóni. There is no attunement, NO inspiration. If there is no inspiration, no purpose. (This is why the old masters emphasize that: be alert!) When I work with people, I always ask the Divine to tudatalattimban (along with the collective unconscious, for everyone!) To convert those memories to my feelings about them as gondolataimként visszajátszódnak. Zero state, then the Divine invades your subconscious and conscious of my mind with inspiration, so the soul can experience is the same way these people as they experience the Divine. Working with the Divine in the subconscious mind of all memories tudatalattimban transition will develop (holograph, holistic principles of the world.. And not only people's minds, but ásványokéban the állatokéban and plants as well, so the existence of visible and invisible range. How wonderful it is to recognize that peace and freedom begins with me! Humanity is an addictive memories accumulated under which the contribution of others and help is needed. The hoponopóno is to tudatalattinkból - at our request, to the Divine - they wind lowered the memories that are played back in a sense, in which the problem is "out there" is, not inside. We all must come to this world that "complained of complaints" were ready (in other words, the original sin, again, in other words, is often missed, missed targets, again, in other words, the collective unconscious psychological landfill couch bad code samples, which have been made, and which have happened it). The problems are unrelated to the memories of people, places, or situations. These are nothing more than opportunities to obtain their freedom. The hoponopóno aim to restore their self identity, which is the Divine Intelligence within its natural rhythm. When the initial rate will be reset to zero then opens up and fills the soul inspirációkkal. Dr. Hew len explained:Everything you're looking for, and everything you experience - all, but - in you. So if you want to change anything, it needs to be done inside, not outside. The whole taking on responsibilities. There is no one who is responsible for this. Only you are. -But what about if someone is raped? - Someone asked. - Or let's say, if car accident happens? For these, only we are not responsible for, or does it?I noticed that whenever any trouble, you're there? - He asked. - The point in our lives that we take 100% responsibility for everything. There is no exception. There is no loophole where you can escape if something like that. You are responsible for everything. For everything. He even assumed the responsibility, when psychiatry, where he was treated for a murderers and aggressors were. He knew that from memory or acting program. To help them, I had to remove the monument. And this can only be achieved by cleansing. This is referred to when he said that regular psychotherapy has never dealt with the relation with patients. Only the written material they looked at, while the face of the divine saying: "I love you. I'm sorry. Please forgive me! Thank you. He did what he could to help the patients to return to normal without barriers. And as dr. Hew Len himself has done, the patient recovered. Dr. Hew Len said: - Simply put, the hoponoponó means that we recover something, correcting an error. The Hawaiian language ho'o reason, then the ponopono and perfection. Hawaii natives thought that the errors in the wake generated by past painful memories defiled. The hoponoponó we can let through these painful thoughts, or errors in the energy, which upset the balance and cause disease. In short, the hoponoponó simple problem-solving process. However, what completely do yourself down. Mabel Katz wrote: The easiest way (The Easiest Way) book titled: "The hoponoponó forgiveness, repentance and conversion process. Whenever I used to always be 100% responsibility for our, and ask for forgiveness (for ourselves). We learn that everything that appears in our lives, just <programjaink> projection. " The EGO hoponoponóban included in the three parts, which are key to the identity. This three-part - that there can be found in every molecule of reality - it is referred to "unihipili" (child / subconscious), "uhane" (mother / conscious), and "aumakua" (male / consciousness above). Once the "inner family" living in accordance with, the person will get the rhythm of the Divine. And if this balance settings, life can flow unimpeded. The hoponoponó thus helps to restore balance in the individual first, followed by the whole creation. The hoponoponó actually very simple. The ancient Hawaiians, all problems begin as thought. But the idea itself is not a problem. So what's the problem? The problem is that all our thoughts are imbued with painful memories: people, places, things or memories. The intellect alone can not solve these problems, because the intellect can only deal with things. The management of things and does not offer any solution to our problems. You need to be let go! Hoponoponó when you apply, you take away the pain of the Divine thought and neutralizes or purifies it. Not a person, place or thing to clean. The neutralizing power of what this people, places, or things connected to you. therefore hoponoponó first phase of the clean up of this energy. And at this point, something amazing happens! Energy is not only neutralized but off, and so you get a clean sheet. The Buddhists call this "emptiness". The final step is to allow the divine to enter and fill the void with light. In order to apply the hoponoponót do not need to know what the problem is and what is wrong. All you have to do is acknowledge the problem, which is physically, mentally, emotionally or otherwise megtapasztalsz. If you took note of to do is to immediately begin to clean up that say, "I'm sorry. Please forgive me! " If you want to solve a problem, you work for yourself! If the problem happens to be about someone else, you just have to ask yourself: "What is taking place in me that caused this man picks?" People just show up in your life, that their picks! If you know you can fix it in all situations. How? Simple: "I'm sorry that is happening. Please forgive me! He explained that if massage therapist or chiropractor, or, because of back pain and someone asks for your help, you should ask the following question: "What is taking place in me that caused this man fölkeresett me with back pain?" That's the new attitude to life! Almost literally dizzying! Probably - at least in part - this is the reason that dr. Hew Len is able to heal the ominous, insane criminals. Not them, but he worked on himself. He explained that at heart we are all clean. Do we not have any program memory, but no inspiration. This is the zero state. Where there are no limits. But memories of life in a variety of programs and "get it". as the common cold. The cold does not make us bad, but it is appropriate to cure ourselves clean. this is the case with programs as well. We'll get them. If a person see a program, you can collect it ourselves. The solution is to clean. Dr. Hew Len said: Everyone there is a way out of problems and illnesses, who is willing to assume 100% responsibility for the way they life - moment by moment - occur. Hoponoponó the ancient Hawaiian method of the individual turns to love, to correct the errors in Him. This is telling: "I'm sorry. Please forgive me what is my place, and create this problem! "Then you love is the responsibility of ensuring that you convert the mistakes that created the problem. He added: - The hoponoponó problems can not relax, but as an opportunity: The only problems playing back the past memories that come in to get the opportunity to glance through the eyes of love and inspirációból to act. Those who have learned the hoponopóno is, they usually want to share it with others, to help them. It is not easy to leave the "I can help" mode. But if you "explain" to people hoponopónot, by itself is not released by the memories of the problems. this is only achieved by the exercise of hoponopóno. If you're willing to cleanse ourselves of the "complaint is a complaint from", you'll be okay, and everyone else will be fine. (Imagine a web subconscious world wide web, in which all participants can ask the administrator of unwanted commands - memories - their removal. It is in your hands now in this life! Is why I am 100% responsible! And why you're 100% responsible for ! My world, my life. In your world, your life. The You, Me holistic world of duality, world, world, because everything and everyone!) Therefore, no one has advice to share with others in the hoponopóno. Instead, everyone will be encouraged to set aside the affairs of others on their release • First and only then everyone else.Groom! Groom! Groom! "I love you. I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you."Peace begins with me." (37) The shocking truth about the intentions What really matters to us as human beings, the subjective inner life. Yet relatively little is known about how it develops and how it plays a role in the action of conscious intentions. Dr. Hew Len said to me: - Joseph! When deleting something from the computer files to be deleted?- I do not know - I replied. Everyone laughed.- When something erased from the computer, to be a deleted file? - He asked the others, too.- Machine Recycle Bin - someone shouted.- Exactly - dr.Hew said Len. - There is still a worry, but I do not see it. The memories are like still there you just can not see them. To be Totally and permanently delete them. I liked the train of thought, but I did not know where you are going with him. Why is it good for me if I permanently delete my memory? -There are two ways to live your life - explains dr. Hew Len. Memorial from, or inspirációból. Takes place in the memories back to old programs. Inspiration is where you get a message from the Divine. The inspiration is what you need. and only if you can hear it and get it in the Divine inspiration, you will save all the memories. all you need to do is to clean. Dr. Hew Len Long explained why the Divine zero status. He said that this state has no limits. There are no memories. There is no identity: Nothing, just God. There are moments in our lives when we get to the barrier-free status, but usually what happens is that the garbage in our mind - what he calls memories - flows at. When I worked in psychiatry, and I looked at the material of the patient - he said - I could feel myself pain.This was a common memory. A program that causes the patient's behavior was such as it is. They were not masters of their own. Program became a prisoner of. As I felt the program has already cleaned. The central issue then became clean. I can say that the cleaning method that dr. Hew Len and the most common uses, and which I employ. Only four simple phrase is repeated, without intermission, the divine addressed to: "I love you.""I'm sorry.""Please forgive me.""Thank you." As I finished this weekend for the first course, the "love" word has become part of an internal monologue. Are you already occurred, that ébredve a song "about" in your head. Well, I have this "song" to "I love you" was a word. sometimes consciously, sometimes unconsciously, but almost always heard. Was a wonderful feeling! I do not know what it means to clean anything, but in fact it did its job. How could the "I love you" is wrong, but how? The time course of a dr. Hew Len called me to:- Joseph! How do you decide something, that memory, or inspiration?- I do not understand the question - I replied.- How do you know that someone has cancer, it is self-inflicted or received as a challenge to the Divine, to help you? I tried to digest the question. So, what do we know that one of the stories comes from his own mind, or mind of the Divine?-I do not know - I replied.- I do not know - said dr. Hew Len. - Exactly why we must constantly cleaned, cleaned. Cleaning should be carried out at everything and everyone because it does not know what the memorial, and what an inspiration. In order to be cleaned, without barriers to get to the state, which is the zero state. "a. Constantly groom! b. When ideas, or possibility of attack, act! c. Constantly groom! That's all. It is possible that this is the shortest road to success you'll ever have created. It is possible that this is the path of least resistance. It is possible that this is the shortest way to the zero state. Single magic begins and ends with. "I love you." So unlimited can access the zone. And yes, I love you. A skeptical mind wants to know A skeptical mind wants to know The purpose of life is that - moment by moment - the love we come back. To meet this goal, you must admitto 100%, we are responsible for ensuring that the lifeIt was founded as formed. We must see that our thoughtsmake - from moment to moment - someone in our lives, asthe. The problem is not people, places and situations, butthoughts about them. We should appreciate the factthat does not exist "beyond our control."dr. Ihaleakala Hew LenAs mentioned earlier, I wrote a most unusual in the worldtherapist's article, and I published on my blog. In my website(Www.mrfire.com) also I asked. David's life better method Riklan 101item (101 Great Ways to Improve Your Life) has been included in his book.This is the most widely distributed and quoted article byever written. Appeared in various newsletters, forwardedfriends, sent several e-mail distribution list, etc.. It appears thatthe inherent message was inspiring to all. This article wasis what grabbed my publisher, John Wiley & Sons, attention, and whatthen led to write this book.But not everyone liked the article. Some people are unable toto believe that anyone - even if it is a psychologist - he could curewanted to help hospitalized mentally ill criminals. One of themwrote a letter to dr. Hew to be, and demanded proof. The individual factsHe wanted to know dr. Hew Len's experience in connection with the mental hospital.Frankly, I did. I quote dr. Hew Len on the subject,detailed written response.144 The story - like most history - needs to be clarified.It is true that:First For years I worked as a psychologist in the Hawaii State Hospital mental ward,by the Hawaii Government Health operated.Second From 1984 until 1987 I worked for three years as a psychology class,20 hours per week during working hours, a high-securitydepartment, where patients were treated with a man who crimes- Murder, rape, drug use, serious bodilyoffense - have been committed.Third When in 1984 I started working in the department, its thereAll patients were kept elkülönítőjében violent.4th The department every day, many patients with ankle or wrist metal pottyNCS was a way to prevent violent crime olin committing.5th The departments are all-day event was among the patients and thepatients and medical staff of interpersonal violence.6th Patients were less involved in the care they and their rehabilitation.7th Not received within the department, rehabilitation work activities.8th No activity took place outside the department, recreational occupationor work.9th Family members are very rarely visited your hands.145 10th The psychiatrist, without the written permission of one patient could not leavethe high-security section. The license included bokaéswrist cuff also visited.11th Most patients stayed in the department for years, costingAs far as I know about head. year was $ 30 000.12th The nursing staff was very high among the sick leave takentime.13th The department is quite rundown and depressing physical environmentwas.14th The department staff is basically a wonderful healing and caringpeople stood.15th What I have described, is probably the country's most psychiatricclass j ellemző.When I left in July 1987 to részlegről, then:First Isolate were not in use.Second Wrist and ankle handcuffs are no longer used.Third Violence is extremely rare, and theyonly to new patients.4th The patients themselves were responsible for children's care, includinglocation, the work of the unit and the department before leavinglegal services, and furnishings.5th Regularly took place is outside the department, recreation-related activities,such as jogging and tennis, which do not permit a psychiatrist,no ankle or wrist cuff is not needed.146 6th Begun such work outside the department, such as. the car wash,which allow no psychiatrist, no ankle or wrist cuff usingdid not have to.7th The work was conducted within a department, such as. the baking and pastrya shoe shine.8th The department came regularly to visit family members.9th The medical staff sick leave has not been a problem.10th The unit looks like a significant improvement, because painting and maintenancehappened, and because people cared.11th The department largely supported the medical staff in thepatients to take 100% responsibility for themselves.12th The mean years of nursing time was reduced to months.13th The quality of life of patients and staff can dramaticallychanged, the custodial system divisions at a large familyone group of people caring for each other.What did I do as a department psychologist? Whenever the departmentresided odaérkezésem before during my stay there, and my departureAfter hoponoponót used. So, repentance, forgivenessand the conversion process and about which Itook place - consciously or unconsciously - experienced problemsabout.The department patients treated with psychotherapy has not been any.The department not only time I attended the meeting.100% responsible for myself undertook to clean myselfthose things that are a problem for me as a psychologist gradehave caused.Am I a creature, I am perfect, and as everyoneeverything else is. As for me, is imperfect, the only reactionappearing in line memories, which judgments as neheztelésként, anger as ingerlékenységkéntand who knows how it is played back by themind control.My peace.Ihaleakala Hew Len, PhD, President EmeritusFoundation of I, Inc. Freedom of the Cosmos(The Self Foundation, Freedom of the Cosmos organization)www.hoponopono.orgAlthough even then I only learned hoponoponót, is sometimesI taught you something else if you feel that the person is openit. The more I have become cleaner, the cleaner around it becameas well. It is not easy to believe. Much easier because of the outsideWanting a change, as the insiders.Houses on the island of Maui is a real estate agent showed us.Along the way we talked about much healing, spirituality, The Secreton the film and személyiségfejlődésről. It was interesting, but the journeyNoteworthy section of powerful something happened.The real estate broker has read the now famous article my dr.Hew Lenről hoponoponóról and Hawaii, which is a complete hospitalclass patintc healed mentally ill criminals.Like everyone else in the real estate agent is inspiringfound in the article.Like everyone else he never really understood it.While drove around beautiful island of Maui, the real estate brokercomplained that he can not sell a house. Sellerand the buyer is putting up fighting each other, which generates a lot of anger. The trialdegenerated into a quarrel, and soon it is expected the transaction. Thereal estate broker understandably frustrated by the behavior of individuals.I listened to him, and I felt I must speak.148 - Interested in that dr. Hew Len how to tackle this issuehoponoponóval? - I asked.- Yes! - Shouted kíváncsisan. - Very interested! Say!- This will be good! - Nerissa said.- Well, I am not a dr. Hew Len - I started - but I write with abook, and he learned the technique. So I think I knowhow he would address this matter.- Say!- Dr. Hew Len that allows you to look to itself to see whatthere is in him, which is related to problems occurring outside - I started.- When the mind is working class, then took a series of patientscardboard admitted. As of that act of terror he felt aboutor else, the person in question is not dealt withbut he experienced the sensation. As self-cleaned,I tisztultak and healed the sick.- I like that - he said the real estate broker.- Most people are ignorant about what constitutes aResponsibility - I went on. - I blame us for it.Then, as we are older and more conscious,We start to accept that we are responsiblethe szavainkért and actions. Even more consciousBut becoming realize that you are responsible forWe are everything that anyone says or does,simply because they are part of our megtapasztalásunknak.If we are to our owncreators, then we all were createdwhat you see, not including anyparts as well.149 The real estate broker with a smile he nodded his head.I continued.- It does not matter what you put in this situation, the seller orthe receiver. What matters is what you are doing. Dr. Hew Len is simplytelling, "I love you", "I'm sorry," "please forgive me" and"Thank you". People do not say this, but divine.The concept of distributed clean energy.- I'll do it - he said the real estate broker.- But do not do so to receive something! - I went on. - Ido, because it cleans the shared energy, and it neverNobody should have to experience again. This is a kind of purification, whichnever stop.Gave a break.It seems that the real estate realized. Wide-eyed,smiled a big smile.- When your mind - I had - you can do to clean yourand heal. And since this was my knowledge of the sellerproblem between the customer and, therefore, to me it should be cleaned. The nowmegtapasztalásomnak is my part of it. If my own experienceI am the creator, then this is something that is also why II am responsible.I let it settle in his mind, he continued to watch himhouses in the island of Maui.A few days later I received an e-mail ingatlanközvetítőtől. He wrote,to consistently apply the dr. Hew Len method.so it works.All is love.Continuously.And you're totally in charge.On one occasion, at the secret money - Mindy courses heldHurttel who texasbeli Wimberley Unity (Unity) is a managed house.In this context, taught the participants the cleaninghoponoponó method. Then a gentleman came up to me:150 - Problems with the "sorry" and "please forgive me" areto it.- Why? - I asked curiously, because such a thing has not heard from anyone.- Because I can not imagine a loving God, or Divine,who need to apologize to my request - he said. - I do not thinkthe divine but also why you should make me.I've been thinking it over, and later I realized what they had to answerthe man: - I did not say the words that God forgiveyou. I say to cleanse yourself. The wordsGOD'S say, but they serve toyou purify it.In other words:you constantly invading the Divine love.Never cease to do so. The zéró status- Where there are no barriers - such as accuratelycould be described as a state of pure love.In there. You do not. The "love", "sorry""Please forgive me" and "thank you"cleanse your heart by saying theprograms that preventbecome a pure love.I repeat: no need for divineto hoponoponó, you need itneed it.151 I think this is the hardest to digest hoponoponópart of: That there is nothing there that would be beyond our control. It's all therein us. Whatever you experience, you own yourself experiencing. Someone once tried to rebut this issue and, therefore, asked:- And what about the 50 million people, who Inot voted for any president? Pretty clear to me thennothing to do with their decision to do!- Where we are experiencing at the 50 million people? - I asked.- What do you know where I experience them? - But the question was.- I read about them, see them on TV, and the fact that theseI do not like the people voted for president.- Okay, but what you are experiencing this information?- In my head, as the news.- So your yourself, right? - I asked.- Well, of course, the information I work myself up, but thenwhether these things are beyond my control. Nowhere is there in me 50 millionman!- And you have all 50 million - I replied. - You are experiencingthey would own your heart, so it will only exist whenown look within yourself.- But if you look out, you can see them!- Own your heart you see them. Everything feldolgozol, there isyou. What I would not deal with yourself, it does not exist.- It's like when a fallen tree in the forest, and if not thereno one to hear, you are not actually given a voice?- Exactly.- But that does not make sense!- So true. Yet this is the way home.Then I thought that I try a little bit more.I asked him: - Can you tell me what will be the nextthoughts?For a moment elcsöndesült. Kinyögni tried to answer some, buthad failed.175 - No one can say what will be the next thingwhich will come to mind - Hungarian I told him. - Once you get in your headThe idea, then I can write, but when you think ofcomes, it comes up from the unconscious. Does not have power over him. There are so many choiceschance that when the idea arose, or do,what makes the idea or not.- You've lost the thread.- Once you get the idea in your head, you can do anything. But youtudattalanodban thought to arise - in Hungarian and then. - If you want toClean the unconscious, that your thoughts are right to attack,you have to do something else.- Such as?- The thing is, now that I write about a book. (This is thebooks I mentioned that you are reading.)- And this has what to do with me beyond the 50 million people?- Just so you are outside, as far as his own thoughts.All there is in you. All you do is tisztogatsz,kipucolod of your mind which of her many entrenched program.Cleansing during the emergence of more positive thoughts andbecome more productive, even love can become complete.- I think it's all nonsense - he said.- I cleaned it well - I replied.You'll probably never to understand most of it falling off. But if you want toreached a state of absolute zero, you must assume full responsibilityso that his head did not add up. His memories of theI remember. His program is my program. The mere fact thathe told me, it means that we share this program. Thereforekipucolom as I, his mind is purified. While theythe words I write, I keep saying "I love you." In my mind, thebehind the words, typing behind a computer behind the scenesbehind them.176 The "Love You" repeating - work, reading, writing,games, talking and thinking during- An attempt to break without the groom,kipucoljak removed and all that is just meand stands between zérószint.Can you feel the love? The truth behind the story It's not your fault, but it is your responsibility.dr. Debates of JoeI'm not finished dr. Hew flax. I still do not know thethe full story of how the mind at the time class healed.One day I asked again on the matter.- I never saw the pácienseidet? Not once did?- I saw them in the hallway, but as a patient, the surgery roomnever met them. I once saw one of them, who alsocalled for. He said: "You know that at any time tudnálak kill?" II answered him, "I bet you do it very well!"Dr. Hew Len said: - When the state hospital for the confusion mindedcriminal division began work on a day 3-4 times seriouslycame to blows. This time around. 30 patients in the ward.Some are kept in chains, others closed his solitary confinement,or were prohibited to leave the class area. The doctorsand the nurses also traveled on their backs against the wall all, to avoidone patient attacked them from behind. Just a few monthsAfter cleansing, things have improved tremendously: no longer had anyonechain held in solitary confinement did not need and can afford itthe ápoltaknak to go out into the open, where they workedor sportolhattak.- But what exactly did you do in order to initiate this change?- Myself, had to assume full responsibility for ensuring thatproblem - except me - appeared. I had to clean your owntoxic thoughts, replacing them with love. There was no patient withNever mind. The errors were involved.185 Dr. Hew Len explained to me that patients do not feellove, but not in the class. Therefore, he radiated love to all.- I could see the walls that have festetni should - be told. - Butnew layers of paint will never survive, lehámlottak immediately. ThereforeI said, just the walls that I love them. Then aday, someone decided that paints the walls, and this time the paintthere is left.It sounded strange to say the least as well, but it has not disappearedstrange ... Yet they had to do, the question that is bestemployed.- Finally, each patient was released?- Two are not allowed out, either then or later. Transported elsewherethrough them. Apart from the class everyone healed.Then he said something, which later helped me to understand whatwas strong in what he did.- If you are curious to know how the class was aboutin the years to write Omak-O-Kala Hamaguchinak! He is socialworker there at the time.I did so. This is the Omak-O-Kala Hamaguchi, a womanfollowing answered:Dear Joe!Thank you for the opportunity.You must know that this letter together with Emory Lance OliveirávalI'm writing. He is also a social worker, who is also a dr. Hew along with flaxworked for the department.At that time social worker assigned to the state mental hospital in Hawaiinewly opened section of the judiciary.The class name Closed Intensive Security Unit (CISU) (closedIntensive Security Unit), respectively. For those prisoners were treatedthe department, who are mostly violent crimes committedit, such as murder, rape, assault, robbery,rape, or a combination, and having assumed186 or inspections, it was found that severe mental disordersare suffering.In between there were cared for prisoners who have been insanitywere saved because of the court, were severelypsychotics who need of treatment, and those whowas kept for observation and study, to determinethat are suitable to participate in legal proceedings(Ie, the ability to understand the charges against them andto participate in their own protection). There were among schizophrenicsand bipolar disorder, some retardáltak wereothers are pszichopátiát szociopátiát or diagnosed.Then there were those who have tried to convince thecourt to belong to one of those situations.We are all standing in custody were only a medical examinationor treatment, or allowed to leave the court hearing in connectionthe institute field, and then only wrist and bokabilincsben. Themost of their days in a separate cell was filled with a closedwindows, and betonpadlós betonplafonos cell, where onlywas a closed basin. Many of them are under strong medicinewere. Only rarely, such a program was organized for them.The "incident based" no surprise: the patients attackedstaff, each other, themselves, and often tried toto escape. But many of the staff was a problem "incidents"also, eg. nurses manipulated the patients, there were drug problems,sickness benefit fraud and abuse, the staff membersarguing with each other, was a huge turnover of psychologists,psychiatrists and administrative staff people; problemswere in the plumbing system and electrical network, and soon, almost indefinitely. The department tense, unpredictable,was overwhelming and wild place where the plants are not grown.Later, the class moved to a brand new, muchsecure the premises, where there is a fencedrecreational placcot have been developed, but it is not expectedmajor changes.187 Then, when "again was a new psychology," we expected,that will fölkavarja things to try with the latestMiracle program, then as suddenly came to an abrupt leave, and business as usual. "Great" ...But now it did not happen, because dr. Hew Len does not seem muchmade in addition to a friendly behavior. Not madeassessments and surveys are not set up any diagnosis;therapy is not done, and not added to the psychological ápoltakkaltests. Often came in late to work, case discussionsyou did not go, and not much inventory mandatorycared for. Instead, a "weird", a technique called hoponoponónakemployees, which is something olyasmiről said, let us assume that 100%responsibility for ourselves, just look into ourselves, and immerseedge of the negative and unwanted energies from ourselves."Great" ...But the weirdest was that this psychologist, nothingunable to get upset easily in all conditionshad a great time! Many laughed, joked with the patients and thestaff, and seemed to genuinely enjoy what they are doing.That the people have honored that they liked and enjoyedhis company, together with the fact that apparently was not interruptedthe work.And slowly, things began to change. It was found that theIsolation rooms are increasingly becomes vacant, the patientsand began to take responsibility for their own szükségleteikért dolgaikért;Moreover, more and more involved in the plans for them,development programs and projects. Fewer and fewer drugwas needed, patients who have been without a clipallow the department.The whole section was filled with life, quieter, lighter,safer, cleaner, more active, happier and more productiveplace for it. The room started to grow plants, almosteliminated all the defects in the sanitary area of violencethe department has become a rare event, and also those of the staff seemed to188 that harmonious, relaxed and became enthusiastic. Theusual, sickness and lack of man-made problems disappearedincreasingly become a problem that too many people want to work here,and no one is willing to go to class.Two case now comes to mind, in particular,big impression on me.There was a severely troubled mind, paranoid patient who had previouslyis guilty of violent crimes, more peopleseverely wounded at the institute and outside, and moretime was treated in hospital. This time the murder wasCISU into. Every time I looked, ran through the cold on my back.If you come near me, I felt sick from!Dr. Hew Len after the arrival of one or two years todöbbenetemre largest I have seen this man to meapproaching, accompanied by nurses, but without handcuffs, it has to burnmy hair. Just noticed that there, judgingno, not even disturbed that touched your shoulder, aswe passed each other. Lower than the usual "well, II'm not here "response. In fact, the man seemed quite relaxed!At this time no longer worked for the department, butI was very curious about what happened. I learneddo not exclude that some time in the isolation and cuffsnot have to wear what no other explanation than thatSome of the staff hoponoponót practiced by Dr.Hew Lentől learned.In another incident occurred when he was watching the newson TV. In order to make their own mental health took a day off,elszakadhassak a bit from work, and lazíthassak.The news showed that the patient-CISU the trial,who was a three-or four-year-old girl rapeand charged with murder. The patient was taken to hospital wherefound that the mental state does not allow the courtparticipation in the trial. Several psychiatrists and psychologistsreviewed and assessed the status and number of189 diagnosis is established, which at this time due to highprobably would have found that the state of mindnot be counted. Why not send to prison, but hadwithdraw from a government hospital, which is still the only imprisonmentfreer environment, and the conditional releaseThere are also possibilities.Dr Hew Len was talking with a patient who is then askedteach him the hoponoponót, and I heard a verypersistently and consistently practiced, which of course is waiting for youtengerésztiszttől was a man. After a while, it was found thatbecame suitable for the court to participate, and who isthe court set a hearing date.Although the majority of patients and their lawyers - understandably - akimondásáért have battled insanity, this patientelse did. The court dismissed the day before the hearinghis lawyer. The next day, the afternoon before the court respectfullyand humbly confessed that "I am responsible for what they did,and very sorry. "This was not expected. The judge alsoIt took a few moments, until he heard the realized ones.Two or three times I have tennis dr. Hew flax and thusthe man, and while the patient is very polite and carefulbehaved, I - I think, is understandable - I was not too high an opinionit ... Then, only tenderness and loveI felt for him, and I sensed that the courtroomeveryone's feelings about him changed. The judge andthe prosecutor's voice became softer, and loving everyone around himsmile at him. Not every moment was the day!Therefore, when dr. Hew Len asked me one day to Vaneamong us anyone who wants a little more about thishoponoponóról - after the usual tennis match - immediately jumped upand looking forward to the end of the afternoon to play tennis.That was almost 20 years ago, but still impressed whenI remember that - as I learned in the meantime - howDivine was the dr. Hew Len, through the State of Hawaii190 Hospital. I will be eternally grateful to dr. Would Hew and its"Strange" method, which has made us familiar.The man in question anyway, the jury simplyfound guilty, the judge is in a sense rewarded,because it met the demand that the punishment of the place of residencenearby federal prison, spend down, and eventually see thehis wife and children.Although now almost 20 years later, this morning called the classformer secretary, and asked it to dr. Hew Len has recentlyráérne for a meeting with old colleagues, the majority of whombeen retired. Within a few weeks we will meet them.Who knows what can come out of this? I will listen when you emergeup new stories.Peace,O. MonThat's the story. Dr. Hew Len has a real miracle in the hospital!Love and forgiveness has transformed the peoplewho are hopeless to expect, and who many in the society selejtjénekwere considered.This is the power of love.Of course I wanted to know.When I finished this book, drafts, sent for review dr.Would Hew. I asked, weeders out of it for inaccuracies.He also asked that if they were holes in the story department of the mindspent éveiről add the story. About a week afterthat he had received the manuscript of this e-mail sent to me:Ao Akua!This is a confidential letter to you and only you. I write because I readthe book manuscript. Other comments about the manuscript would be, but I will write about these later.191 - Did it - he said Morrnah, empátiamentesen.- Since I made? - I asked.- The Hawaii State Hospital.Although I felt the words of the firm - then, in July 1987 - and yetI said, "would give them two weeks' notice." But of course,I have not. Somehow it happened that there was no time for it.The hospital and no one has complained.I never went back to the hospital, even when inviteda farewell party. My friends kept the party without me. The farewell giftsÉnalapítvány handed over after the party in office.I loved the Hawaii State Hospital Department of Justice to work.I liked my colleagues. There was a moment - I do not knowexactly when - when there is both family members working pszichológusbólI have become.20 hours a week for three years I lived very close to the staff, for the patient,the rules, the standards, and to click on the classvisible and invisible forces of.I was there when the separation, steel handcuffs, a medicationand keeping the other form to be accepted and regularly usedtool.And it was there when the separation of steel and handcuffs - almostone moment to the next - gone. When was it? No one knows exactly.The physical and verbal violence is evaporated, almost one hundred percent.The medication itself is reduced.And the moment came as well - who knows exactly when - when the patientleft the class, go to work or relax, clampsand without a medical paper.192 The class is simply crazy and it was transformed into a voltage out of a peaceful, caringhospital class, that no one knowingly made for the conversion.It is also just happened that a chronic shortage of workersstruggling classes "létszámfelesleggel" change of department.So I would like to clarify that the department close and activeI worked as a family member, and I was not present as a spectator.And I do not really have been no therapeutic activity. I did not dopsychological tests. I did not take part in the meetings. NotI was involved in the patients esetmegbeszélésein. However, very closelyacquainted with the operation of the department.I was there when the first class completed project: a cake bakedfor sale. So there I was when I organized the firstactivities outside the department, which was a car wash. And even whenorganized the first class, non-recreational program.Not because I did not do what is usually a matter of institutional psychologist,because I thought that the useless. Simply- Reason unknown to me - I did not.But I was constantly in the department, I attended the süteménysütésben,classless jogging and playing tennis.And, more importantly, keep each tisztogattamvisit before, during, and after a week, three full years.Every morning and evening tisztogattam everything that happened in myconnection with the class, and each time the classin my mind.Thank you.I love you.My peace,Ihaleakala193 I really liked this little addition. On the one hand reflects the dr. Hew Lenhumility, on the other hand, helped to a better understanding of,that at the time as an employee of the hospital, what you did and whatdid not.I wrote him back and asked for permission to e-mail for inclusion inin the book. His answer was one word - a word whichexpecting - "Yes."I still have something to learn from this great man. We decided,that together we will hold seminars and, of coursethis book is co-write. But now at least succeeded into collect the full story on how to help a completepsychiatric department for insane criminals. Just aseverything else is doing: he worked on himself. And when their privateworked, just use a simple word: "I love you."Of course, this is something that you and I can do.If you ought to be included in the dr. Taught by Hew Len, modernizedhoponoponó essence, the result would be something like: First Constantly groom!Second When ideas or possibility of attackact!Third Constantly groom!That's all. It is possible that this is a successshortest path leading ever have created.It is possible that this is the path of least resistance. It is possible that this is the shortest paththe zéro status. Single magic wordbegins and ends with "I love you."Unlimited it can access the zone.And yes, I love you. 4. Enlightenment: 1.Or. Summary: Take the analogy to the old doctrine. Sit in the theater and enjoy the show. Or do not enjoy it, because damn boring. The negative heroes atrocious. The smooth positive heroes win, no risk, no effort, no struggle, no lessons, no nothing! You're a big time director in place to direct this film? I am sure that up again. I hope no one thinks that God is worse director than I am? Take also add that as a subset of God can not be destroyed, have eternal life. This world is perfectly designed, and it works the same as the Creator. God is not a cosmic engineer, which would be distinguished from the Creator and creation. Rather like a seed from which trees grow ever more powerful. In other words, the dancer and a dance! The dance can not be separated from the town dance. Everyone! The artist works the same.Whenever I am critical of the works, says that God created rubbish! Do you really think that an omnipotent God could not create anything, what he wants? Or are you saying that God deliberately created faulty products such as man? Or, for once, the good old előrángatod free will that God has given, why? Why? Why? And again, WHY? The hoponoponó would be the perfect answer for why these. I have a lot of times I went to him! Why? For the 2011th October 15 - I understand it to him, and not before, so !!!!!!! You can now go with him. Then maybe once ....."I love you. I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. And I love you." 2. Or, otherwise the summary: Let's talk a little bit differently, the language of physics, because all vibration. We are like a radio transmitter and receiver. We just defined wavelength radiation, and resonate with the same wavelength. Or an integer multiple of the wavelength. Every time. Every encounter with fate, can not meet with anyone, only those who resonance things to do common tasks that you have to solve a common subconscious through. It's not our job to protect anyone let any "danger" because the whole universe will help us to precisely the lesson we get what we need. The world wants to be the Redeemer of all, because no one takes up a real problem: The 100% responsibility for its own salvation. 2 years ago someone told me the hoponopónot. I went with him. Six months ago came back to face me, but then it still was not ripe. It's not our job to try to change other people, but the job is that I been altered! The holographic principle and system theory say the same thing: If the system is an element - such as I - is changed, all changed. If I am 100% responsible for myself, then everyone else is at 0% and it is not egoism. It may not be true, what I write, but I write for myself, and I bear the responsibility of 100%. If you're not on the same wavelength, then I can not touch you, nor you me. Only I can touch myself, for myself I can understand only because I, I am. A wave-length, not two. The only other person responds, almost always automatic, as the autopilot. My job and my responsibility: Be alert. To raise awareness. Since the conscious mind is very limited, if hoponopónóval cleansing the subconscious, the collective consciousness can remove all common harmful unconscious memories, and the resulting void in the consciousness of divine grace on intuition can flow. There is no empty space - not in the mind! Space will always be filled either with memories (ie, psychological garbage), or the Divine intuition. Therefore, groom, groom and groom! In your world there is no one, only you! And responsibilities, or 100%. What do you mean? You see, I can not "convince" the hoponoponóra to at least look into. But now I'm happy that I found, because suddenly I saw something over tunnel. Szétüvöltözni I want the world to found what I was looking frantically for 20 years. But despite screaming, no one hears. No one! "I love you. I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. And I love you." Third Summary or a summary: I am 100% responsible for everything that happens in my life, because everything in this universe, you experience it, reflect on me. If I were not responsible, you will not experience it. When something negative happens in my life, for example, someone responding negatively about me, is not it but me. The holographic principle with myself to be cleaned and cleaned myself if the error, the error will disappear from the world, is also the holographic principle. When any intention to break up the felbuggyanó memory or subconscious, or divine inspiration. A lot of people write to the power of intention. They did not study enough, but they teach. "Lord, please forgive them, for they know not what they do." It's the blind leading the blind principles. I did not ask money for tuition, only because I teach myself. You beleleshetsz up in what I'm studying right now. The intention is not primary but secondary! The collective unconscious, psychological szeméttelepről buggy up, emotional, emotional nature can be. The felbuggyanó subconscious memories are painful, imperfect and defective. The inspiration isteniből pop-loving, perfect and flawless. Elutasíthatom or acceptable. This is a free will. Since I am responsible, to be unto me heal myself. The other is never to be healed, but still myself. I ask myself, damn it clean with these words: "I love you. I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you." God is love. The love everything is possible. Love is the all-nothing state. First clean the request of the state I get nothing, then holding the power of love, everything follows. If you do so, and now here I am writing, you want proof, then this is the answer to my life every time something was crap, there was always one person: Me. So when we do not agree with something when you do not tolerate each other when someone offended the disagreement of the village, and wants to leave the blog, the 100% my responsibility, not otherwise experience it. Peace begins with me. Cleaned and cleaned and cleaned. "I love you. I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you." The subconscious is always the collective unconscious, that is, someone, someone with a common memory. Shared memory is the only way God can be deleted to delete anyone who was in it. It's not my mission to change the world, but the mission that I have been altered. If I change, the world will never go back again to its original state. Then Jesus directed, when he said: "I and the Father are one."He had been a change. The love. The sympathy. Forgiveness. The fish. "I love you. I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you." "Peace begins with me." The problem is none other than tudatalattimban visszajátszódó memories. My problems not related to anyone in any place or situation. These problems, "complained of symptoms," as one of Shakespeare's poetic szonettjében formulated. When I experience a problem playing back the memories, I have a choice. Opt out of it to remain bound to them, or can afford GOD TO recourse to the conversion to free them. So I set my mind back to the original, zero, empty state. The state of memory immunity. When I sit in the emlékeimtől free (because it is divine to my request they wiped the collective unconscious, that is, in my subconscious as well), then I Self Divine, as the Divine created the exact likeness of himself. When the subconscious zero state, he is timeless, limitless, infinite, and death is not affected (Jesus realized! The Church of the Virgin is not with explaining Jesus' special characteristics, and proclaimed God's only son, Jesus is not that special, which they say, but in what you read here.) If, however, dictated by the memories, you can get stuck in time, in space, the problems of uncertainty, the chaos of thought, wrestling with the problems of handling cases. If you let the memories uraljanak, then my mind to renounce blur, and especially to the Divine harmóniámról. There is no attunement, NO inspiration. If there is no inspiration, no purpose. (This is why the old masters emphasize that: be alert!) That if the full responsibility for your life means that everything in your life - simply because your life is - it is your responsibility, then the literal interpretation of the whole world is your creation!If this is you, then the world is wrong with dagonyászás instead - it's just your projection, projection - turn to love yourself, take responsibility! It is easy to say, hard to do! I work for myself! I have time enough!Mine for eternity! If someone enlightened, does not mean that she has a spiritual master! Most of them, "Thank you, and I'm fine good" are in a state. The Master, who is compassionate love to return to the state of the world, and this state of the victim to exercise compassionate love, without having to "convert". The charge of the ignorant "work." The spiritual master is just, and maintains the existence of a network of CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS around the world, while working on YOURSELF ...
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