Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Tibor's thought-provoking 9

 4 own blog:

Tibor first thought with alarm - Topic: Esoteric and MLM ( ) Language: Hungarian .
2 Please help - Topic: Esoteric Facebook ( ) Language: Hungarian
3 Psychological Reasons physical symptom Topic: Health & Esoteric , Healing music ( ) Language: Hungarian
Tibor 's fourth provoking trouth ( ) Subject : Esoteric , MLM Language: Angol
The Facebook ( . Lots of instructive division ) Tibor Gyula outdoors and " awakening " esoteric group if jelölsz friend me on Facebook , or raise your group , you can make you . In the past I have edited the blog are based on books and CDs , and now based on these requirements. Many of my friends went on to become the co- author of some , and these become the blogs . I would like to express my thanks to all who took over his writings . ♥

1 Motto : Love and serve , and do not forget ! ( What Not to forget : Love and serve .... )

2 Motto : "I want to know God 's thoughts Everything else is detail. ". Albert Einstein.

"Truth should be humbler in search of porn. World's foot stomp the port, but the search of truth must make himself so humble that even the dust is able to trample him. Only if you can not look past the truth.Gandhi.

Tesla's discovery of number mysticism necessarily longs to 

(Tesla felfedezése a számmisztikáról feltétlenül ide (IS) kívánkozik:)

And the proof that 

The Hungarian language of the Universe numerological codes, and in fact the protolangugaes: 

(És a BIZONYÍTÉK arról,hogy

a MAGYAR nyelv a Világmindenség számmisztikai kódja, és ténylegesen az ŐSNYELV:)

Astrology, Numerology, numerology, the tao
I Astrology (Thorwald Dethlefsen wake.)
There are many reasons to want to talk about astrology in detail:
Boasting the largest public 1.Az astrology esoteric doctrine. The debate raging between supporters and opponents over and over again, never-ending passion flamed up.
2.The most lay people's ideas about astrology is fundamentally false, and it's all in the congregation, stands in the way of understanding both of the opponents.
3.A korszellemnek astrologer with more and more trying to separate the origin of esoteric astrology, and gradually hozzáidomítani functional thinking in science. I hope that it will also recognize them as formal science. This process is declared in the original technique for pure astrology.
4.Az original internal structure of both astrology and gondolkozásmódját typical of esoteric disciplines. It is therefore considered that the relevant jóstechnikák and the fate of the disease and also for solving problems faced, which funds the philosophical basis of astrology is to be analyzed.
Try to solve the following two tasks: Identify the intrinsically safe, which is subject to the following classified into intrinsically safe.
a. dog, starling, ants, crocodiles, bears, elephants and trout. Solution: Animal (horizontal thinking)
b. Lead, goats, teeth, amber, monastic cell, black miners. Solution: X idea, principiumláncok (vertical thinking)
A, the task is certainly no one has proved difficult. The "animal" donkey generic term for all immediately recognizable. Ab is much more problematic, task solving, where the concepts appear very heterogeneous. In the following step by step, explaining the meaning of two questions.
The manifestations of this need for diversity in the face of the natural diversity of human organization. All science and philosophy that expresses the fundamental human desire. The diversity seems unclear at first only two fundamentally different ways we can organize:
1.Karakterisztikus community reacted to the concept we are looking for a summary (such as plants, animals, stones). So we share in the levels of reality (fauna, flora, minerals, etc.).
2.Kutatunk after all the units, after which the different mixing ratios are created by this diversity. Both the doctrine of elements and scholars of the pre-Socratic thinking this was built. In the modern era's most impressive example is the periodic table of elements. Such a system allows a multitude of manifestations ősminőségre reduced to a few. The changing composition and different mixing ratios given the diverse realities in which the structure is now easier to understand.
Take over this second procedure - a system of periodic table of elements is only valid at the level of the material - the other levels of reality as well. Let us start from the consideration that the number of units of limited diversity. Once our system is complete we want to grasp the reality, to find a unit, which are valid at all levels, both in the animal kingdom, both in the plant, both tangible and psychological level. In the first chapter we have talked about it: the material to form should it take, some kind of information is required. Therefore say that the original and realistic idea of ​​the thing than the thing itself.

Under construction! To be continued.
II. Numerology
I am totally impressed by Peter Schilling teaches numerology. Free numerology my analysis prepared my order, which has long thought to be too personal, do not belong to anyone else. Today, I believe that everyone has strengths and weaknesses, it is neither shameful nor titkolandó. End, everyone is learning on this planet, and everyone learns from their own and others, the example of both. Peter Schilling writes in his számmisztikáról and the possibility that he also learned from teaching, and no one is infallible:
"Written by Peter Schilling, November 9, 2010

The numbers do not serve to advance a specific event jelezzenek you, but energies and opportunities presented in your life that are a given period, or the rest of your life are at your disposal.

The analysis of birth is not there to tell you varázsgömbként the future, no one is able to do so, whatever he claims, because people could freely choose.

Date of birth and your name will be able to provide guidance in your life, if you yourself are looking for a solution.

Such an analysis is to understand yourself for everything else is just self-deception:

I recommend very fond of my article on the subject of a previous "No one can see into your life" title "

Posted by: Peter Schilling, November 10, 2010
Dear Gabi,

Do not want to tangle with you debate!

In many respects, was present in abundance this year, but not the way I expected.

There was such a flood, volcanic eruption, red mud stream. This are all in abundance in the area, but it gives it life is not always what we expect from him, sometimes in order to teach, to cause surprises.

I'm not omnipotent and can not see into the future,
if you expect me to be in the wrong place, or, unfortunately, this expectation can not and do not even want to meet.

What am I doing here, I will show that the energy function, which I can learn on the fly,
if you can show a man who teaches, and never wrong, you want to get acquainted with her time being I have not met one.

The tévedéseimet and always admit my mistakes, so I will not be held responsible for how others react to this

Peter "
Now, in the hope I will be published by Peter Schilling, the numerology analysis prepared me to help you get closer to the számmisztikához, and this by yourself:

Peter Schilling
08/07/1952 and the inherent operating instructions
successful in your life
ISBN 978-963-06-9134-5
1 / 29
How will your personal numerology analysis iránytűjévé, or the effective steps of self-knowledge
When you buy one of the TV, then give him a leaflet, which briefly, succinctly
find out what options are, what facilities are the ones you can enjoy by
purchasing the product. When you are born, then you is not got the mother of such
description, even you did not receive one, when he took over the first ID card. This is a major shortcoming,
Whereas the number of people living on this earth many ways it works, every human being has its own
opportunities, capabilities and limitations. These opportunities, capabilities and limitations are those along
Life goes on. They can respond to everyday happenings, in its decisions. Where
this is so, then you also need to use the guide to itself, which learn
has the unique opportunity that life has in store for you.
There is one thing that can not be due to the reklamálnia teremtőnél the printed user manual because it is
and the possibility that your birth date in store. The date of birth is nothing more than a
imprint, a stamp, which includes all of the effects, of which the resultant
Prevailed at the time of your birth. The resultant effects of these "left their" mark on you,
therefore the whole life-changing experiences and opportunities for imprinting at birth
the effect will react. This impression, simply type can be called. Your physical, mental, spiritual
and a lot more sense in some of mankind. This does not mean that exactly
everything will react the same way as other types of the same people, but perhaps that reaction
much resemble egymáshoz.Persze will now ask the most important objection, which in this context
So now every man, who was born the same day the same?
The answer is both yes and no. Of course, even a 2 minute difference was not identical twins
completely identical, not behavior, nor appearance. A satisfactory answer to this question
may be that the day was a lot of people react to a situation similar to, but nevertheless
are not the same as the same type in different aspects of the show. This means
a type that may be too many faces. Think of the coin, which at least two sides. The
at least two possible types of faces. The two extremes, which belongs to a single topic, the two
is there a middle ground between what the current state of the balanced type. Being a man
types can not be classified in only one way, but at different levels, such as thinking,
feelings and actions so that only the legalapvetőbbeket mention, so these levels may be different
way they interact, and even one day is very significant differences between those born
2 / 29
How to read this analysis?
A personalized analysis numerology what you are now reading is nothing more than a
USER'S GUIDE! A description that includes your inner potential and limitations
legsarkalatosabb points. This analysis is the starting point of a self-awareness work, which leads
You are there to be able to recognize the opportunities that are taking advantage of a fuller life
live. By recognizing the limitations and shortcomings you may be able to peace with their own
you live a more balanced life course, such a work takes a long time,
a lot of trouble, many would face from you, but this result, which is a complete life
worth it to invest in this work.
It may be that this analysis will come across contradictions. Often contradict each other
can read reports. Just think how many there is a discrepancy in your life, self-
contrast, we could not resolve overnight. An analysis to never expect to
free of contradictions, because nothing else gives such holds a mirror up to you. "That's you!".
Perhaps you will find in it statements that are not 100% true for you, it does not matter.
Try to dig into the depths of things, ask yourself the necessary questions. "It really is that
I AM? ". If the answers are honest to itself can sometimes be startling. Use this
a thought-provoking analysis. Time, time to take down and read it again and see what
are the areas where he was able to move forward, and where are those tasks yet to be found on which to work.
I wish you a very good read, and a successful self-knowledge.
Yours sincerely: Peter Schilling
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The birth of seven Law
08/07/1952 and the potential
Law Week, which will determine
your life
4 / 29
The formula for calculating the birth
Numerology of your birth is a formula so that your date of birth, number of each
separately (the Century, Decade, Month, Day), adding up all digits in each
until the one-digit numbers to do so. The resulting one-digit numbers (season,
Hónapszám, time of day) is also adding to each other, so we get the sorsútszámot, which
összeadásokból from two-digit number, and the sorsszámot, which is adding together the digits of the sorsútszám
from a single digit.
The formula for calculating the birth, after looking to the calculation of the overall results and partial results
in terms of their numbers, which are not represented in the formula for calculating the birth
course, these numbers are called Headroom figures. And what numbers they are setting up the formula
also appear in the recurrent or többjegyű or as part of the one-digit numbers, they will be
többletszámok called.
Your personal birth formula
Birth Year Month Day
19 52 08 07
10 7
1 7
Char year Hónapszám Sorsútszám Sorsszám
8 8 7 -> 23 -> 5
Hiányszám (s): 4.6
Többletszám (s): 1,2,5,7,8
5 / 29
The seven most important part of the birth of the formula
determine the alapkaraktert, the mindset of thinking that is the law.
defines the inner personality, the emotions, the emotions that is the law
Day labor
determine how personality manifests itself in the interior to the outside world, what kind of behavior,
that is, the law works.
It shows what the path through which they can get to the ground to fulfill the goal, namely the fate
passage of the law.
It shows what a task you must fulfill in their lifetime, what is the fate that is the law of destiny
Többletszám (s)
It shows that some of the skills and tasks, you need to remember being particularly
During his life, that is the law of support.
Hiányszám (s)
It shows that what are the areas in your life you'll see there is no 'assessment on the site, what are
they are the best things you must learn, that learning the law.
It is possible that you were born in the formula for the number seven is repeated in this
case, the repeating numbers (for example, the number of emotions and actions), combined
interprets the book, of course, that does not detract from the value of the analysis.
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The laws of thought and emotion
You were born in the year under review from a single digit will show you what kind of effects that influence the
conscious and unconscious thoughts. The rational thoughts and intuitions of the unconscious, both subordinates
this effect. These are effects that are often invisible within the borders. The only outwardly
by implication, words and deeds appear.
Your date of birth month of one-digit number will determine your impact érzelemvilágára
effects. Shows you how to survive the feelings of how you react emotionally to the outer reaches
and internal influences and ideas. This effect is much more spectacular than the ideas, on
effect, as is often the direct physical manifestations of emotional reactions, which
testbeszédből well be read.
8 - Speed
You direct your thoughts and feelings at the level of communication and misunderstandings quickly overcome typical.
Position is always open and direct way out, and this overcomes the obstacles in front of you. The
in each case to clarify misunderstandings. Its position inside the center line strongly
represented. The intractable problems of marginalized and insignificant simplified. The hesitation
overcome the distractions are always named.
Open thinking. Open to the world, interested in many things. Looking for ideas and a strong
beliefs, and higher qualifications. Enormous faith and persuasive power. Optimism
feel free to build others. Is a good talent for languages.
Arrogant thinking. Gullible and stubborn, thinks he knows everything better than others. Superficial and
uncritical, dogmatic and öntetszelgő figure. Arrogant and pathetic way it expresses itself.
Always clean and clearly state its position. If you defend yourself, the misunderstandings tisztázhatóak.
The next question to ask yourself:
There is a man against whom he is afraid to openly represent the position?
7 / 29
The law acts
Your date of birth napjából-digit number will show you how to declare the
minds and emotions to the outside world. Behavior will show how the outside world sees you. This
the total number of birth is the most spectacular effect, as his words and deeds
directly and immediately feel the way appears, affects daily life, good and bad habits
behavior and people it
7 - Courage
Your actions at the level of ground-breaking strength, bravery, courage and risk-taking here. Fighter force and
rooted in experience of life is characterized by courage. Able to learn from past experiences, which will increase the awareness
risk-taking ability. Completely rejects the compromise, because denying internal valóját
it. Free to defend themselves and the forces under.
You are sovereign, self-confident personality. Loves life, vigorously implements its plans. Often makes
gestures toward others.
Proud gentleman. Selfish, arrogant and domineering nature. Theatrical behavior. Extremely sensitive to
To remain faithful to ourselves means that we represent a strong resistance against
ourselves. Trust in the strength and will always take over!
Ask yourself the following questions:
Prepared to take all the consequences of actions?
What fears hinder matters in standing up for?
8 / 29
The Law of Destiny
This number, which is the formula for the calculation of the birth of the ultimate result produced a single digit. This
No exercise is the largest and most intense effect on your whole life. This effect is
subordinated to any other formula for calculating the effect of numbers produced. You might be one of any other existing
personality traits, this is manifested through the effects. All what you're thinking, feeling, saying or doing
During his life, it is under the influence of this number makes. This number of specific keywords
determine the rest of his life, character and destiny.
5 - Variation
Keywords: Freedom, Flexibility, Luck, Openness, Abundance, Friendship, Learning, Teaching, Faith, persuasive power
Planet: Jupiter
Your job is to constantly change with the times, adapt to rapidly changing times. Meanwhile
continuously move forward, grow, learn and pass on the lessons learned. You sure fellépésű, flexible,
Flexible man. Is capable of extreme hardship circumstances can
adapt. Life is full of unexpected turns that we can come out victorious, so far
able to keep the faith. Innate sense of humor, which helps you get through the difficult periods.
Unexpected situations can easily invent itself, is not questioned, but to improvise. Preserve
high degree of freedom, that nothing in life is to prevent the exploitation of new opportunities. You are
a master of words, an excellent preacher, persuasive ability is extraordinary. Trust in the people, and people can
trust in you. Strives to be a good man. Looking for the meaning of things and try to detect the
real meaning behind the phenomena. While you keep the faith, while others can be optimizmusából.
Honesty, mutual trust and good will is the first place. Easily adapts to your partner,
well tolerated in a rapidly changing conditions. Relationship, is seeking freedom and independence,
otherwise, you feel imprisoned. Do not like to be restricted and kept on a short leash.
You is very important that the work to be meaningful. He feels the vocation to which advice
solace, need to assist those in need. Excellent negotiating skills of a good leader can be
Tin. Whereas, for freedom is high, it may be appropriate where a lot of work has to go.
Since not stand the monotony, so often change jobs. As you can easily adapt to crisis
situations, it does not lose his head. Krízismenedzser tin can become good.
9 / 29
The way of fortune
This number, which is the formula for the calculation of the birth of the ultimate result produced two-digit number. This
The effect of the number, the second most important impact on your life. This figure shows
for you, what means, what methods were used to declare the életfeladatát. Usually
Returning again in different life situations present form, which will live again and again through life
course, and which help it to fulfill its életfeladatát.
23 - Communications
You are varied, offering many turn individuality. Vocabulary is excellent, with great expressive ability of
personality. There is no problem with the inhibitions. Liking or not liking immediately casually
states that adopt environment of recognition, and not acquire this property to a friend. If you
wants something, then straight toward the ambitious goal to break, and usually were to reach the desired goals.
Purposeful, it will tell you do not like something. Characterized by rapid mood shifts. Very sensitive
megbántódik easy, but anger quickly slip away. You need to remember a dynamic personality, because it is easy
megbánthatja partner.
Suitable for any area where a great oratorical ability and rectilinear capitalized.
Such teaching profession may be lawyers or court, but reklámszakemberként and seller agree well
Support Act
or the Featured életterületek
These numbers tell you that your életterületeket those with outstanding potential and abilities
are. These are the areas where you can easily előrejutni in life. A means to get
helpful, are recognizing and exploiting it becomes easier and more complete life. Here you can experience
többletekől the difficulties arising from, but only in cases where resistance to the opportunities
we are offering you the életterületek
1 - Creation
You are very sensitive, deeply patriotic, things often misunderstand or take offense. A lot of love and
understanding is needed. Waiting for recognition and encouragement from others. Easily hurt. Be silent, the
emotional energy must necessarily lead to some kind of hobby or creative force dwells sporttal.Hatalmas
You might be able to achieve what seems impossible for the other. Leads to excellent, a real fighter, a
someone who fights for noble eszméért. But be careful, because if the selfish ego drives into battle, easily
spleen can go.
2 - Intuition
Well you work with intuition. And adapts well to others is in you diplomataérzék. Price than the Moon -
effect of a strong ebb hangulathullámzásai be. The lack of full adaptation to occur, the
a sudden blaze of anger and aggressive action and unpredictability. The intuition is strongly influenced by the decisions of
Always listen to the first inspiration.
5 - Diversity
The courage and the emotional intensity of growth typical of you. Looking for love and adventure,
variety. Characterized by great inner strength and liberty. Not steady, sometimes emotional affairs
unreliable. Very highly sensitive, easy to be moved, this time crying as well. It is important to find the inner center of the faith, which help you through every change and difficulty, since these will have plenty of.
7 - Healing
The safety of others in their tireless gondoskodásból exhausted. Prone to melodramatic
behavior. Characterized by an extraordinary intuition and healing abilities, too. Preference for the alternative
therapies and a healthy lifestyle. The relationship of the heights above the clouds and
immediately fall to the deepest abyss. Sensitive, vulnerable, even years, the grievances caused
Also remember later. Difficult to show emotion, so others are cold. It is important to always
take care of the soul and find new ways to explore outer and inner depths.
8 - Intelligence
You are very energetic, independent and intelligent. Clever with money, could you become a good businessman. Excellent
the organizing ability, he never lost in the details. It is important to your success and recognition. Often
Drover environment. Excellent problem-solving ability. It is important to balance. It is hard to bear
restriction born leader. It is important to always exercise self-knowledge, face the reality.
Truths are often seen by others, which communication can be painful, so he must learn
diplomatically stated.
The law of learning or doing, the harder side of life
These numbers are the életterületeket show you where the 'assessment is not appropriate. One often
extreme to the other turns into just the right balance can not find it. These are your life in the
the most important lessons to learn are, in any event, we must acquire. In these areas,
meet the most difficult, and often feel that you should avoid a situation where
face these issues. However, this is just the opposite is true, only in such difficult situations
by the will to learn the appropriate lessons.
4 - Stability
Practicality and patience to learn. Be patient with him and against fellow humans. It should belearn a great deal of labor, which is very difficult and often bumbling. Difficult to implement the ideas
practice. Must learn to cope alone with the money. May be overly sentimental, there is nothing which
idekötné the ground. Need to find an area where progress to the dexterity. The lack of this number
still pose problems in the field of sexuality. Feeble, gentle, naive soul points. At the other extreme is
it can become too hard. The mind should be common sense to listen, to learn what the tangible
reality, and that it operates in the world.
6 - Harmony
The Crossroads sorskérdés problem. Difficult to decide, is incapable of listening to his heart, but in the opposite extreme
happens that only the heart is constantly watching, his mind will be ignored. Elidegenedhet from their parents, and
maybe it's not the family is the most important in her life. Does not like to care about others, but it is also possible
overdoing it to the other extreme of caring about others. Rather absent-minded, bad
memory. The one extreme there is absolutely no sense of beauty, the other extreme is the only
the surface watching, and it focuses on. Must learn to create harmony in itself, then the
outside world also will be found.
The secret of a matrix of nine
08/07/1952 and the potential of nine options, which can change your life
The 9 secrets of numerology matrix
3 6 9
2 5 8
1 4 7
Numerology energy matrix is ​​actually a map that shows you that the birth
numbers in the formula not only separately but also in the context to interpret. These
connections, the so-called plane show. Number associated with a three-plane
relationship consists of these numbers in the matrix in some form, vertically, horizontally, or
diagonally with each other.
The birth matrix számsíkokat distinguish between full and empty. The entire plane
számkapcsolatokat is called, the context in which the number is three. The
plane represents the total energy is greater, the more numbers in it. The plane is empty
számkapcsolatokat which is called the three numbers associated with none found. These
empty planes above average sensitivity and ability to designate special.
Your personal
matrix of birth
2 5 8
1 7
The birth matrix containing the numbers that are on your date of birth directly
appear. These numbers and their properties, and a plane formed by the
ability to designate your life, which might have inherited a way, for them not to be
shortages and a long learning process, not receive them, but the principle
already available and generally felt in childhood.
Plane passion
2 5 8
1 7
You people are extreme, a sort of "all or nothing" type. Emotions can also see the
extremism. Pure heart is able to love someone, but if you lose your confidence, you can infinitely hate
as well. You have the emotional outbursts are not uncommon either, and sometimes belly laugh once felhőtlenül
yell, or cry. Whatever you are doing it in the soul. Very fiery, passionate lover. Strong
intuition, but also an equally strong waves in the atmosphere. The freedom of the good management skills
coupled. The objectives of an unstoppable, can overcome all obstacles to success
bring ideas, since it is extremely tough individual. This plane gives you great power.
Energy Plane
2 5 8
1 7
This is the plane with the highest possible energy. The man born under the influence of an extremely energetic. You so much
Energy is the key to the problem of how to lead off. Extremely hyperactive, can not tolerate
any prohibition or restriction. If you are unable to become confused in the lowest energy
focus. Elbátortalanodik easily this time. This is the plane of the successful athletes, champions of the plane, but
I think I am generally successful in the man who is full of plane.
Plane determination
2 5 8
1 7
You are born entrepreneur, this plane, what is your career has also called a plane. Possesses immense power,
which is filled with courage. Is filled with energy, very tough, it always starts working on whatever it végigcsinálja. The
Almost without exception, successful people possess the energy of this plane. Very purposeful,
initiative, however, self-willed and stubborn. Leadership was clear that large
coupled with a sense of accountability. Ideas represent an ideal, is always a good side. Very conscientious and
if you can be heroic. Are often too focused on itself, not just adaptive type.
The matrix of options for your personal
3 9
2 2 5 5 8 8 8
1 1 1 7 7 7 7
The options include any number matrix, which is the birth numerology formula
direct or indirect manner shown. Direct way, the birth date numbers, indirect
manner in which those numbers in the formula for calculating the részeredményként or concrete
életterületet indicating numbers are displayed. This matrix also includes the birth numbers combined with a matrix
those obtained in the calculation of numbers.
The unification of a plane can complete them, which are deficient in the birth matrix Sikken
appeared. This will also provide an opportunity to complete those areas, which are congenital
képességekként although did not appear, but a learning process, to receive them. The effect of these planes are generally more characteristic of the mature adult age, when the experiences
course it was possible to elaborate the specific area. Indeed, these innate abilities as well, but
analogy does not appear in your life, only then, if you're willing hard
earn to ensure that citizens fulfill them.
Design plane
3 9
2 2 5 5 8 8 8
1 1 1 7 7 7 7
You are perfectly able to break away from its surroundings and absorbed only deal with what you're doing.
In this case, preferably away from the "Please Do Not Disturb!" table, because they can not stand, then if anything else
diverts attention. Can learn very effectively because it can completely break any fun
effect. In any case, you need a quiet room or a quiet corner where you
retire, if you feel the need. You are able to make each life events in the pre-eltervezzen
life, it can effectively implement its plans. Your personal affairs are not very communicative, the
is much narrower in the intimate sphere. Other things, however, communicates very well, it is
say that masterfully deals with words. Excellent speaker and has a great convincing power.
Understanding the plane
3 9
2 2 5 5 8 8 8
1 1 1 7 7 7 7
You are extremely sharp-minded people. Excellent hearing and excellent sense of rhythm is also suitable for musical careers.
You see where it transmits the internal forces, bringing about a company is very popular and respected man.
Sensitive and considerate man, the relationship is most important to you. We are deeply patriotic man, almost
see into the soul of another. Very empathetic, but the mistakes were noticed. If you are dealing with people, you
A blessing to you the positive energy of this plane.
Law of the life twelve
08/07/1952 and the inherent laws of the twelve életterület
12 secrets of magic in your life
Jan is a personal magic square, which is the formula from birth to 3 x 4, ie the 12
életterületre important and characteristic for to give you guidance. The individual numbers in your
have an impact throughout the life of the area, show how to survive in the area
and how to behave in any given situation avoided. If you look closely examine the life of the area
face it, that's what we have been ignored, and what are the areas where
always been aware of this property.
The specialty of Jan magic square, and load is up to the vertical
columns, rows or horizontally, diagonally or give up the four numbers and the resulting
two-digit number is reduced to single digits, always get the same number.
Here again I will show you the formula from birth hiányszámokat, ie the learning
többletszámokat and the laws, ie laws of the grant. Notice that the numbers which,
életterületen which of these appear to contain the secret of magic square, age 12, because
these areas will be able to learn the necessary lessons in life, and these
receive support in areas of life.
Hiányszám (s): 4.6
Többletszám (s): 1,2,5,7,8
Month Day Year Fate
8 7 52 5
Energy and enthusiasm for philanthropy Family Generosity
5 7 6 9
Intuition Joy of Life Karma Love
6 8 6 7
Philosophy of Money Self-development Opportunities
8 5 8 6
The energy and enthusiasm
This is the életterület, which you can invest the most energy. In this area, the largest in the
Your enthusiasm is. This means that these areas are able to mobilize the best in you in
energies, and any activity carried out in one of the most enthusiastic about.
5 - Adventures, change
You will be very enthusiastic when it comes time to change. Like, looking for adventure, the challenge of time and
spare no energy to travel, looking for new faces and new opportunities. Will be anxious to restrict the
try and make every effort to ensure that this does not happen.
The family and friends of the Law
This figure shows you how you close relationship with the friends and loved ones.
Learn from it, what kind of relations with loved ones, what areas can help
They were supported. In general, what the attitude of family and friends connections
7 - Lone Wolf
Human relations in the deep and meaningful stuff looks. Even among family, friends or in addition to
like a deep and meaningful conversations. He wants others to know the deepest, most secret
traits, but never back to live with this. At the same time likes to be alone, but it is good to have nearby
someone with whom to share existing knowledge. Not like the big meetings, but rather a believer in a narrower range of conversations, where you can dig into the bottom of things. You listen when others speak and then
excellent observer, sensitive to every little flutter. Be alert to the fact that sometimes it is necessary to ease
felhőtlenségre and entertainment, it is not always possible to explore the depths.
The Law of Generosity
This figure shows you what életterületeken themselves generosity. What are the
life situations, where you can "sacrifice" made without being a true "victim" would be perceived. What are
the things that we can generously share, without giving you less of it would go. What is it you do not
regrets the time and energy, even if only to what he does.
6 - Caring
Generously treats the energy when the family or friends are involved. Do everything possible to
so happy to see your loved ones. If you need to help others, always volunteer, either on its own
strength is more than tasks. He gives everything in order to feel surrounding everything
embracing love. Do not skimp on care. Generously devote to family or friends
gatherings give everyone a little bit like gondoskodásából.
The Law of philanthropy
This figure shows you how to be able to express the love towards his fellow men. Are not
absolutely loved ones are in the near term, but generally the people who surround
everyday life, even in the vicinity are in a global sense, even an entire country or the world
are involved. Generally, a character expresses this number which allows you to be able to contribute to the
everyday people, we can facilitate, or be able to assist their lives.
9 - to serve others
I love you best convey to his fellow men, to take over from them in some difficult tasks
carried out. This task can be a charity, or some kind of missionary activity. Do not reject
others are seeking, if need be marginalized by himself in order to help others carry out
the tasks that are beyond his power. Can always be something that others are unable or
could be very difficult to accomplish.
The Law of Intuition
This is the életterület, where most of the internal instinct, that is, listening to intuition. This means that
are not guided by common sense, not getting okoskodni, but intuitively it makes you feel. This high degree of
spontaneity gives you in this area. Sometimes it may seem that they do not know how, but it solves the
task or solve the problem yourself.
6 - The care
You always feel a family which has the most need help. He loves to help
care about others. First, the family is important, but other people too eager to help. Instinctively
know when, what you need. It is the happiest, most important, if your loved kifürkészheti
desires, and fulfill them. Since intuition is very strong in this area, so there is no hard task, only the
first inspiration to be heard.
Law of the zest for life
This életterületen feel the greatest joy in life. Do not feel coercion, but also a high degree of
felszabadultságot when you can spend your time with this. Looking for ways to spend more time away,
because this is the area that always fills up a force to be able to survive in the less pleasant things
8 - The money and the power
You are happiest when the money or business, or deal with the organization. We are ambitious
man, who was delighted when the power is. Financial goals will be reached, and really enjoys his way there as well.
Enjoying the hard work that the real struggle for success.
The law of karma.
This is the area of ​​his life, a certain degree of compelling you to find and confront the related problems. This area, which does not escape from their lives, so it is better if
voluntarily start to learn the appropriate lessons, do not wait until life forced him to learn the
6 - Provision of szerettekrõl
Your mission in this life to learn to take care of his family and szeretteirõl. It should be
to experience the importance of family and close relatives. We need to live, how does it feel to ensure the
about people who need help. Beauty and harmony to your life you have to take, and it
flood it to others. Must learn to listen to her heart.
The Law of Love
This figure shows you how it compares to the love. What does it mean for you
love. How to survive your relationships, usually based on love and relationships. Learn,
how to answer what type of partner and develop a relationship with him or what he expects from its partners and
how to deal with the relationship.
7 - Deep and meaningful
You love the depth and the possibility of seeking spiritual development. Almost exclusively in response to a partner,
-depth conversation with whom he is able and willing to beavatni our most precious spiritual secrets.
Looking for hidden truths and self-knowledge partner. Attracted to the faith and spirituality is important, therefore,
to partner in its support. Emberismerõ excellent, and it quickly knows all partner's individuality.
Be alert not to let your partner and analyze their relationship too, because it's easy to love
The law of money and finances
This figure shows you how your relationship to money and business. Show you
how to obtain the money, and that this is business sense. What is the meaning of life money and finances. Ideal
if so, what kind of work, earn a living, and how the money is coming into his life.
8 - looking for business acumen
You are very fond of money, a real businessman, an excellent organizer and extremely insightful. Ambitious plans
through the material to reach the objective at all. Very strong and stubborn character, very willing to achieve goals
hard to earn. Easily prevail in business, or the legal field, because both areas
éleseszûséget and requires discernment.
The learning and self-improvement
This figure shows you that life is constantly in need and to learn
evolve. An important priority and this segment of your life because you feel steady motivation is there
times more than that earlier self. Awareness and curiosity in this feature for you
direction, which always brings to the foreground.
5 - It must adapt to changes
You have the responsibility to learn to adapt to continuous change. Must recognize and
should embrace the wisdom, which says "Nothing is permanent but change". It is not easy
task, and you have a lifetime to develop this ability, that is, to adapt to constantly
changing times and the balance of power. New roads, should explore options and faces that, through this
to fulfill its mission.
The options are the law
This figure shows you that in life which meets the most options. This is a
a életterület, which can be very important in your life, so I feel that this is the thing
towards continuous plunge in life. Huge inner urge to kiteljesedjen in the area
what that number represents. With eyes open if you will notice that everything in life puts at his feet,
which moves in this direction.
8 - In the shop and the money
You get all possibilities of life to business, dealing with money and power. Accept the
opportunities and treat them accountable. Ambitious plans to achieve all the assistance it receives,
Perhaps, however, that you must work hard for success. Excellent insight can live in the moment
his business, financial possibilities, trying to get the best out of these
The philosophy of law
This figure shows you what is your philosophy of life. It is an inner conviction, which
gives you the motivation to carry out its duties in the best possible way. An approach which
affects the daily lives, human relations and also to decisions.
6 - The family has always come back
Your philosophy is that the family bond and your loved ones are most important in life. Such relations
does this mean that certain background for a lifetime. The közelállókról care, not a problem,
but also a sacred duty, which can only strengthen and deepen this relationship and. It is important to have someone
family, to whom anyone can turn to for help, why not me be the man.

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III. The tao numerology
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