Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Tibor's thought-provoking 19

(Two blogs:
- First: Tibor gondolatébresztői

- Second: Tibor's provoking-though...)

"Truth should be humbler in search of porn. World's foot stomp the port, but the search of truth must make himself so humble that even the dust is able to trample him. Only if you can not look past the truth.Gandhi.

1.Az ancient flower life secret. (The Twelfth Planet, Drunvalo Melchizedek wake.)
First volume
There is only one ghost.
Long time before the existence of Sumer, even before Egypt built in Saqqara, and even much of the Indus - Valley civilization blossom in front of the Spirit living human bodies, a high-minded culture dance kiteljesedve. The sphynx knows the truth. And we're much more than you think. Only the faded memories.
The flower of life known to all existing and familiar with today. All existing knowledge, not only here on Earth, but everywhere else, as was the creation of the Living World of the model - the entrance and exit of becoming one. The Spirit created us this picture. You also know that this is true, this is true, it's the truth of our bodies is written, everyone's body.
Sometime in the past on a vastly under high tudatszintről crashed and lost the spirit of these memories are only now beginning to take - to show up in the shadows of oblivion. New, or if you prefer, the old consciousness was born here on Earth will forever change us and brings us back to knowledge and that in fact there is only one Spirit.
In the following, in this reality through their utazásomról speak, and how I gained knowledge of the Great Spirit, and a list of kötelékekről that bound us all to exist. Tekintetetében all people of the Great Spirit, I see, and I know that he dwells in us. With the knowledge of what is now preparing to share with you, your being is in fact of his being the deepest barrel. Perhaps the first reading would seem to speak olyasmiről, we have never met, but it is certainly not the case. Because I speak the ancient knowledge. Our ability to remember things that exist deep in our interior, and I hope that this book brings these things then, shine your memory and you'll be able to quote it, who you really are, what brought you here and what is the reason why the Earth were born.
I pray that this book, your life becomes a blessing, and to embed new knowledge about yourself and what is already very, very old. Thank you for joining me on this journey. deep, intimate love I feel for you, because really what we are already old friends. We are one.
Once all of the universe known to exist in Tiko that the flower of life lies in the essence of creation. This beautiful geometric idea is true, then the inner life - microcosmic system and the external, physical manifestations of infinite layout.
Some of humanity is a very sophisticated level of literacy and awareness of the darkness fell kilátástalanságába and almost completely forgotten the ancient secrets of Flower of Life, which is the existence of sacred geometry, the key to surviving. Four thousand years too old tombs, temples, pyramids, rock carvings and broadcast their message is still hidden to us, that in the prime of life hidden in the creative principle of existence can be found in every detail.
Now that the human spirit awoke seemingly endless winter slumber, föleszmél tévképzeteiből our mind and intellect shine again in the golden light of spiritual consciousness. The first light - later the window opens wide to a new perception of humanity. Whether this book is a window for all to see such a spiritual vágyónak!
Drunvalo Melchizedek presents the volume and area of ​​a number of courses held so far, but now it has become necessary to issue explanations and illustrations guide book form as well.
The first book to explore issues related to where we came from, where we are going, why this way and that way the world has evolved, how they influence the present is a fine creation - the physical energy to help our consciousness, the truth prevailed and szépségtől blossom all over.
The sacred figures of the sacred geometric shapes their existence, living in a divine straight points. We are able to follow the shape of the invisible atom and the infinite stars, while we found ourselves all lépésünknél. The book reveals information provided is a single path, but not so much between the lines and shapes of logic, but rather an intuitive understanding of the ingenuity of guides. Here are some typical idea of ​​the book thought the system:
OSI-Remembering our past How did our world sinking of Atlantis?
SECRET OF A FLOWER-reveals sacred geometry, the core of life, the star tetrahedron, the waveform universe. Changes in the Earth's poles.
-The Dark Side: - OUR PAST AND WILL OWN vulnerable of our world, the ice age, history of the world.
WHEN TO FRACTURE-suffered human development, and Christ - NET GENERATION TIME As the Lemurian raised to a higher level of human consciousness. The arrivals from Mars, a fatal decision. The Planetary Grid.
The Egyptians ROLE OF THE HUMAN MIND the development of the death, resurrection and ascension. The amazing pharaoh Akhenaten, and the story of creation.
SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STRUCTURE AND FORM-A torus, a maze, the Egg of Life, the Platonic geometric solids, living crystals.
GEOMETRY OF THE HUMAN BODY-Leonardo Da Vinci's canon, the mystery of the Masonic symbols of the golden section, spirals, the Fibonacci sequence, the holy Pi ratio.

Second volume

Second volume of the Flower of Life is revealed further depths of all physical form the primary basis for the geometric, the Flower of Life Sacred Geometry. included in the outline of this beautiful heavenly proportions of the human body, the available human tudatsíkok fine details of the stars, planets, moons and the size of the distance between them. Drunvalo Melchizedek and detailed explanations of complex geometry through reveals that the seemingly simple as Flower of Life pattern contains the whole three-dimensional origin of our existence.
The Pyramids and the Egyptian rejtjelektől ranging from the Indigo children, Drunvalo presents the basics szentgeometriai Reality, and the finomfizikai energies, which make up our world. Crosses us a heaven-inspired maze, which is science, history, logic, and the apparent véletlenekből is, by the way, which recalls going to come from, and recognize the miracle of who we really are.
Finally, we will share with us the first time in print Drunvalo Mer - Ka - Ba meditation guidelines, step by step and show the human energy field in regeneration techniques are needed, which is the ascension, and the next tudatsík or spiritual dimension - the key to the gate of Beli world. If the love and guided by the desire of purification is carried out, this ancient Prana - breathing technique is a promising world opens up incredible opportunities for us. These exercises enable us to heal ourselves and others, and even improve the situation of wounded planet.
The acquisition of knowledge is in fact a spiritual memories unfold, so the image of ourselves is gone we can discover the following topics:
-Leonardo Da Vinci's knowledge of the Living Virágáról. The circles, squares and significance of human consciousness. The discovery halls of the Great Pyramid.
Egypt-initiation. The mystery of the resurrection. Interdimensional conception. Ancient mystery schools. Egyptian Tantra. Energy and sexual orgasm.
A-Mer - Ka - Ba meditation. Chakras and the human energy system. Energy fields around the body. The Mer - Ka - Ba 17 breath meditation. The sacred geometry of the human Light Body.
A-Mer - Ka - Ba Use. The Sidhi, or the psychic forces. The Mer - Ka - Programming. Pránával of healing. Coincidences. Thought and utterance. Spot Mer - Ka - Ba creation.
-Contact the various levels of self. Earth - mother and child inside. Co-operation and life of the Higher Self. In connection with everything and everyone. Teachings of the Seven Angels.
Two-cosmic experiment. Lucifer's attempt to create and duality. In 1972 - and attempt to Sirius and the rebuilding of Christ Consciousness Grid.
-What do you expect from the upcoming dimenzióugrástól? Preparedness, survival in the fourth dimension. The new age children.
Drunvalo Melchizedek átélésein based on his own writings, a breakthrough in the Encyclopedia of endless adventure of human cognition. He studied physics at the University of California, Berkeley, and art history, though his own feelings by defining the knowledge acquired after the completion of their studies. Twenty-five-year study of seventy available to all educational and religious belief system, hoping to achieve a comprehensive knowledge of the spirit of mutual understanding and compassion. Not only with his mind focused on all this, but his heart is. Immediacy, all existing unconditional love, acceptance and confidence immediately aroused everywhere, with everyone with whom he had met only during the work.
Today brought a beautiful and true vision of the world for the lecture series and the Flower of Life Mer - Ka - Ba lecture series and a Mer - Ka - Ba form of meditation. This teaching toured many areas of human thought, and analyzes the development of complex intelligence, the ancient civilizációktól today. Offers a clear vision of the world's mental development.
Learn about this broad vision of what Drunvalo presents the world! fantastic stories, mysteries come to life as the author reveals to us the ancient secrets of the Flower of Life.
Wonderful life - epilogue
We live in a world that only exists in God's mind. Just me, nothing else. Using the sacred geometry of life mother / father created a spirit of fényvilágot us to play in it, and to love each other. We are children of God. The Great Spirit expresses itself in all of us, and He is far fölülmúlja the everyday life of mankind - the level. a huge opportunity to carry ourselves, if all tokens in a single word in the dictionary we could condense, which can not be expressed in the inner greatness, which radiates from his eyes in an ordinary child.
Everyone can choose. Resume normal life in the human way of life where the only cálja to material goods termtsünk comfort ourselves around other human beings, and violence reign over. Or understand that the outside world is not something we should hold, but an opportunity to express our happiness and our love. The outside world and the headroom is the same thing.
Breathe deeply of the clean ourselves - life force energy csakráinkon shining through, and Bring Mer - Ka - BA MEZŐINKET. Open our hearts without fear of the unknown, and look for a child's innocence in God's eyes all the people I meet. All so simple. Love, Drunvalo
2.NLP training
1.Miért of NLP?
Why I decided to go:
- I want to Evolve, all walks of life. Strive for harmony, and therefore I should do.
- The finances of the értékrendemben is included at the back, but I live in a very deep desire for things. material plane which can be implemented. (eg, travel, financial constraints to resolve the international level of financial independence, etc.).
- I recognized that the relative material well-being depends on the desires of my wife. What he wanted, he quickly reached easily and loosely, (my wife's love overrides all other priority for me.) Which I, I cramped, sweating, or do not understand it. The reason for this is a terribly wrong in my program, which was high time to replace.
- I realized that the phrase that I love myself, until an empty phrase with no content in my mind, as long as prevent against myself, that material desires unimpeded, unrestricted met. "I'm standing between him and God." Time to who should pull out of the way and let the gifts that God has for me beáramolhassanak unlimited abundance into my life.
- Occasionally I have heard about NLP, and I was curious.
- A quarter of a reduced discount price is motivated to take this opportunity.
- Eve, the trainer interesting personality I met in Amsterdam on our way. Wanted to test the EGO-m, it can even tell me what's new? (The training has proved that the phenomenon is a good one-word answer: Professionalism).
What are you waiting for tréningtől:
- The wildest dreams did you dare to write!
- Finally, allow me, and you can expect to get everything in life financially is what God intended for me, and which is an inalienable right to me: self-esteem, freedom, wealth, happiness, health, and generally creating a talent, and creating dramatic pace growth by ensuring that goods flow out of the way towards the EGO - m, a barrier to be able to programmatic félreállítani.

2.Az NLP axioms:
1.Az people do not react to reality, but an internal map of what the developed world.

2.Each man carries the need for resources. The more love, more power. Vállalsz more responsibility for what you touch, you'll be more free.

3.Minden for the man at the moment - not for us, the most appropriate way to act.
Expectation when you go somewhere, you can illusion. Frustrations are there because our expectations were.

4. Subjective intent of all behavior is positive. (Nobody hurt no one.) There are people who want to leave when you stop smoking, treat themselves as enemies of the part, which is responsible for smoking and függőségért. Experience shows that this does not work. Smoking is really harmful in the long run. In the short term but can help reduce stress, to suppress the bad feelings, social relationships initiated and nurtured - just watch it once in the workplace, smoking breaks or the courses, how calm down, and what you can easily talk to each other are. The subconscious is the part that is responsible for smoking, in fact, does not want anything bad. The NLP assumes that all the seemingly meaningless behavior of the credentials of the unconscious part moment from the perspective of the smartest solution to solve the problem in the short term. If this fails to explore the positive intention, then the subconscious will be a much more collaborative problem solving, as if an enemy tackle. You love to be your friend. The man you hate, whom you are afraid, who despise, is the enemy. Always!

5.Minden behavior is useful in some situations. (The cake, sponge cake which is not good, even excellent Somló can be.

6.Egy acting element within the system as flexible as the most effective. (For example, the angler's rod.) If your system has a flexible living creature that uses its power to take into account the three basic spiritual principle of "development of consciousness", the "increase of love" and "individual responsibility to strengthen" then this will help the whole system of spiritual development.

7.Az influenced by its experience as well as a place. (Complain, magyarázkodunk, or we create good feelings.). Who are emotionally highly motivated to change lifestyle, the quicker and easier it will be done, such as the one who is less emotionally motivated.

8.The clean, open sensory channels can not compensate for anything. The skin is the largest organ.
The mind like an iceberg, the conscious mind tip of the iceberg.
400milliárd bit / sec. information is being sent to the brain, which 2000bit/sec. conscious.

Gyermekkorunktól programmed us to the world (parents, TV etc), develops a filter through which to release the information.
The filter is intended to prevent, to the information provided beleőrüljünk, side "protects" the filter is not allowed by "too much success," "harmful" effects as well.
Autopilot mode takes place in our lives, and encounters the occasion of 30 seconds, we have become conscious, and then back on. Almost subconscious level, to bring all of our decisions, while we believe that we make a conscious decision.
Everyone lives by a belief system. This is their filter what to let into his mind. All restrictive belief system. Option for me is where opportunity and preparation meet. Why I constantly trainings. (More than 220 training course I was.) Expands each bit of szűrőmet ...

9.A communication is the response from the contact. The answer always turns out to be a partner now, and what filters are allowed for. The action, so there are no communication failures, only results. There is no failure, only feedback here.

10. Who study and teach the living. The learning and teaching differ in that one set of content is important for participants to experience different perspectives, and we are living through. The teacher just needs to gain experience for disciples, like the disciples of the teacher. This is a common pathway, which may be the best move if you do not forget to make a living from different perspectives.
Life is about learning and teaching. Therefore, we EME plane of existence. This will increase, and thus contribute to the development of the whole of creation, if you want. Anyone who thinks that he no longer needs to learn is basically a death, separation from this world, decided it no longer wants to continue to grow. Which does not grow further, and the dead. Observe this every day in the wild. Who does not want to teach, you do not want to enrich the knowledge, talent and life of the creature. In other words, he is not interested in the whole of creation. Who does not take a fruit, not to nourish others, and does not contribute to the maintenance of life and pass on. Those who do not support the development - though could - in the conviction that it is not important to maintain all of the great. After all, if it would be important to him, you care for her ...
Another big trap - much higher than the nemtanítás - the denial of the existence of discipleship. A level of "teacher" to stop, because the location of the vanity and curiosity takes over, he starts everything you can imagine. "I am the center of the world," says the ego, and the curiosity and openness becomes outdated concept, great location in the infallible teacher takes over the role. While you are alive, basically, or student, not teaching. Everyone in the whole of creation will help you every fateful encounter, everyone in the world to you It appears that you test, again and again. Show you things you do not want to acknowledge and exiled részedként asks you to accept, he is a "dog Kölked you." It's not your job to change the world but to change his te. It's not your thing, that whatever you are or wherever you read, accepted dogma, but to "be curious and open, like a small child, otherwise it will never go into the kingdom of heaven." (Which is here and now. )

11. A person is a positive constant value, while the behavior is questionable. (Do not use the following words, because the energy is different, but, but, whereas in the other hand, though.)

12. People are perfectly "work" like pieces of a puzzle. Everyone is doing his job. Everyone is so perfect as is.

3.NLP general principles
How do we operate?

1.Az human mind imagine a model of iceberg. The peak, which appears in the conscious mind. Which is in the depths and did not appear, the subconscious.
2. 400 billion bits / sec. information is received daily in the brain. It 2000bit/sec. conscious.

3. Autopilot mode takes place in our lives, and encounters the occasion of 30 seconds, we have become conscious, and then back on.
4. Almost subconscious level, to bring all of our decisions, while we believe that we make a conscious decision.
5. Gyermekkorunktól programmed us to the world (parents, TV etc), develops a filter through which to release the information.
6. The filter is intended to prevent, to the information provided beleőrüljünk, side "protects" the filter is not allowed by "too much success," "harmful" effects as well.
(The NLP training crash - ropogva I began to broaden this filter, because I was there.)
Most personal development training toldozza - foltozza the belief system, which render the pages keep on turning. The NLP is fundamentally different: the old belief system is not foltozza, but a part of ledózerolja. The old belief system is added to the museum.
Ever seen a kaleidoscope? Imagine a binoculars, with a face-to-end remote, if you look at teeny tiny pieces of plastic waste are included, which placed mirrors in a kaleidoscope of different color patterns lend a nice, if you look. Look in a kaleidoscope, and we see what we see. Teeny tiny plastic Syr-shit look a kaleidoscope, colorful and beautiful forms we see. Life is colorful pieces are neither beautiful nor ugly. Műanyagdarabkákból tiny little life is, these different life-stories. If the room is filled with them, and you step on them or they can also cause annoyance. Through a kaleidoscope, the same can be beautiful too. you want - this tag these events? If tagged, they may well feel. If you can not bring yourself to succeed in a state of gratitude, as soon as you want, you can make yourself a little pain (for example, you press your thumb nail mutatóujjaddal) and the right NOW - to ba. In what will happen now? This question immediately brings to the present. The present is never a bad feeling. The ever present feeling you do not feel bad, because the fan is humming, and not be afraid of. The present is a tiny, tiny pieces of plastic are.
Conscious programs (the orders) to stand up, everything else in the subconscious institutions. When you arrange your subconscious, then I'm on autopilot, and I'm not in a state of attention. tudatalattitól sometimes worth to take over the control.

Operation of the laws of the mind
1. The control law. (Hand-held life.)
2. The law of cause and effect. (There are no coincidences, but the reasons why you should not look. The WHY? Is the only correct answer is: ONLY: For I am still all based on belief systems, and will never match up to the participants' views, and only created unnecessary debate on WHY? - S.) May decide the fact that I live my life a sacrifice, or I take my hand in their control and undertake the responsibility today for everything happening.
3. The law of faith. (What we believe in the reality.) We are sure that we can eat bread and butter, so therefore do not worry. The lighthouse is not worried, just light up. Any belief that the bread and butter level, is becoming a reality.
4. The Law of Replacement. The subconscious is just memories, all stored information, better than the World Wide Web. The consciousness has no memory, but only one can deal with things. Substituting a different thing, such as the worry. of gratitude. The reins are in our hands.
5. The Law of Attraction. (Kibocsátasz fullest sense, a world you create around you. Everything you do in your life. The feelings of the compass, he informed me that the intended direction you go - this?)
6. In compliance with the law. Not to be too much to think about how you feel. Sad when people are around, if you can not pay their bills, it is a test: just because you have to see that wind up annoying - this yourself? Until tiny, tiny műanyagdarabok, it is not an affair with him, but if it annoys you, you are. (How about a palm, if you bang?)
7. The law of concentration. (What you pay attention, increase, multiplied.) Judgmental, bírálsz, regret and vádolsz. You can not control anyone else's life. You feel bad about is because the other is not acting correctly elvárásodnak. You are deciding what to listen to you, to you like it or not. If there is no expectation, then all the tiny, tiny piece of plastic. If you do not feel good, it certainly is not going towards your goal. Dühített not the other guy, but you came up in their anger, and took control of the autopilot.

Each structure has a place of thought in our heads. This is a system, and as an archive, we can put order in their own minds.
The brain does not know the word NOT. You should use a closing business deals, because tompítós, six and violence: Ex: "You do not need right now to enter enough, If we consider."
The "Because" - et dips in and listen to bad feelings.
Thoughts are not yours, it took somewhere from someone. The feeling - the only ed, which will certainly be yours. Whatever programmer, if not true, it created a bad feeling. Kiragasztasz pictures, but look at it many times, always the feeling that it is not. The deficit is always a bad feeling born.
Only an appropriate formulation that really how you feel, because the parents do not feel bad. Eg, "good to be rich." "I enjoy the luxury." These and similar phrases you bring up a good feeling, and it will also increase.
Only amounts to the poor, the rich can even think about quality. The focus of plenty, and the deficit was not noticeable.
All people are different. I can not say that all good people. Should always use positive wording, because it does not affect the violent, and therefore does not induce resistance to other things and bad feeling. Eg: "You can do it, that you will go, and it is not."
Write down what is most important for an extended sentence, which the money transfer is related to someone who you love most in the world: For example: "- My mother, when you think about the money, spend a good feeling that we still have enough of it, even more than what we can spend. "
Write things down to 30, in connection with the money that comes to your mind now:
Eg: - The time over money.
- Money is an object of thought, which called for the feelings of the pot.
- The love of money is the love of the universe.
- The money was God's thoughts.
- Counting the money is good.
- Better yet, if so much is that it is difficult to count.
- The money in the economy than the oil in the Machine.
- Money is a medium of exchange.
- The money will help to achieve my dreams.
- The money is used to achieve my dreams.
- Money is an inalienable right to me.
- We are happy to give the money to come back to me sharpening.
- The money means that the state belongs to me.
- It feels good to hold the money in my hand.
- The money feels good.
- The crime of money torn.
- First time I tore out of money.
- It's a little worn down.
- Is it as much as his eyes.
- It was horrible.
- It's a joke.
- No big deal, 1000Ft was at any time and spend anything.
- It's just a piece of paper.
- What we call money is in fact an agreement.
- The money is for to spend.
- Yellow check payment good sense: many people have jobs in the deposit.
- Many people will give that a service is paid.
- Solvent to be a good thing.

- An even better thing to be rich.

Myself and a better understanding of the world 2009 - my friend Alex Szalay in an avalanche started by me and presented me with when The Secret DVD. After approx. fifty times I looked at several copies of the copied, fifty good friend lent it to look. The friends around. Half of the biggest surprise, I never left you to use the DVD itself, sought and found a million complaints, why not, although it was free, and no coercive power did not affect my part. About 2 years had to elapse to why this cut-off get a response (not left on the filter.). Behold:
There were 2 NLP training, I try to describe the results:

2nd NLP Training purification unit (2011.febr. 24)

I was a networking meeting and there were a couple, who have 2,000 people on their network, and 130 in mine, and I started a few days later, just as they did. Why they are 2000, and my 130? Why? Why? Why?

5 days after the training I woke up the answers to these:

1. The mind like an iceberg, the conscious mind tip of the iceberg.
2. 400milliárd bit / sec. information is being sent to the brain, which 2000bit/sec. conscious.
3. Autopilot mode takes place in our lives, and encounters the occasion of 30 seconds, we have become conscious, and then back on.
4. Almost subconscious level, to bring all of our decisions, while we believe that we make a conscious decision.
5. Gyermekkorunktól programmed us to the world (parents, TV etc), develops a filter through which to release the information.
6. The filter is intended to prevent, to the information provided beleőrüljünk, side "protects" the filter is not allowed by "too much success," "harmful" effects as well.
7. NLP training in the crash - I began to broaden ropogva this filter, because I was there.

The possibility that recently offered my friends, until 10 January, Amsterdam I have seen very tiny. Still, I went to, time, money and energy to spare no, because I know from experience that all options for the first time seems to be very limited. Since then, a fag in my life that day for a little while I could stay in a state of conscious awareness. The tanulásunknak less than 1 / 10 thousandth of conscious learning and unconscious learning, the great majority of everybody, and meta-level. (Do not even know about it.) Ever since the crash-filter effect persisted ropogva'm starting to realize my life is perhaps the greatest possibility of an MLM business , which comes into the country in March.
I should ask from them that trust in me? Question is really meaningless, because it's not much I could do in order to have confidence in me. In his excellent work with filters ...

Two days later (Feb. 26 - on) someone wrote this:

2011.február 25 on the evening "accidentally" caught in my hand Ruediger Dahlke: The psychology of money c. Book and Article 11 side of a quote: "We buy things we do not need any money, not ours, and in order to cut up people before him, who does not like you."

I do this I would add that people our whole lives to "teach" us, who have no idea about life as much as us, and we're paying so that the blind lead the blind. I do not know everything! I lay down on the night that a friend has a problem, I would like to help, and asked for assistance from the subconscious to the problem.

The most important axiom, which should be a holistic understanding of a dual world:

In your world you can only only! Your world is not nobody but you! Nobody Knows Your belepiszkálni your world without your consent! Nobody, and I never! Nobody can elátkozni without your consent! The parasites inside the judge and the victim, you are doing this. (Thought-1 - in this amplification.)

I thought I did with my mom that I wanted to inherit. It probably got me back to what has been sown. I am now getting it back to the gyerekeimtől, all three want the legacy of this right now. (They want to eject the house with me, because they "do not want to inherit at the age of forty!")

These are my thoughts and in my rear-view mirrors of my kids világomban.A rude, arrogant, hysterical, I feel this is the only opportunity in life. (Exponentially I get it back to what I have sown. My kids just mirrors of my life, everyone!) I can `t go wrong, 9 January led to a big girl, took the bus in Amsterdam, and they quarreled, that" snapped, "I asked, to get out, and it was not meg.Kinyitottam in the passenger seat door, and before they had stepped out of the speeding car 100KM/órával. felemről pushed back to the guardian angel of the cap toward the open door. The result of the fear of losing my hat reflexively shut the door and came senses. What would have happened if the guardian angel is not fast enough?

Játszmákat constantly playing in our world appears to others, but in fact ourselves. The feelings lift him up and down, and in encounters with attractive resonance, ie mirrors. The mirrors my feelings show, nothing to do with my children!

The second most important axiom is that there is nothing in this world is yours, everything you got the loan, except for one thing: The feeling is yours alone. Thoughts are not yours, it took somewhere, someone! The thoughts you get a loan, your house, the jövedelmeidet the találkozásaidat, everything. These are consequential to feel alone, which belongs to you. If you do not have a good feeling, always the deficit! It means that you live in the deficit. The NOW - there is never a bad feeling in! If you switch to a state of gratitude, then átkapcsoltad yourself NOW - ba! Do not matter what happens, but still the matter of how you feel it.

When you were born, what we were. The more we identify with everything that is not what we are, the more we lose ourselves. All that we are identified, the loss of you. You to control your emotions, manage emotions, not by you! (The invasion of emotions.)

I am not wise, and I do not know everything! I have a touch of humility, and ask the evenings tudatalattimat to develop the current problem. Morning and got the solution, and the peace of mind as well.

Take a white candle. (The candle flame to karmaégetésre.) It will burn your karma, which is woven You yourself, because no one has the power of Your world karma you weave. Everyone else only you reflect. The entire universe is helping you in the progression to a mirror reveals the invisible front of you, everything you do not want to see. Ask your Bagdi Bella CD Release number of Repeaters. think of something for which I am grateful. (Get yourself in a state of gratitude!) 7x at least play, and you see the flame. Gratitude, forgiveness and love.

Not to anyone else, because only you Your world. Forgive yourself for everything!
Then you put on classical music, for example. Vivaldi. The classical music left off (conscious) brain hemisphere, and etch the subconscious of this program.

I would say to allow yourself to NLP. Do not come by car, because it rearranges the mind! May be that the filter prevents that elgyere.

The filter is intended to prevent, to the information provided beleőrüljünk, side "protects" the filter is not allowed by "too much success," "harmful" effects as well. NLP training in the crash - I began to broaden ropogva this filter, because I was there

A friend of mine told me something and now I have told him something. We're not that much (I am not, neither do we, and other) attention to the state, sent him a letter and a half hours after I realized: my world of subliminal messages for me.

There was not enough of a shock to me, I turned off on January 9 have committed almost (almost megnyomorítva myself, or killing) to feel: I have a problem, and I ask because the tudatalattimat! Because I never said I would, because such a program: anything for others, nothing for myself!

13.5 years old until I was listening to the priest at the temple baromságait that for others to act is great and noble act, to act for ourselves miserable and selfish thing to do.

You see, that the autopilot in the rebellion against the church and the priest after 45 !!!!!! years is "a great and get in unnoticed to me a dead end?

My world, wherever I am, I have to do myself a candle burning karma.

The message was for me and my friend in the mirror You were my world, Your world is on. Because it would be helpful if you can do it yourself. Thank you very much dear Mirror, helped a lot.

I hope, I knew my friend! I hope I do not think that was crazy.

Just a little help from the trainer to inform rearranged. When I came home from a2. About NLP, it was a total collapse központomban control. Not scared, because the trainer told in advance that it will be.

But it is not propagated, because I do not want to scare anyone from the super tréningtől.

4.NLP status and objectives of the survey worksheet

5.NLP worksheet solutions and explanations
6.NLP classical music programming using imprint
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3.TM effects of technology (Transcendental Meditation), Maharishi Yogi, Robert Rothes Denise Denniston follow the instructions (or how to fully enjoy our lives?)
"The research carried out shows that the physiological effects of transcendental meditation is precisely the opposite of what the medical establishment, the body of stress typically exerted against the requirements.
The TM technique is a method in which the human central nervous system elnyugtatja so that ... it does not suffer from stress. I think that if the transcendental meditation that can affect the nervous system that is really and truly any elnyugszik best it can meet the requirement, then this is the ideal solution. "
Dr. Selye, the University of Montreal Institute for Experimental Medicine and Surgery former director of the internationally known stress expert of Medicine (Institute of RM Oates, Jr.: Celebrating the Dawn of the book).
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi 1959th Jan. 30 - arrived on San Francisco's international airport. It was his first visit to the United States, and this was the second around the continent by land, on which the transcendental meditation (hereafter TM) technique introduced to the world.
First there Maharishi TM - Performance Of San Francisco Cronicle the news. Maharishi's lectures to hundreds of visitors and many have learned the technique.
In the initial period, there was no other TM teachers, there were no other speakers TM, TM, organizations, or centers. Maharishi San Francisco after several months in Los Angeles, then went to New York, New York and London, Germany, Greece, and more around the globe.
The TM movement began simply and grew steadily. The technique is the first publication of scientific research on TM in the world suddenly aware of it.
A TM - was first in the University of California, Los Angeles, studied the physiologist Robert Keith Wallace 1968 - in. Thesis, The physiological effects of transcendental meditation. The fourth main state of consciousness is mapped to the philosophy of the Philosophical Sciences awarded it to him, and appeared in the journal Science. It is also of great scientific interest for the effects of TM wave is generated.
1975 - from the TM concept has become well known. And today?
Worldwide, more than 3 million in all professions, ages, religions and skilled people - including one million in the United States - to exercise the TM - et. And that number is growing.
Become the world's 100 major cities of the country has just 1500 over the TM - Number of centers. The TM is not a profitable educational organizations under the auspices of teaching.
The United States, the TM - et more than 6,000 doctors have learned, as well as large - and small business people in leadership, managers, employees and thousands around the world.
Practicing the TM - et housewives, lawyers, computer - programmers, students, teachers, lecturers, clergy, professional athletes, factory workers, architects, pilots, electrical technicians, chefs, and artists.
A TM - is easy to learn. Anyone can do is to exercise. And it works.
Over the past 18 years, more than 350 scientific studies from the effects of the TM technique, with 160 universities and research institutions in 27 countries. The studies, which also appeared in several leading scientific journals - has shown that TM - Programme:
- To reduce stress,
- Improves memory and learning ability,
- Increase the energy
- Increasing the internal peace of mind
- Reduces insomnia,
- Increase the happiness and self-esteem,
- Reduces anxiety and depression,
- Improve relationships
- Improve the health status
- To promote the attainment of biologically younger age.
Since Maharishi - 30 years ago - began teaching TM - technical, big breakthroughs were made in modern science, nature, "functioning" to understand. Recently, the scientists understand the natural functioning of looked into the deepest layers, discovering a unified field of natural law, which is manifested throughout the universe, limitless source of creative potential.
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