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The Facebook ( . Lots of instructive division ) Tibor Gyula outdoors and " awakening " esoteric group if jelölsz friend me on Facebook , or raise your group , you can make you . In the past I have edited the blog are based on books and CDs , and now based on these requirements. Many of my friends went on to become the co- author of some , and these become the blogs . I would like to express my thanks to all who took over his writings . ♥
1 Motto : Love and serve , and do not forget ! ( What Not to forget : Love and serve .... )
2 Motto : "I want to know God 's thoughts Everything else is detail. ". Albert Einstein.
"Truth should be humbler in search of porn. World's foot stomp the port, but the search of truth must make himself so humble that even the dust is able to trample him. Only if you can not look past the truth." Gandhi.
This will control your life, when I grow up!
I Osho: The Mustard Seed
(Osho explains apocryphal Gospel of Thomas.)
Jesus was a rebel, so veszélyes.Jött, seen, and not the power of the existing social tetszett.Felforgatta rendet.A 12 disciples torn from his family, because I had a célja.A disciples were women and children were left without the only breadwinner, because Jesus said: Come, follow me engem.Volt a woman who is 14! children stayed there because her husband was followed Jesus. The kufároknak did not like the árujukat broke ... Jesus knew that the task is not to tetsszen anyone. Made him a wide berth to anyone what you think about it. Psychologically volt.És be happy. Changed everything, the time has changed him. The world will never be the same as it was before. Not with what he did, but with the way in existence. It is a holistic universe in which your job is to Become Your. If you changed you belong, in all, the whole world changes! You're practicing the same effect on the world, as Jesus did, the only difference is that he was conscious as to what is spiritual master never had before.
People are waiting outside for happiness. The husbands, the wives of politicians and priests. Do not wait. Start working on yourself, here and now. Your body is the temple of the living God. Crush it and keep it clean.No one can make you happy, no one can make you free, Only You can do this. Jesus did not do anything for you, only set the example, because of conscious and especially subconscious másolódással learn. Jesus did not carry out those you work, you have made yourself, so do not sit back in comfortable karosszékedben.Jézust almost everyone misunderstands. If you do not misunderstand Jesus, read Osho. I think he understands the best for Jesus.
There were those who saw Jesus' teachings behind the big deal. Apocryphal Gospel of Thomas (unreleased) remained, and he too knew Jesus. I go further: he alone understood more or less useless for the others explained, misunderstood ... Jesus was a very easy to misunderstand. In the early medieval businessmen guilty of packaged "goods" ... (Category = Gospel = good news) Love is the religion of blood, sweat, tears, "Holy Inquisition" forgiveness tags sale, and the history of mankind's largest psychological slavery (1.3 million-man business does, and the Semitic biblical command to complete the implementation of "multiply and uralmatok herein under the earth. ") the name of love: It's a joke that does not laugh, but cry. What would Jesus do if re-born? Kufárokat to expel from the church, saying: This is my Father's house For use den and you did it? "What would you say to guarding the Vatican and the Pope's Swiss Guards? What do you think?
Other: The only thing that is yours in this world, the feeling. Thoughts are not yours, you got that loan. The mind is conditioned by the filter was only an interpreter for you. The feeling of the compass to go your way right now, or you want to be someone other than who you really are. You've come to this land, that you be you. Alone, and irretrievably értékes.Istennek a plan for you. Get the eternity that God is with you about plans into action. In His infinite love and patience to look down on you. Cristian darn, one of my favorite live mestereimnek and Martial writes of love c. book that you must not imagine God as a cosmic engineer who put together as an outsider in the universe. He is like a seed, which is like a giant tree, grew out of the universe. The fact that God is omnipotent means all of it is, there is nothing beyond. How numerological parlance, is an all-out from the fact that there is a God, no matter how it is called: Jehovah, Allah. Krishna ... And everyone is a child of God, you're a leaf or tree of God. And his love, and you can love or ... Do not fight, but love of life ... do not fight, but a gentle stream. Listen to your heart ...
Gospel of Thomas - along with other apocryphal documents - in 1945, was a beautiful December day in an Arab peasant who dug the earth with Upper Egypt near Nag Hammadi, while a mature bird manure sought after. When you have two feet deep terrain, the vessel collided with a big dose of blades. Hoping to find treasure, quickly broke the large bowl. However, instead of glittering treasures only recorded a couple of ancient Coptic papyrus found. Did he know that the ancient texts found a special collection, which was probably one and a half thousand years before the monks of St. Pachomius monastery hidden in the church's overwhelming command of the front, a fierce and merciless persecution of heretics was part of.
The fifth gospel to some experts believe that the Bible is about fifty years after Jesus' death and twenty years after the official New Testament before it was registered. So the Gospel of Thomas is not actually the fifth, but the first. In the Gospel parable of Jesus found in 114, of which there are some which can be found in the four canonical gospels as well, but it has not been at all well-known parables. Jesus' parables speak, teach through parables. They are fairly simple parables, but the deeper meanings. In this book Osho twenty-one, the Gospel of Thomas is an example to clarify existing language.
"The religious man who realizes his life is what everyone else is the moment of death."What if Christians were taught that "no adakozzatok, because that soul ártotok?" The churches were so established, that the people there to pray, but Jesus says, "when you pray, convicted were" ... but then who would go to church? And if there is no prayer, no fasting, no gifts, no rituals, then we would have the priests? What would be the church?These drill holes in Jesus 'sentences for organized religion in the ark, leaving only Jesus' remains - and finally the boat sank.
1st The Mustard Seed (p.9)
I asked Jesus to his disciples:Tell me, what is the kingdom of heaven?He tells them:It is like a mustard seed trees: smaller than other seeds, but when cultivated soil is a huge tree grows out of it, which gives protection to all birds of the sky rana.
Human relationships have changed a lot, not in the right direction. More fundamentally, all human relationships to have disappeared, now the wife is not your wife, but your girlfriend, your husband is no longer your husband, but only fiúd. Friendship is good and beautiful, but not in as much depth. A real covenant is needed depth - depth of your being. If there is no deep-rooted, you can even stay shallow. This is a deep commitment to your partner and if you can not give yourself, you are unable to immerse in the depths of love. Lubickolsz only on the surface, while you know nothing about the depth.
A deep dive for you, of course, is dangerous - it can not be otherwise, because you know only the surface, and only there can be effective. On the surface tevékenykedhetsz feel like a robot, there is no need for vigilance. But the deeper merülsz, the more you have to be more vigilant, because there is at every moment can be fatal.
Restricted the depth of the fear of human contact. People remain immature. A friend or girlfriend can be kind, left, pretty, sexy, but never the sort of relationship can become the ajtóvá, which is in you - and everyone else too - a deep potential leads. A friend of a woman blocked from close sexual relationship, but it will not be love. The deep roots of love are needed. A sexual relationship can be easily set up on the surface, but it is only animal instinct and biology. Sex can be beautiful, true, but only if you love trees. If not then arise, it is ugly. Even the worst, because it lacks emotion. When only two bodies in contact with, and then split up and go their own ways, it's not you and he have met you. Then the body was only two. And the same happened to other human connection.
The deepest human relationship in all but disappeared from the earth. Because of the deepest human relationship to the master and disciple relationship. You will never understand the teachings of Jesus, or is unable to master - disciple relationship is fundamentally understood and átérezni ... But unfortunately, it completely disappeared from the world. My wife has been replaced by her friend, the husband of a friend ... the master-apprentice relationship, however, completely disappeared and all. Or perhaps today - but quite different - the analogy to "go diving" - patient relationship.
But the relationship between psychiatrist and patient can not be other than sick, because the patient was not looking for truth, and not even after the health of the patient ... not a whole - is my units are not looking for ... because he could not patient, but a disciple. The patient just wants to get rid of the disease, it is a negative approach. She went to the doctor because they "want to be normal, a normal, integrated into a social being. Just came back to force him to help with the "normal world" because it does not fit into the social frameworks, adapted to her place, you have to squeeze a skatulyába. And the psychiatrist helps to insert ...
The psychiatrist can not master, because he is not all. And the patient can not be His disciples, because he was not studying. He was just a distraction interferes with the purpose of his reintegration, not exhaustive. The psychiatrist can not master, though this is a misconception in the West already dominates. And sooner - and later it spread fallacies East. But this is nonsense - because he is sick. Perhaps the patient is able to visszaillesztenie social frameworks, one patient may help a bit on the other. But one can not help a patient to another patient to become a whole person. One can not help another crazy lunatic get through the madness.
(P. 15) might be much smarter people than you might be a genius, and perhaps you can help even a little bit ... but the ultimate truth, the most secret inner essence of our being is just as blind as you. No deals with the soul, but with the mind. Hospital is good, not a church. The disease exists only on the surface - where your being there, there is no disease. Once you realize who you really are, all diseases will disappear. Basically, only exists for the disease, because their own self-knowledge elbújsz front, try to avoid yourself - always has been meeting with yourself, because you do not want to see your own face.
What happened to you? If you are not ready to face yourself, not to become an apprentice to the master helpless because if you do not want to see yourself. He can only help you if you are willing to look in the mirror.
And why are you so afraid? Because it's something even a time, fundamentally wrong. The child idetoppan, but no one will accept it and those to which they had received. he must shape. It should be disciplined. Because such components from which neither society nor the parents can not be accepted. Them - that would otherwise be associated with organ - parts must refuse, you must press. There are a few components, which is acceptable and even laudable ... These kids have to separate the parts if you want to accept. Being part of a large surface but never could, and that part must be deep to hide that in the end he completely forgets about it. This repression, and the whole society is based on repressed.
The children most in need of being pressed and will be locked in a dark cellar. The subject of consciousness. But these are the parts they want to be free, and rebellious. They would like to express them freely as well. But they are prohibited. Every time visszalökjük neck and grab them from the dark cellar. So more and more afraid önmagadtól you do not dare to face with yourself, because who knows what or who lurks in the depths below? You do not know who lives in you in the dark!
But the "bogeyman" will never go away from there, but again occurs. What is the subconscious part of you, if it escapes? What if you meet the feleddel hiding? All you have denied yourself, now suddenly zutty there room in front of you. Since you're scared.
If the child is not accepted in full, you will inevitably filled with fear. There has not been a society which accepted in its entirety would have the baby, as it is. And probably never will be because it is almost impossible. Thus, a degree of repression by all means stay with us, it's inevitable.
One day this issue you'll meet. Then you will become disciples, if you forget what the right and wrong to beat your head if you forget what is "acceptable" and what is not: It only can be true disciples, if you're ready to reveal your entire being to ourselves.
(P. 18) A master is nothing more than a midwife. It helps to be born a second time to hozhasd world soul. And what is the relationship between master and disciple? The student must rely on the midwife, no doubt. If you doubt, the spirit-babies can not get out. Kidugni not dare head. When you doubt, összezsugorodsz, you can not expand, you can not evolve. If only ... I doubt you'll stay a stranger. Do not you trust me and bezárkózol. Locking yourself because you do not know that this stranger may be wondering what you want. You do not want new wounds, so you close yourself to the person behind the armor.
Besides it should be checked against a master's armor, even full - otherwise go to the thing. Even szerelmeddel fenntarthatsz against a thin armor, yet he did not fully tárulkozol. But even against a master of the thin armor also has to go, otherwise nothing is done. Visszatartasz If anything, it has no real connection between you. It requires complete trust, just get initiated, you only get the secret key. If your being is not quite there when hiding, then you fight against the master. Not that the master did not see the armor behind - so there will be no connection, because you will not be able to see the master of being behind the armor.
There is no clash of two personalities, which probably will be the master of the winner. No, I do not know about it. Try this to understand. You are giving up yourself or not. The possibility of surrender, as such, but unfortunately missing in today's world, and this has several reasons. The man had three or four hundred years, educate egoistának not surrender, but the fight is taught.
(P. 23) ... Jesus walks on the shore early morning. The sun was not yet above the horizon, and just two fishermen cast nets into the water. Jesus walks up to them ... and say to him: Follow me and since, that people of fishermen. "And they immediately leaving their nets followed him ..." He says, "Why are you wasting your life? Rather, when people see shapes. Come, follow me! "If someone would say to you when you behind the desk, sit in the papírkupacok, or even to iron lathe marsz answer ... what? "Get out mate. Meghibbantál? I do not want joke now. "But the only two fish to Jesus looked at - their eyes were full of confidence - and that's enough.This confidence. He did not even ask, "Who or foreign? Where are you from? "They did not know Jesus is not from the village had never seen before, never heard of him. But that's enough for them: Jesus called them and they were followed.
Then, just when you have started, a man ran after them and shouted: "Where have they gone? Your father died unexpectedly. Come back! "
And they asked Jesus to go home to bury their father first and then later come back to ...
But this Jesus replied: "Because the dead do not worry. There are enough dead in the village, who will provide his halottaikról. Come more, follow me. "And the two fishermen followed Jesus. This confidence. They saw and heard Jesus. And they went, and never turned back. Trust means that you never look back. They never turn back.
The doubt is always backwards blink - "Maybe I should have done more, could be a great mistake, maybe it is not the right way ... Visszaforduljak, or follow this madman to the party? Who knows what the truth is - he says he is the Son of God, but to be God's son? Who knows God? He had a wife at all? And this one looks just like us ... "
But the two fishermen do not look back, but follow Jesus. And if you follow a man like Jesus, then it will eventually infect you too. Initially, do not do anything more than that you trust, follow him. Maybe this guy is crazy, but you assume the risk, because it touched me deep down. Then, sooner or later you'll see for yourself that this man is really God's son - in fact, it is through you'll know that you can either ... But in the beginning must be trusted. If the beginning of distrust and doubt, or surrounded by walls, the doors are closed before you.
The master and disciple between the door closed. In the last 300 years science has achieved tremendous success, and flooded us miracles - miracles but they are not given to human happiness fabatkát not. What good is such a beauty? In fact, the unhappy man today than ever before. More technology, more comfort, but less happy. This miracle of technology: the more comfort, makes the more unhappy.The more things can be solved in the art, the less you need. And the less need you, the more you feel fölöslegesebbnek. "Why am I here? What's the point of my existence? Sooner or later the computer will take care of everything, even better than you, and you really do not have one you need. You can go and gird myself, no one will miss it, the computer will take care of everything.
The sense of human happiness arises from the fact that you feel necessary. When you need you, are happy, because then you feel your life has meaning. Without you all would be different. But now it is without you all point out just like you. In fact, they might even be better because the computer a lot less mistakes, and much faster than you. Now, rather obstacle or the road to development, because, unfortunately, already out of date and may only be waiting for you when they discard. The one possible thing most obsolete in today's world, every year, because otherwise, everything else will see a new edition, a new Ford model, a brand new fridge ... just the human model has acted in over time. Just something to replace him ...
The modern mind always feels useless, because nobody is using it. Even a child can carry the state, some are referred by their nursing home, if something happens to you. Otherwise, do not see them too much, kindergartens, schools, universities ... Older parents are not in need of you, they also provide the nursing home. I need you Who are you? And once you feel that you do not need anyone, or unnecessary, then it could be happy? In the old days you needed.
There was a Jewish mystic, was called Hillel. Hillel was a very confident man, deeply religious, prayer and said, "so they do not believe me, Lord, that you only need you for me - I was me. You would not be without me. If there are Hillel, who pray to Thee? Who would look up at you? I must be here for me. So do not forget, I need you, Father, it is true, but you also need me. "
If the whole universe needs you - even God - you can make sense of existence, the meaning, significance. But I do not want you to anyone. Substituted or worthless, be replaced. The technology created a comfort, but you also made pótolhatóvá. The technology has created better houses, but it is not created better people. The other dimensions are necessary to create a better person - not the mechanikusság, automatism is not a dimension, but awareness.Under construction!
2.Jézus controversial (p. 45)Jesus said:People think I have brought peace to the world - do not know that I have my share of the earth: fire, sword, and war.When five lives in the house, the three will be against two and two against three, father against the son, and son against father, and they are all alone.Jesus said:I give you what eye has not seen, ear has not heard yet the hand, which is the human heart does not arise.
3rd The miracle of miracles (p. 83)
Jesus said:I entered into the world incarnate, and appeared before them, but both were drunk and did not find even one among them who szomjúhozna.And my people are suffering from fiaiért because they are blind in their hearts and do not see that empty they came into the world and we are looking to get out of this world is empty.Now both are drunk. But when you shake off the intoxicating wine, will be treated.
4th Masks (p. 117)
Jesus said:Do not worry about it all day long, and from evening to morning, what are you going to take on yourself.His disciples said:When you coming megnyilatkozni mivoltodban true when we see you?Jesus answered:When your clothes and then stripped himself without being ashamed, and making clothes under your feet like little children, megtaposod, you will see the Son alive, and you will not be afraid.
5th The strangest example of speech (p. 145)
Jesus says to them:If you fast, sin has brought to you pray, you were convicted, and if you share alms with ártotok souls.And wherever you take your journey, the countryside is any mistake, you admit it, eat what they set before you, and heal the suffering.Because you are not to be contaminated, what goes into your mouth, put the unclean but what comes out of your mouth.
This is a very strange parables, but it is very important meaning. The only reason it seems strange, because man is a fake. False life, and whatever you do, it is all false. When you pray, you make false and self-serving reasons, false and selfish reasons you fast - because you were false and selfish you are. So the question is not whether what you must do what is right, but to how you can become real people. If you are true, then whatever you do, it is also automatically becomes true. But if you're not being your true if you are not conscious and real, then all you do is also going to be like you is false.
Ultimately, it does not matter what you do, everything depends on who you are. If a thief starts to pray, then prayer is he will steal it - may have forgiveness, grace, or whatever - because it comes from his heart, steal, cheat, lie. Their prayers may not be true, since he himself is false. Prayer can change, but it comes from the likes? If you, or worse, the worship has also deteriorated.
Mullah Naszruddin interview, the resume and qualifications felvételiztető olvasgatja list:"University won first prize in my studies - Mullah wrote - and, after I finished college, I got an offer to the Deputy Director of the National Bank status. However, this was refused, because I do not care about the money, only the public interest, because I'm an honest man. I'm not greedy, I do not care to pay, no matter how much I get, I'll be happy with it. And I love to work, you must be sixty - sixty-five hours a week "
After you read the head of the request, megilletődötten says:- Holy shit, man, you do not know any weaknesses?- Yes - Naszruddin answers - only one: I'm a liar. "
But this one includes all the rest. More weakness is not necessary. only one, but it is a untig enough ... it all comes from the other. Remember this is the only error that accompanied everywhere, which is with you everywhere, like shadows - and whatever you do, left its mark.Religion is not asking what to do, but who are you? This is the true basis of religion. The person who either: the innermost beings. The fact that you are doing is external manifestation of the surface. Do you define your connection with others, your relationship with the outside world. But you're within your being, regardless of anything ... You can exist without having to do anything, but you can not act without your being. The second act, it can be left - as you can be inactive as well. But you can not exist without your being - your being, the existence of the fund.
Jesus, Buddha, Krishna lényedről all the talk about the esszenciáról - churches, synagogues, mosques, churches and sects, the so-called gurus and priests, but all cselekedetről preaching. If you ask Jesus, he lényedről will talk about how you can transform. If you ask the Vatican, and they will talk about what to do, they care about morality. The action deals with the morality of religion is lényeddel.
This difference always keep in mind, because all are built. Every time one is born Jesus, we misunderstand him ... and that point of misunderstanding stems from the fact that we are unable to distinguish between these two concepts. Lényedről Jesus is always the talk of being, but we always act as such to interpret it. You have to be first, and only then do the same. Conversely, your actions will be false. Only you or if you're awake.
The time just is not quantity but quality as well: "A time of sowing and harvest time is" (Song of Songs.). This time the quality is more important than the prayer is mennyisége.Az minősége.Könnyű go to church, and with clasped hands, knelt a long wish list to submit to God in prayer igényeinkről.De jelent.Az completely different people in the church and believe that They pray, but if you miss the prayer imádkozóból quality, then it is not prayer, but prayer is követeléslista.Ha you, then all moves ima.Akkor if you eat if you love the church and do not have to go all ima.Akkor, because churches already live. The body of the living God temploma.Az churches need only to those who do not yet know the true quality of the prayer, and accept a smaller one műima önáltatásával well.
6th The lost sheep (p. 181)
Jesus said:The kingdom is like a shepherd, who has a hundred sheep and one of the largest nyájtól says goodbye.The shepherd leaves the ninety-nine, and will search until they find of the century, and then searched megfáradva says to the sheep: I love you more than the ninety-nine.
This is one of the most mysterious recurring problem: what about the criminals who made a mistake a mistake? What kind of relationship with the divine consciousness of the criminal? Will win their sentences? The hell? Because the priests insisted claim that all sinners in hell out. But God really punish everyone? So what does God's mercy? If you do not know God to be merciful, then who ...?These concerns, there are many explanations, but Jesus' answer to the most beautiful of them all. Before you dive in this parable, a few other things as well to understand - these will form the backdrop for a parabola.
When we punish someone, no matter what reason, the real reason for the punishment is usually something else. And remember, the reason and the reason is not the same. For example, you are a father or mother or one and the kids did something that you're not allowed to. Now, no matter if it's really done wrong - or whether it is good, because who knows the truth about what is good and what's wrong? But the thing you're disabled, and hence the weak. Regardless of whether it really is - this way you have decided - think is right, what you jóváhagysz. So everything depends on you what do you permit or not permit surroundings.
And when the child "eltévelyedik" when something does, what is your szempontodból wrong, then punish. But the real motive for punishment of disobedience, not for something done wrong - the real motive from egódból; disobedience violated your ego. To face him, trying to assert his will against him. Germany said to you, you, the Father, the head of the family ... so should be punished. The real reason the penalty to restore the child's ego has been damaged by the punishment - a kind of revenge.
But the reasons you bring up something else as you say ... the kid made a mistake, did something wrong, so space must be adjusted in the future does not happen like that - if not punished, you will learn what that wrong? If the wrong tree to the fire should be punished, if he obeys, and a good kid, you'll be rewarded. Thus, the trainer of the child "right" to life. This is justified, it streamlined the penalty yourself, but that is not the reason. The real reason to keep tudatalattidban ... ... The real reason is quite another to learn who the boss at home, you need to learn that You determine what is right and what is wrong, you should see that you have a choice
II. Osho: Whatever you choose, choose to hell anyway ...(P. 6) choose to hell anyway
Osho, You teach us that we just float in the water, but my mind is so grave that if I try to float, you feel immersed in it went. So increasingly I swim further in panic.
The flutter of a completely new way of life. You get used to swim against the tide. The ego is fed to the fight. If you fight against something, it feels great ego. But if you do not fight - the ego simply evaporates. Fighting without the ego is simply not viable. The reason it does not matter cause either secular or spiritual goals, but to fight. Like others, like yourself struggling, but struggling.
Lay people who have been called - with others grappling with. Those who are called spiritual people struggling with themselves. But the fight is the same in both cases: the ego fed.
The reality is revealed in front of you, if you stop the fight. You can then disappearing, without a fight because the ego will become immediately viable. The ego is constantly cycling needs. This is just like riding a bicycle. If you do not belong on pedals, then sooner or later eldőlsz. For a while gurulsz momentum from the past, but I will soon stop, and an end. The ego needs the cooperation with you - you keep alive the eternal struggle, resistance.
When I say that I float, I mean ... I say this because you're a tiny, tiny part of the cosmos, or to be completely absurd to call it a duel. Who is really fighting against? Every fight is basically fighting against God, because God is all around you. When you try to swim against the current, then it viaskodsz. Once he is down, from the mountains to the sea, then you do not try to swim up - let go and go with it.
If you can let yourself, yourself, and rely on the river, you átalakulsz, you open an entirely new quality. Descends to you something that is not mundane. You will not be there, just a space, a sensitive, receptive space.
If you struggle - összezsugorodsz. If you struggle, will be small and hard.If you do not you fight - you give up, kinyílsz as the lotus opens its petals - you just befogadsz. Go head up and move along with life, you move along a river.
You say: "... it teaches us that we just floating around ... but when I try to float, then I feel, I went submerged." Very good, if elmerülsz because there may be only the ego, you do not. When you struggle, the innermost of your being in fact the ego fights. Elmerülsz immerse yourself ... and if you leave, you finally are able to float, it finally really are.
Whatever you choose - you choose the ego. Do not choose, let them choose the life for you, and then the ego disappears. Whatever you choose - choose to hell. Each choice leads to hell. Do not choose. Visszhangozzanak words of Jesus in your heart, "Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done." Let His will. Then he decides for you.
You get out, you dive. Get out of this plane of existence, and then I am no longer human, superhuman and then. Then welcome to the rest of your life and happiness.
Let me tell you a story about this:
One unfortunate soul arrives at the gates of hell. Lucifer himself was adopted, administered and login.
- Which group are you? - Asked sinister wink.- How one group - said the rookie.- You know - the devil said - many kinds of torture chamber, and what we allow people to choose themselves. We believe in democracy, what we are against dictatorship, and nobody calls. It's all up to what you choose. But remember one thing: the choice is forever - so think twice. Körbevezetlek.
The Devil went with him to walk around the hell. The first group of people fetrengtek mud and worms gnawed their bodies, and the second group of people burning szurkálták harpoons, and the third group of people smashed the wheel, etc, etc, and the rookie was in very desperate.
Then suddenly came a group where everyone is just lying on his elbows and tea szürcsölgetett a hell of a smelly cesspool next. "It's not all that bad", he thought the man.
- This group will choose - Lucifer said.- Are you sure? - Satan said - remember, your choice forever, the end of time period.- Yes, yes, it's pretty good for me, the rookie said.- Okay - said the devil - then pressure inside.
And when the miserable souls joined the group, said a sharp whistle, and then a voice:-All right people, the end of this break! Let's head back to the pit stop!
If you choose, you can choose just the hell! Whatever you choose, will be in hell. So you've created a hell on around you - elections.
When you choose, you can prevent God to choose him for you!
Krishnamurti constantly emphasized the fact that you do not choose! But this is only half the story. The other half is this: if you really can not choose, then God will answer you. The moment when you waive the decision to take over the reins of life. Then you will not be there, and life itself solve everything. But now you, you are in hell. If you do not stand between you and God, then God will decide. He has always been decided for you.
The proverb says, "man proposes, God disposes."
The reality is the exact opposite: "God's plan, people perform."
Once you feel the non-election of Latvia, the one with the wonderful flavor of movement, it certainly is not no choice. Because if you choose, always and everywhere just to choose hell.
So my advice: Dive - dive in, and bless you.
When Jesus says that "those who insist on their own, are lost, and those who are ready to perish shall be saved" - during which he understands exactly the same thing, you dive.
When the Sufis say, "Die before you die and you will be immortal" - you will understand that while they do the same, to dive.
The ego's death only happens when you give up. Often I am asked, "what to do, not to be egotistical?" But you can not do anything in order not to be egoistic. If you do anything, again, the ego strengthens. You could try the ego "megfegyelmezni" but will not succeed because of the discipline itself, the ego works. You can do anything if you're the one who acts ... for example, try to be modest, but if that's your modesty, in practice, the discipline is the result of this deep within the ego will remain on the throne - and the more you pull out, "Look what I'm modest. "
I've heard of a man who went to Adler, the famous psychologist, the "inferiority complex" explorer for details. The man for several months, long have been treated. Finally, Adler said:
- You are healed.- Yes, I still feel - the people cried - I have the best of the best inferiority complexes in the world.
Inferiority complex, which is the most beautiful and best? Yes, everything is possible, in fact, it's an everyday thing. The inferiority complexes may also serve your ego. The inferiority complexes can have a superiority complex. We are so ridiculous.
Go and look at the so-called religious people in his face. A sign of modesty will find them all - but just go a little deeper, look at what's behind the mask. Deep down inside the ego rejoices, he feels "there is no one poorer than me." If you say this "sacred" to find someone who is more moderate than you - immediately offended. Hurt, because it is impossible that he could humble anyone? And the ego is just this - "my house is beautiful and my car is the best, I'm the most handsome, handsomest, and I'm the smartest ..." The more you feel, the stronger the ego. The ego is always comparable.
This can not be changed. You simply have to understand that you do not need your assistance. And once you throw away the ego, or rather this is right, if we say, if you really understand it, it disappears by itself - you megnyílsz to life. Then you pass through life, just as the cool spring breeze penetrates the open room.
You're like a room with no windows. All the doors closed, pulling the blinds, one small ray of light can not enter. Closed prison of yourself for yourself. Do not be surprised if you feel that you fuldokolsz.
But I know you is not easy to let go is not easy to immerse. This takes time. At first, enough to let you immerse yourself in a few moments. Sometimes let leave that rolled into the price, do not swim, but feel the way the river could seize. Sometimes they just sit in the garden, and do not choose. Do not say anything that nice, or that ugly. Do not divide up the world just to be there at the moment. Or sometimes come out of the market, but do not say anything, do not judge and do not praise anything. As many ways as you can - just try to be. Learn to just exist - do not get value of nothing. Because we begin to evaluate, we chose well. As the voice inside you says, "it's good, I want to ..." or "it's bad, it should not ..." or "wow, good woman, buy her ..." or "Lord God, but it is ugly, it shake out in the cold ... "- it also has a dichotomy, or trapped, imprisoned, or good and evil, between beauty and ugliness. Did you shared.
The ego is a very sophisticated method, you must be very vigilant if you want to pinch tab. But once you understand ... if even just for a moment, the ego disappears, it is not helping her - suddenly all the doors to reveal, and everything from every angle and inundate the Life. This is the beginning of life is very fragile and fleeting - if you are not alert enough, you do not realize you can not see it. God is a very gentle touch. You have to be very sensitive to discern.
Huub Oosterhuis I read a little poem:"God did not send us word of a flood, raging winds and melting as a stream, which you put everythingIt's like the first morning sun, or the first green buds in winter, or rain that softly touch the ground: thus God approached us. "
If you truly surrender yourself if you really sensitive, alert, or you just upload something that you never knew before. Something that was there before, but your senses were too rude to him. Before, there was, but I seized the constant struggle of the ego's adventures, which blinded me. It always was there, but you were not there. Forever waiting for you, but you lost your way home.
If you throw the ego, or you have at home. This is the way home.
So, just to dive. This is exactly what we teach you; immersion in the art.If I did something to teach you the art of death - because I know that only through death can rise again.
Last time you talk about the importance of responsibility, that does not rely on others to stand on our feet. I think for me szannyász point of avoiding them - it always megkérdezhessem what to do to you számíthassak your presence when I'm sad and lonely, to fill the void. I feel that it lacks accountability, and now again I do not understand what it means to szannyász.
Not érthetsz anything if you always leaning else - because the understanding is another fall, but you get a loan. Bolondíthatod yourself with this short time, but reality will soon pop up again and you összezavarodsz.
It just takes you away if you do not racionalizálsz. It just takes you away if you stop your feet, awake, conscious. Do halogasd awareness.
When you build someone else, then, is nothing more than to avoid awareness. And this is what I have from the beginning with you sulykoltak. The parents and the society. teachers, politicians, everyone is conditioned to attempts that you're always dependent on others. Thus, manipulation or may reign over you. Thus, exploitable, can be suppressed so that you will become a good servant. Lost your freedom.
This social sulykolás there ... when you come to me, then this condition will inevitably work in you .... Your mind begins to function under conditions of a right; csimpaszkodsz me. But I do not let visszalöklek always, always visszadoblak yourself. Because I want you to be understanding of your own funds, on which he will stand firm and constant will be something that you really támaszkodhatsz.
The confusion stems from the fact that ... I say something, and you begin to believe it - this is not your instinct, not your experience. the next day something else happens in your life, and soon in trouble again. trouble because they only memorized what I said, making it the "loan-skills" do you want to get along tomorrow.
Life is changing all the time. Today's explanation does not help you tomorrow. As for the one moment of understanding to serve, the next moment it is not. And if literal, sense, intellectually, you understand, then again and again you will be confused, because life will always be called again to sabotage your understanding.
Life is just a real understanding to trust. "Real" means your own, original, in. which grew out of you.And I'm not here to make some kind of knowledge handed to you. I am not here to theories traktáljalak you. For centuries, the alternation between different theories, but one is still just as ignorant as before.
I'm here to draw attention to the fact that deep down inside you have a hidden source of light. Use this light source, and let it burn brightly. Because then you see something live. You can also bring problems to all life, not something done in the past looking for an answer, but in the present approach - now in its understanding of the emerging solution.
Whatever you say, the past will be. As I said, and once heard, it's already been built in the past. Life is constantly changing, with a perpetual motion. He does not know to stop, rest is not known.Again and again you will be confused.
And you'll be in trouble with me always. The next time the same question yet again something else I'm going to answer. Because I visszatükrözök. I do not answer, I can not remember my old Answers - I visszatükrözök here and now. I'm here, and if prompted, I answer immediately. And if you collect all the answers, you will not only összezavarodsz, but maybe it is bolondulsz. Because you can not find any correlation between them. Incoherent. What can I do? Once in the Life incoherent. If you want to stay true to life, your relationship is full of assertions to be made. If the statement, I wanted to be loyal, you betray your life. But I want to remain faithful to life, but I will tell my past, da árulhatom This German is not it. In its statement, refuted, but I can not for life, against the advice of the present moment.
The trouble is you will be there, because one day I will say the other day with it. And if you compare them when they're trying to find connections between them, then you get in trouble because összezavarodsz completely. Do not do this. Just listen to me, and do not try to learn the answers, learn how to respond to the present. Do not bother with what I say - I watch it I say. I watch as a present, reacting to a situation, a question. The answer is not important - the live reaction of the living answer to the key .. This answer does not answer.
And if you learn you understand what a living answer, you can finally say good. My interpretation of my "good" is something quite different than the lexical interpretation. The dictionary defines "good" commitment, commitment means, as if they belong to someone else's responsibility. This report is so bad: the mother, the father telling his son, "Remember, you owe nekem2 responsibility. The society is telling "you owe a responsibility to society, do not forget." And the pictures are all God's people are responsible. "
The word I use in my "good" means living ... living answer, the answer to life. Do not belong to anyone else responsible, your being just your own, at this moment. Deviated from the party or for the live half of the land. Open heart, kitárulkozva be met. No clenched fists, but with an open hand. Not holding back, not hiding anything by yourself. Must be fully open up and trust yourself in a deep trust in life. Do not try to be clever and cunning. Leave yourself at every moment of life is now ... and then life changed along with changes in the feleleteid well.
There are times when very hot, and you can not sit in the sun, You get in the shade under a tree. But it is the time when cold, and cold, and I do not want to sit in the shade, but in the sun. But no one will raise your eyes to "Come, but inconsistencies are! Yesterday he sat in the shade, now is the day going? Decide now what you want! Be consistent! Choose! If you want to sit in the sun, you can always sit in the sun, do not be such a freak! "
Of course, we can only name on this crap, but that's what people expect from us in life. Everything is changing around us. Do not become obsessions, otherwise completely összezavarodsz.And do not listen to others, always listen to your heart.
Occurred, causing frightened humanity, unleashed a nuclear power plant exploded and the entire planet. All living things die.
The gates of heaven was a great way to understand the confusion from too many souls at once, so Peter decided to create different groups • the various inscriptions behind every relevant felsorakozhatnak souls.
One board reads ... "Only the men who were masters of the house," another table and says: "Those gentlemen, a woman who lived under oppression."
The "house lords" appear under a single solitary soul stood, while the other table in the endless line snaked through the Milky Way. St. Peter asked curiously lonely soul:
- How come you're here alone?- I do not know - said - she told me to stand here. "
There are times when she says, is when the husband is, when the father is, when the mother - is when the guru. Someone says to stop there, and you do not know why. Find out why you're there!
Listen. Maybe a bit too complicated ... If you decide that you follow someone, just ask your heart, that he wants to follow. I'm not saying that nobody is following me, because if your heart dictates, then we need to do ... But I always listen to your heart, always first be aware of the feelings, because ultimately the responsibility of your heart you belong. Everything else is secondary, you're the most important. You are the center of the whole world. If you decide to follow me, or if you decide to szannyászin want to be when you decide to surrender yourself to me, you should feel it deep inside. Otherwise, you will be confused over and over again, always re-emerge in the thoughts: "What am I doing here? Why should I szannyászin? What the hell? "You can not be szannyászin just because others say.
It must be understood. If this is your inner feeling, you'll never confused. If someone else under center működsz, the disruption is inevitable, and always come back. But people are always someone else - consultants, experts - insights objectives. Do not live their own lives. The man is always someone else's life, personally directed outside.
Listen to your feelings. Hold that feeling. Be patient, do not hurry. And if the feeling is here, and you feel strongly, then it will have strong roots, the roots are strong you can do, their roots, the next you're not confused anymore.
Osho what we call the problem?
For example, this issue. It is as if someone were to ask, "What is a red phenomenon?" Or "What is that red?" There are red flowers, with red autumn leaves in the evening red glow of the sun, and there are a million and one things that are red. But now you see redness itself? Red things to see, but the redness never meet, it's impossible.
There is such a problem, there is a problem, but there is no "problem" is only an abstraction. "Problem" is not alone. There's a fight, conflict - they call it a problem. You probably have two minds - hence the problem. you do not know left or right go - and see the problem. The problem is a question of what makes up your mind active duality. I feel that it's done, but I also feel that I do it more. If you were one entity, there would be no problem. You just are.
The abstract is always wrong questions, "What's the problem? What is the redness? ... What is love? "
But to understand why this problem occurred. Most people are so confused that even I can not decide: what's the problem. so are confused that the solution is incredibly far from them. You can not see the problem, not the solution ... It is because they have lost the connection to the feelings, the true heart. The problem is you expect from someone else, not just the solution. You're asking me to tell you what your problem is. The solution is not only dependent on me, but the problem is. And it has been so.
If someone turns to me for the problem, you can immediately see that it is really hers, or whether a loan just got from somewhere. For example, if a Christian comes to me, he brings a problem that could never be a Hindu. If a Jew turns to me he is having problems, which we could never be a Christian. A Jaina again brings up other problems, like not even an Indian head turns. What does this mean?
The fact that these are not the problems of life, because life is neither Jew nor Hindu nor Christian nor Jaina. the problems of life just to live within.
These, however, theological issues, they learned it. You have also taught your problems, even what to ask. you are very smart, very cleverly exploited. First, teach what you need to ask, because I have the answer in advance. If you ask the right questions, you will get him the correct answer. But the question, the answer is false, because the issue is not yours. And the questions only teach you what you are answered. So this game very skillfully and the talent to do it.
If you go to a Jaina monk, and has not taught you, what you have to ask, you may have trouble doing. You will create an awkward situation, because you might ask something like what the tradition - the tradition of her - you do not know the answer. If you ask a dzsainától why God created the universe, then embarrassed because of his theology, there is no God. Their ideology is one that did not create anything - the world has existed since time immemorial, by itself. I never was creation. So, if you ask a dzsainától why God created the world, this question is completely absurd, because in his world, no God, no creation, no, the world just goes on. This is the word "creation" of a Jaina did not know, because there is no reason for this. Nothing's been building, because the whole world just goes ° and if there is no creation, then how is there a creator? Totally pointless.
Never put up theological issues because they are not real issues, they are not your questions. Find yourself an existential questions. Look, what's your difficulty. Look where you're limited to the shoes. Find your own problems.
Your problem can never be someone else, might be another person that can not be a problem. One problem is always individual, never universal. My problem is my problem, your problem is your problem. so different, even the fingerprints.
When people do not make up their own questions, then the signature is not there either, and the whole is meaningless - so do not ask, do not even want to answer. Your problem must wear your contacts. Your problem is your your your life, your igyekezetedből the kétségeidből you, your meglátásodból the szembesüléseidből you must derive.
I heard this:
The matchmaker agent finally with great difficulty persuaded Cohen to meet with the chosen girl - because she said nice, smart smart, young and full of money.Cohen met her, loved her and married her.
The next day, Cohen ran to the agent to the ten lekapja körméről:- What kind of dirty game űzöl you, do you hear? he himself admitted that party city has gone to bed.- And? This is really not that big a town - said the salesman.
Your problem is not the agent's problem. Your problem is only yours, nobody else's. Do not forget that a problem can only be resolved if it really is yours, if an individual - just because it's real. If only you got a loan from the society, the traditions, or from someone else, you'll never be able to solve, because it basically was never yours, it's as if someone had a eltanultál disease.
The other day I read that a famous doctor in the waiting room is a sign hanging that says:
"Please - especially female guests - not to speak about betegségeikről and symptoms of the other woman, because it interferes with the medical diagnosis."
The ladies - while waiting for the doctor - will inevitably begin to talk and have great influence on each other, collect and add up their symptoms. And this, of course, to confuse the doctor, in the end it did not already know what's what.
There are those who purchased the newspaper in their illness. Read some ads and medicine is also available with the image. I heard about a man who in the middle of the night feltelefonálta doctor. The doctor was furious, of course, do not leave it to sleep ...Yeah, what's wrong - he said.And the person began to describe the disease.Good, just a short ... I read the article in yesterday's newspapers. Only briefly!
The people in the newspaper account of the disease of interest. Just watch yourself. The Mind on the imitations, and sometimes reaches such a strong impression as a problem of others, becomes an influence that in the end he thinks that his problem. in which case the problem is unsolvable, because you do not actually exist.
My observation is this: if a real problem, then it's possible. This is my definition of the problem ... it can be solved. If not possible, then no problem. Disease is a disease, you are cured. all illnesses can be cured, at least in theory, be cured - but if you do not have disease, the incurable disease. Then no one can help you, then it can only exist in your mind. Then there is no cure.
So the first thing that the "problem" must be understood is that truth should be. The existential question - we are not theological, speculative, philosophical psychology to be ... rather than of philosophy; life to be incurred as a result of confrontation.
Ninety percent of the problems is due to a still-living leragadsz gondolatnál, hozzánősz. And when you get to a position that does not fit in to the idea you get in trouble - the idea and instead want to change the situation. If you find yourself in a situation that does not fit in to the idea you get in trouble - the idea and instead want to change the situation. When confronted with a situation that does not fit the ideological world, then a lot of suffering and nyűglődésre willing to change the situation - instead of ideológiádat változtathatnád it. Hence the problem.
I would say, but always be willing to change your mind because you can not even change your life - your life will not ideológiáidhoz adapt. We have lost our vision real - ways of seeing, learned interpretations instead. Fixa ideas of living.
Let me tell you an anecdote about this:
The Bunny-spirited little man was in constant fear of the boss. She felt sick again, and that's what a colleague remarked.- Why do not you go home? - Asks a colleague.- Oh, I can not ...- Why not? Do not be mad at your boss will never know. Today there is no inside all day.
Finally, one knuckle under and go home. When you get home, look in the ablakukon, and yet you see that there is a boss and his wife hugging, kissing. Headlong rush back to the workplace, and a companion odakiált reproachfully:
Nice dude, or you can say! You almost got me because of you!
III.Osho: Sex Matters
(The sextuplet of higher consciousness)
(P. 168) So a good society, a moral society, a truly religious society does not allow the children to share distinct parts. But how they are formed in separate parts? How does the thing start? When will the first separation?
Psychologists have clearly aware that this is the moment of separation began when the child first touches the genitals. For the moment, "aware of it," that something bad is happening, because that is what she is told the parents, brothers, tells him that the whole family, everybody. In the context of people's eyes, gestures, facial expression is reflected in both the "Do not do it, do not touch!"
The child can not comprehend this. He is still being single and unable to comprehend why it does not affect her own body. What is this bad? He does not know the man, "conceived in sin," do not know the Bible, do not know the religion, it does not know a single teacher, single erkölcscsőszt, not only Mahatma. He can not understand why you should beware of any portion of the body as well.
The problem is only growing because of the sexual organs of the body are most sensitive, most of the fun parts of the offering. Touching these parts of the body of the child's first experience of pleasure, and her own body - so experience the first time that the body is able to give pleasure to the body's precious things. According to the psychologists have a baby of three months can be an orgasm. Can an orgasm bother me in the genitals, and it's up to cover the whole body tremors may also be caused by him. The child's body so that the first experience, but it poisons the experience of parental prohibitions. But why is it prohibited by the parents? Because they were prohibited from doing so. This thing is only one reason - that they did not even allow it.
The body is divided into two parts by this prohibition, and the division between body and mind as well. The child begins to fear, guilt and fear ... It wakes him throughout his life go. Everybody wake up to some uncomfortable feelings about their own sexual experiences with. A child growing up on numerous occasions and engaging sexual acts, but never really lives the fulfillment, not experiencing the profound ecstasy of sex. This early childhood made it impossible for when you poison the roots of sex and guilt aroused in him.
Guilt about sex in them, we feel that by having sex, "we become guilty. Create this separation is divided into separate parts of the body, and must choose between these parts, since some parts of "good" and others "bad." What nonsense! Or the whole body is good or bad the whole body - no part of our body as separate from the rest. Our bodies are all part of the same blood flows in our body is the same in all parts of the nervous system in hálózza. Inside every one of the children from certain parts of the tiltástól separated from the rest. And one more thing: this prohibition by the poison of the child's first pleasure, and thus will never be happy already freely.
Day by day people come to me several questions, and I know that the fundamental problem is not meditation or religious significance for them, but the sex. And sometimes I do not know how to help them, because if you really want to help, not looking up again. Frightened because they fear a sextuplet: they think should not talk about sex! Let's talk about God, talk about anything else, but not about sex! But their problems did not mean God! If so, that could easily help, but not so: the basic problem remains the sex means to them. And these people are able to enjoy anything, because they can not enjoy the basic, natural gifts. They do not have the gift of salvation first, so they can not enjoy anything else.
Countless times have I felt that the man who can not enjoy sex, not deeply into the meditation can not, because all parties happy. It is too deeply rooted in this negative association, it sets itself a kind of constraint. Such a person is then distributed to the separate parts of his mind, because mind can not accept the part about sex. Sex belongs equally to the mind and body as well. All existing things, both belong to the realm of the mind and body - never forget it! Sex is both physical and mental thing, so the mental part of sex is to be suppressed, repressed, and it then becomes part of the unconscious, the subconscious is responsible for the elfojtásért forces, thoughts, moral sermons form. Thus, only the mind of a vanishingly small part of the conscious will call us. This section is useful as a daily habit of, but nothing else is good. We are able to exist in it - but that's all. Elvegetálhatunk, search betevőnket daily, can build our homes, but do not know the life and mind as ninety percent denied. Do not we all human beings, but only the entire holy people. If you're not full of people, do not become sacred beings.
That is, a new, better, and really want to spawn a religious society, do not share the distinct parts of our bodies and minds, because in fact this is the greatest sin. Let our children as a single human being to grow up. Allow them to develop units that indwelling all familiar things, and someday will be able to leave behind their sex, are able because they are so full, strong, and uniform that anything can be surpassed.
Any disease can also attack the man, it can attack any obsession, will be able to easily get rid of it. Large, single energy available, which is able to change anything. The shared child but can not. Such children, in fact, the conscious mind is only a small part of your mind and the unconscious makes up the larger part. The children shared a lifetime of energy is a vanishingly small percentage of the incomparably greater part of its fight against, and therefore are doomed to constant defeat. The defeat was disappointing, resulting in alienation, and such people tend to believe that the world is merely a series of miseries that life is nothing but suffering.
Remember, in life's not suffering! Life is suffering, you do yourselves, because you are divided. Was at war with yourself constantly, so wretched, miserable beings becoming.So the key is not to teremtsetek divisions. Let the children grow and develop unified beings. And let the children of the entrenched attitudes and behaviors rather than the flexibility to master. That flexibility is what I mean? Do not be rigid, inflexible formulas that neveljétek your children. Never tell them it's a bad thing, and that is good, because life is constant change. As for the moment, one good, the bad may be the next one already, and what the situation is bad, the situation may be good for another.
I Neveljétek alertness and awareness for your children, neveljétek to always consider carefully the current situation. Do not do anything aggassatok tags! Do not say that Muslims are bad just because Muslims, Hindus and good, simply because Hindus. They do not say such things, because good and evil is never constant. Do you see your children entrenched in rigid positions, forms of conduct. Teach them to be aware that you always consider what is good and the bad. This is not easy, much easier to "tag" to some people and things. Prefabricated labels and categories, you live your life. Even before deciding the question of whether vennétek look at all the individuals, indeed, the label ráaggatott decide instead of you. Neveljétek inquiry into your children's mind ...
Do your children neveljetek fixed, monogamous behavior ...
(P. 173) so that a mother should never be read as a child of "Love me, for I am your mother." We must teach the child that many people love me. The more "poligámmá" the child becomes, the richer your life will be. Everywhere also throws a lot, always will be able to love. In contact with anyone will be able to love the person. So do not tell your children to be the mother to love, their parents and their brothers. Do not say it: He is a stranger, to love him not because they do not belong to the family, the vallásunkhoz of our people, "because it megnyomorítjátok the child. I tell him, "blessed thing to love, so love everybody. The more you love live, the longer it will fejlődsz. "Because the more we love, live, live a richer life.
All of them are poor because we are unable to love. This is a fact - a fact that if more people would like, we become able to love everyone. If only one person we love, we will be unable in the end also to have been a man to love, because the extremes narrows our ability to love. It is as if to say, a tree to cut up all but one of the root. To say the tree, "Just let your loved one root, root, and all those take by yourself," the tree eventually dies.
Monogámmá, nélkülivé we love our minds. This is why there are so many wars, so meet so many different religions, political, ideological cruelty and violence committed in the name of the world. Any foolish enough to raise us to these violent acts. And we see how people are becoming more ridegebbé: see how csilla your eyes, if a war breaks out, and everyone wins absolution from the power of taboo prohibiting the killing, if you could freely kill anyone. The murder of pleasure for us to feel like this is not happy ourselves.
Just watch how much pleasure in killing people - and take your comments, they will become limp weak, what will be the dull eyes, if you can not kill, or at least do not look through the killings. Nobody feels good, life is simply meaningless. Create in a situation where someone can kill another person, and everyone is full of life. Why? Atrophied because of our ability to love. The children are able to love anyone. The children come into the world so that everyone is like: the whole world, like the whole universe - and if you start to limit the ability of this infinite love, begin to die at that moment.
But why is this a monopoly? Why this attitude holds? It's a vicious circle. The mothers have not been fulfilled in themselves, are not fulfilled, does not know love, because they want their children to possess. They feel, at least be in possession of the child's love, they feel that love can only be aimed at them. You must vágniuk all root for another location, the child must belong entirely to them. This is not love, it's violence. Psychologists will say that a child's life in the first seven years of the most dominant. What happens during these years, it is almost impossible to történtté not be incorporated because of the mentality of the child's basic structure. The child then the actions of this structure is determined to build on those things in life. So do not let that become a property in your children, but let them live as much love - love without conditions and discrimination.
This does not mean that you must love one who liked, rather, that you yourselves must szeretettelivé válnotok. Love is beautiful, and completes the man's life. Love Well - whatever you feel love. The flow of love by becoming aware of the higher dimensions of life, and so will get to a state of divine quality.
Prayer is the foundation of love - how imádkozhatnátok even if you never could if you were not an abundance of love? How érezhetnétek so grateful? After all, why would you be grateful? If you do not love, why adnátok thanks to God? So the starting point of life, love and a climax. And if you like, suddenly become aware that the universe is full of love. If you do not love you, all you see is only hatred and jealousy. Until recently, however, always placed at the focus of the acquisition of love, so everyone feels frustrated if you do not get love, but no one feels disappointed if you do not love. Yet the point is to give love. Everyone wants to get love from somewhere, and this is impossible because it can not get the love, love, only to be continually. And this life is all too true. If you give life, life is a thousand times to return to you. But do not return the foglalkozzatok: just give me, always, continually.
Under construction!
THE WORLD WHY show the trends. The dynamic trend of the telecommunication now! Why you should pay special attention to this point?
1. Because everyone uses it!
2. For here and now in this you can connect! A 1 trillion dollar business is now included by ACN to connect with virtually no capital in the millions! If you have a reason, you will have 81.250-HUF for registration and 47.500 HUF for videotelefon, and almost unlimited possibilities for a monthly fee of 2.550 HUF businesses abroad, travel and telephone no. You realize that what it is about this offer? You really realize? I think not! If you would realize, you can hold your hand - broken leg for the opportunity to rush me, like a poisoned mouse! I'd rather work for 50 years? Your destiny and your life!
The FANTOM sponsor
The ACN is currently present in 23 countries, you can see their names on the Internet. Gradually open the possibility of the World. If your country has already opened up this opportunity, then what are you waiting for? Sign in for a sponsor, and go away. He observed that there is always NOW? Now is the best time to start! Manna expect God out of heaven? This is the biggest opportunity exists for everyone who is willing to change for a better life. I know you hate change. But do not you hate to stay poor? I do not like change. But the change is the only reason why we are in this Earth. God has entrusted us with this. Impossible for the holistic world created to develop, through the development of subsets of itself. God so that you can be proud of the greatest confidence that you put into you, or reject. This is your decision, and there are consequences.
Why are so incredibly bad news for MLM businesses? Why is it that when you hear that some MLM you stand up and go to the marketing plan?Everyone has encountered direktmarketinges people, mainly high-value products, vacuum cleaner, pots and disposals. The buyer, whether he said yes, even German, is almost always a very negative image remained for several reasons:1. Most cases, cold bidding technique by a man who does not know - so do not trust him - he came home with some kind of bait aggressively.2. Aggressively sold her a relatively expensive product, a relatively very short period of time pressed decision-making under pressure. There was no possibility of similar products price - value ratio for comparison, is sold to whom, is subconsciously aware that most likely indicted or tried to fool me.3.When someone in the direct marketer's efforts people watching, it is generally thought that he could not do this because he did not like that. Therefore, will be grateful to fate that he should not do this to people who are forcibly sell a product which does not want to buy. Develop an agent working hard for a lot of compassion, which is becoming increasingly difficult as time goes by german say. This was later followed by a kind of repentance: the man once again took advantage of a good heart.4. The extraordinary shopping usually upsets the family budget, and at worst a useless product, which should be getting in your way and just taking up space. However, it is almost impossible to sell, therefore, is often followed by remorse "purchases." Every time a customer gets in the way, this is almost always think: "How stupid I was, that I bought it."5. Although the moment of birth throughout the life of the sale (we learn by imitation and speaking, and sales are also the best.), No matter who we look at the point of view: we love to buy but hates to be sold to us.Much, much more is involved than a lumber sale or purchase: The whole fight is about the struggle for energy: where does the attention outward flow of mental energy. Since the energy of the known physical law that goes from positive to negative, all positive people than he would like to receive energy and to safeguard its own energy to the energy vampire.Although most people are consciously accept that Network Marketing is not direct marketing, like a lot of momentum due to the subconscious is always the attitude direktmarketinges (program) will be activated in the neural pathways for both sides.Since we never see the outside world is always perceived as the "offender".Why is it that when you hear is, "Be positive" then everyone who so asserts this in his own private outside mean? Because it - whether she is positive, the others are negative, they must change! And if they would change - of course we are not willing - it would be a sausage fence and in the meantime we have the right baseball bat until their respective csépelni negative bastard's head until it switches to positive.This style is direct marketing, the trader's style and habit. Now is your chance to bedaráljuk, now is your chance to open the wallet, the bastards have money just sitting on it, and if I sell it to him a mere half million allow vessels in stock, 30% of the beats immediately grasp how it is ? There is a shortage of everything, and if I can not sell it, then remains poor! This fear!Asserts that the MLM is not direct marketing, and we are not agents! Meanwhile, the body language communicates so loud that we preach water and drink wine while that of the candidate, if they eat here, its back - face away. Of course, we try to deceive certain speed and other bonuses, the money is talking about dense. If there are objections, then of course, he is a stupid bitch, fall on, to see if the business is not - because they are not stupid jugs are looking for - but in any event, it must be convinced that who is right, and such a stupid cunt, as he his place, because that is sensitive to our souls. I remember something: a poet named Ady Endre: A Hungarian fallow c. verse. I wonder who they talking about? Certainly not us, it was not even born then ...The activation of the artist gondolatvilágában direktmarketinges approach something like this:"The MLM was also only the sons of bitches errand to the megírjátok névlistátokat tereljétek and the people, and I will tell you the marketing plan. Wow, how much I work, they are just an excuse and do not take people, and if everyone would only be a man! Now it is time to stand up presentation on the others, do not always just me ... But you learn but the marketing plan, because if it does not say word - the word, as I, with okozol damage to the company and me. This is a professional company, you can not afford to hold talks under the standard of this one ... N. 21 - and talking about dreams you'd better forget it urgently because bepanaszollak the center, and you'll get locked up as the enemy of the people ... is way down the road ... We too, that the driver will take you one more time, then you definitely forget it. "Subconsciously communicate with 97%. (400 billion bits / sec. Information reaches the brain, of which 2000 bits / sec. Knowingly.) What do you think consciousness under the sponsorship? Beware of an agent in sight! Energiapajzzsal up! This energi vámpíre who make their living, it takes me the power! Since I can not defend against it, shame on the run, but useful. (A major experience in this, done this before many times before, because I did not understand what is going on here!)Imagine a love-linear scale. The origin 0 in love (fear) and it takes away from the infinity of love. Thus, we come closer to God. The polarity of love is not hate, but the lack of love, fear. The polarity of the light in darkness, nothing more than the absence of light.The world has the largest network marketing opportunity. Who is this is a true, authentic examples of Jesus of Nazareth. Product Name: Gospel = good news. Although the product is skewed and addled during the power system shows that nearly 2,000 years, this is the largest existing store in the world. The shop's founder, the Apostle Paul should not even be alive, happily working without it! Jesus himself worked. People used as mirrors to improve himself. Everyone is still working himself into the world and also in network marketing as well.ACN me the following message: If someone builds rapidly to an appropriate level, it will not be able to control its own country nor the Government nor the international economic situation. If you can train yourself to be entitled to 5 per year income is sufficient, through its investments to gain complete financial independence, then the ACN for the future will be no limit. Therefore unacceptable is when someone does not nourish the brain of every day CDs, books and meetings. Such a person writes on the wall: "I will eat tomorrow." Question: The brain is not hungry? The very big trouble!I, as a sponsor, a contract with the underwriters, who imports a network show. I promise him that he encouraged, and I will support. Hand in hand előbányászni help him in his dreams (which are mostly well-intentioned parents, or other dream was abducted by thieves, so long ago that you can not remember.) Together and accomplish. In order to help him realize his dreams, because I understood that Network Marketing is all about, that my dreams will be realized, if I helped enough people to achieve your dreams.If I make the mistake that critics only once for someone because they indulge my instinct to prove how stupid the other one, then sure, I re-activated direktmarketinges a bad habit. Network Marketing again left the track and direct marketing has changed my attitude, and do not even know about it. The subconscious is communicating, however, there are no boundaries, and everyone who hears it, the subconscious will know that a breach of the sponsorship agreement and a guy I'm vile. The tekintélyemet by others through the gift of confidence in me, that I used to take the other person's mental energy. That this ignorance, I disguised as constructive criticism, or jealousy, the unconscious fear of shortages Motivated by the matter in terms of confidence and replicate.The intention is to improve the expression of only one possible way of asking, because it is not hostile, and not offensive. Network Marketing in the sponsor's role in reassuring and encouraging professional personal trainer's role. The only thing why people commit people, the desire for love. To love and be loved, even more so to return to God here on Earth. All else is explanation. People, because people are coming out of the marketing plan, no trend in telecommunications, or due to oxidation. Search for the lost paradise, of which wound up making. Waiting for someone to back us there, and love fills the gaping void in our souls. And we hope that even in this life we find this man.We do not find it looking in the wrong place. Only need to look into the mirror and see. We'll see the man who leads us to the chaos! Who is love! Who can make us rich. Who can make us wiser. Do not look to the outside world, because we are! Quite close. The God in us, who are looking for. Only there you can find anywhere else!Constructive criticism does not exist! Always, all criticism is destructive! Those who criticize it for communicating, "I do not believe in you. I do not believe in myself. Such an idiot for wasting my time, like you. I do not know why. Probably the reason for the noble soul. The victim, what do you mean, entitles you to parancsolgassak. It will be good if csipkeded yourself, and try to meet me. Do not forget that you're not Sarts the wheel! Or I do what I say or do what I say! "You know someone who wants to copy? I do not! If you do not believe me, you can check out "The Secret" ("The Secret") c. movie again. If you still do not understand, then again and again and again ... Until then, look, until ... until you get a deeper understanding. I'm about. I 50x. I do not claim to understand the full depth. I am sure of one thing: all that is instinctive, fear and lack of offspring. The job is to love change. The furnaces we love this land. But just because we can give, which is within us. Love is the highest vibration, the maximum energy: There are two means to get to it:1.Vagy we reject - as the core - give it to someone else, and more vetésből price. Relying on internal strength, we believe in ourselves and in others. This is the path of love.2. We are constructive or judgmental of others kidnapped by masked, mental energy, free of charge. This leads to wars, to the exclusion, and incitement to hatred. This external force, the circumstances of the victim role journey. This is the way to fear.And now comes the hard part for me is: why do I always like my 18-year sponsors? Well, because of the 2011th by January I was such a sponsor. Like attracts like the principle (The Law of Attraction), the sponsors have helped me, I am reflecting that I may see and know myself. Everyone is master teacher, and the whole universe will help me learn about myself.So no one else in my right eye and put anything there is no reason to be angry with anyone. I have to be more grateful for the invaluable help önismeretemben everything and everyone.The computer said that if garbage goes in, garbage comes out of it! Here's the solution! Why everyone is responsible for the attitude. We need to stop the flow of inward sokszemét unlimited. Cut off the TV!
And to nurture our souls with positive thoughts! Not the solution that do not have time to do so, and then we eat tomorrow!
There is enough love. There is joy enough. We have enough of everything!
You choose. Fortunately, this is a wise universe.
Nothing is without consequences! Choose love!
1. Because everyone uses it!
2. For here and now in this you can connect! A 1 trillion dollar business is now included by ACN to connect with virtually no capital in the millions! If you have a reason, you will have 81.250-HUF for registration and 47.500 HUF for videotelefon, and almost unlimited possibilities for a monthly fee of 2.550 HUF businesses abroad, travel and telephone no. You realize that what it is about this offer? You really realize? I think not! If you would realize, you can hold your hand - broken leg for the opportunity to rush me, like a poisoned mouse! I'd rather work for 50 years? Your destiny and your life!
The FANTOM sponsor
The ACN is currently present in 23 countries, you can see their names on the Internet. Gradually open the possibility of the World. If your country has already opened up this opportunity, then what are you waiting for? Sign in for a sponsor, and go away. He observed that there is always NOW? Now is the best time to start! Manna expect God out of heaven? This is the biggest opportunity exists for everyone who is willing to change for a better life. I know you hate change. But do not you hate to stay poor? I do not like change. But the change is the only reason why we are in this Earth. God has entrusted us with this. Impossible for the holistic world created to develop, through the development of subsets of itself. God so that you can be proud of the greatest confidence that you put into you, or reject. This is your decision, and there are consequences.
Why are so incredibly bad news for MLM businesses? Why is it that when you hear that some MLM you stand up and go to the marketing plan?Everyone has encountered direktmarketinges people, mainly high-value products, vacuum cleaner, pots and disposals. The buyer, whether he said yes, even German, is almost always a very negative image remained for several reasons:1. Most cases, cold bidding technique by a man who does not know - so do not trust him - he came home with some kind of bait aggressively.2. Aggressively sold her a relatively expensive product, a relatively very short period of time pressed decision-making under pressure. There was no possibility of similar products price - value ratio for comparison, is sold to whom, is subconsciously aware that most likely indicted or tried to fool me.3.When someone in the direct marketer's efforts people watching, it is generally thought that he could not do this because he did not like that. Therefore, will be grateful to fate that he should not do this to people who are forcibly sell a product which does not want to buy. Develop an agent working hard for a lot of compassion, which is becoming increasingly difficult as time goes by german say. This was later followed by a kind of repentance: the man once again took advantage of a good heart.4. The extraordinary shopping usually upsets the family budget, and at worst a useless product, which should be getting in your way and just taking up space. However, it is almost impossible to sell, therefore, is often followed by remorse "purchases." Every time a customer gets in the way, this is almost always think: "How stupid I was, that I bought it."5. Although the moment of birth throughout the life of the sale (we learn by imitation and speaking, and sales are also the best.), No matter who we look at the point of view: we love to buy but hates to be sold to us.Much, much more is involved than a lumber sale or purchase: The whole fight is about the struggle for energy: where does the attention outward flow of mental energy. Since the energy of the known physical law that goes from positive to negative, all positive people than he would like to receive energy and to safeguard its own energy to the energy vampire.Although most people are consciously accept that Network Marketing is not direct marketing, like a lot of momentum due to the subconscious is always the attitude direktmarketinges (program) will be activated in the neural pathways for both sides.Since we never see the outside world is always perceived as the "offender".Why is it that when you hear is, "Be positive" then everyone who so asserts this in his own private outside mean? Because it - whether she is positive, the others are negative, they must change! And if they would change - of course we are not willing - it would be a sausage fence and in the meantime we have the right baseball bat until their respective csépelni negative bastard's head until it switches to positive.This style is direct marketing, the trader's style and habit. Now is your chance to bedaráljuk, now is your chance to open the wallet, the bastards have money just sitting on it, and if I sell it to him a mere half million allow vessels in stock, 30% of the beats immediately grasp how it is ? There is a shortage of everything, and if I can not sell it, then remains poor! This fear!Asserts that the MLM is not direct marketing, and we are not agents! Meanwhile, the body language communicates so loud that we preach water and drink wine while that of the candidate, if they eat here, its back - face away. Of course, we try to deceive certain speed and other bonuses, the money is talking about dense. If there are objections, then of course, he is a stupid bitch, fall on, to see if the business is not - because they are not stupid jugs are looking for - but in any event, it must be convinced that who is right, and such a stupid cunt, as he his place, because that is sensitive to our souls. I remember something: a poet named Ady Endre: A Hungarian fallow c. verse. I wonder who they talking about? Certainly not us, it was not even born then ...The activation of the artist gondolatvilágában direktmarketinges approach something like this:"The MLM was also only the sons of bitches errand to the megírjátok névlistátokat tereljétek and the people, and I will tell you the marketing plan. Wow, how much I work, they are just an excuse and do not take people, and if everyone would only be a man! Now it is time to stand up presentation on the others, do not always just me ... But you learn but the marketing plan, because if it does not say word - the word, as I, with okozol damage to the company and me. This is a professional company, you can not afford to hold talks under the standard of this one ... N. 21 - and talking about dreams you'd better forget it urgently because bepanaszollak the center, and you'll get locked up as the enemy of the people ... is way down the road ... We too, that the driver will take you one more time, then you definitely forget it. "Subconsciously communicate with 97%. (400 billion bits / sec. Information reaches the brain, of which 2000 bits / sec. Knowingly.) What do you think consciousness under the sponsorship? Beware of an agent in sight! Energiapajzzsal up! This energi vámpíre who make their living, it takes me the power! Since I can not defend against it, shame on the run, but useful. (A major experience in this, done this before many times before, because I did not understand what is going on here!)Imagine a love-linear scale. The origin 0 in love (fear) and it takes away from the infinity of love. Thus, we come closer to God. The polarity of love is not hate, but the lack of love, fear. The polarity of the light in darkness, nothing more than the absence of light.The world has the largest network marketing opportunity. Who is this is a true, authentic examples of Jesus of Nazareth. Product Name: Gospel = good news. Although the product is skewed and addled during the power system shows that nearly 2,000 years, this is the largest existing store in the world. The shop's founder, the Apostle Paul should not even be alive, happily working without it! Jesus himself worked. People used as mirrors to improve himself. Everyone is still working himself into the world and also in network marketing as well.ACN me the following message: If someone builds rapidly to an appropriate level, it will not be able to control its own country nor the Government nor the international economic situation. If you can train yourself to be entitled to 5 per year income is sufficient, through its investments to gain complete financial independence, then the ACN for the future will be no limit. Therefore unacceptable is when someone does not nourish the brain of every day CDs, books and meetings. Such a person writes on the wall: "I will eat tomorrow." Question: The brain is not hungry? The very big trouble!I, as a sponsor, a contract with the underwriters, who imports a network show. I promise him that he encouraged, and I will support. Hand in hand előbányászni help him in his dreams (which are mostly well-intentioned parents, or other dream was abducted by thieves, so long ago that you can not remember.) Together and accomplish. In order to help him realize his dreams, because I understood that Network Marketing is all about, that my dreams will be realized, if I helped enough people to achieve your dreams.If I make the mistake that critics only once for someone because they indulge my instinct to prove how stupid the other one, then sure, I re-activated direktmarketinges a bad habit. Network Marketing again left the track and direct marketing has changed my attitude, and do not even know about it. The subconscious is communicating, however, there are no boundaries, and everyone who hears it, the subconscious will know that a breach of the sponsorship agreement and a guy I'm vile. The tekintélyemet by others through the gift of confidence in me, that I used to take the other person's mental energy. That this ignorance, I disguised as constructive criticism, or jealousy, the unconscious fear of shortages Motivated by the matter in terms of confidence and replicate.The intention is to improve the expression of only one possible way of asking, because it is not hostile, and not offensive. Network Marketing in the sponsor's role in reassuring and encouraging professional personal trainer's role. The only thing why people commit people, the desire for love. To love and be loved, even more so to return to God here on Earth. All else is explanation. People, because people are coming out of the marketing plan, no trend in telecommunications, or due to oxidation. Search for the lost paradise, of which wound up making. Waiting for someone to back us there, and love fills the gaping void in our souls. And we hope that even in this life we find this man.We do not find it looking in the wrong place. Only need to look into the mirror and see. We'll see the man who leads us to the chaos! Who is love! Who can make us rich. Who can make us wiser. Do not look to the outside world, because we are! Quite close. The God in us, who are looking for. Only there you can find anywhere else!Constructive criticism does not exist! Always, all criticism is destructive! Those who criticize it for communicating, "I do not believe in you. I do not believe in myself. Such an idiot for wasting my time, like you. I do not know why. Probably the reason for the noble soul. The victim, what do you mean, entitles you to parancsolgassak. It will be good if csipkeded yourself, and try to meet me. Do not forget that you're not Sarts the wheel! Or I do what I say or do what I say! "You know someone who wants to copy? I do not! If you do not believe me, you can check out "The Secret" ("The Secret") c. movie again. If you still do not understand, then again and again and again ... Until then, look, until ... until you get a deeper understanding. I'm about. I 50x. I do not claim to understand the full depth. I am sure of one thing: all that is instinctive, fear and lack of offspring. The job is to love change. The furnaces we love this land. But just because we can give, which is within us. Love is the highest vibration, the maximum energy: There are two means to get to it:1.Vagy we reject - as the core - give it to someone else, and more vetésből price. Relying on internal strength, we believe in ourselves and in others. This is the path of love.2. We are constructive or judgmental of others kidnapped by masked, mental energy, free of charge. This leads to wars, to the exclusion, and incitement to hatred. This external force, the circumstances of the victim role journey. This is the way to fear.And now comes the hard part for me is: why do I always like my 18-year sponsors? Well, because of the 2011th by January I was such a sponsor. Like attracts like the principle (The Law of Attraction), the sponsors have helped me, I am reflecting that I may see and know myself. Everyone is master teacher, and the whole universe will help me learn about myself.So no one else in my right eye and put anything there is no reason to be angry with anyone. I have to be more grateful for the invaluable help önismeretemben everything and everyone.The computer said that if garbage goes in, garbage comes out of it! Here's the solution! Why everyone is responsible for the attitude. We need to stop the flow of inward sokszemét unlimited. Cut off the TV!
And to nurture our souls with positive thoughts! Not the solution that do not have time to do so, and then we eat tomorrow!
There is enough love. There is joy enough. We have enough of everything!
You choose. Fortunately, this is a wise universe.
Nothing is without consequences! Choose love!
If you live far away from me, maybe even speak different languages, can I be your FANTOM sponsors. You certainly think that if the sponsor is not handy, then this disadvantage. Let me assure that this is the biggest advantage of the existing MLM businesses abroad. The man in your sponsor as see the first always be as you promoted: If you are great, you have a great sponsor for a while, and then realize that he is "man" is full of errors. And you'll realize this, except if you do not see it. Will be set up as as the greatest man on this earth. And will remain, because if you meet very rarely, and embellishes the solemn do everything.
Human errors and the sponsors do not destroy what you built. (As it happened a few times I have.) Think about it my friend: You have more than enough to cope with their own song, EGO, EGO, or the sponsors want to have to fight, lay? Because he's got, you can be sure! Which do you want? If you want to build up a gigantic business with ACN, the largest to the existing support this blog, and sponsor of a phantom, who is only guided by the interests of their own selfish good to say, (all copied it, too.) Sky's the limit and no limit on the their own fantasies. He certainly does not take off her energy "building -" and "good intentions" criticism.
Since my birth I'm autonomous, and I'm always criticism. Sometimes it pulls me full of energy "constructive intention" to look only for one week out of my head.
Since my birth I'm autonomous, and I'm always criticism. Sometimes it pulls me full of energy "constructive intention" to look only for one week out of my head.
And I find your true friends, and try to be good to be with whom. (I know that there is very little!) You will have more true friends, if one of the most important goal is that you become a true friend! You know, everything is copied into your subconscious level.
The following questions would add: Is there any reason why not join me?
ACN registration number: 6400000126 GYT99KFT, Szabadi Tibor Gyula
Contact information: Flat: Győr. Tel: 06304847121, Skype: szabaditibor7 E-mail: szabaditibor@gmail.com, blog: http://tibor7.blogspot.com
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