Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Tibor's thought-provoking 23

(Two blogs:
- First: Tibor gondolatébresztői

- Second: Tibor's provoking-though...)

The inner game of wealth # t = 43

The Hindu Vedas, the world of God's dream.
Balogh Béla - his original profession of cert. mechanical engineer - that - based on the Vedas says "The ultimate reality" in his book that the world is a "conceptual structure", ie building of God's thoughts. If someone is interested in this thread, you can obtain and carefully read this book!
If there is one man who is not interested in the topic, then I warn him here and now!
The Bible says that in his own image and likeness of God made man.
If you are a man, and alive, then great danger! (And also, as a subset of God, eternal life, because every birth is only cserélsz dress, so no not at risk, and this statement is true!) In a world in which an object of thought, your mind set to 100% - in how the world is you, because your world is your only thoughts in the building! As the world's proven holistic structure, all the self-created world of thought építményű lives, and not just a re-created parts of the whole, but also as a part of the holograph is impacting the whole thing! This also means that everyone (even you!) Lives in the building in their own thoughts, and 100% - in charge of your own life!
You know about this? How dare you teach someone who has no idea about this? Do you know why karmázol and suffering? Because if you do not know about you You have the sin of ignorance! The original sin in the Bible a little félrefordították: I do not mean to try and first, second, etc.. miss the target, but that you sit in the "babérjaidon" and I plan to keep you ignorant! The original sin the sin of ignorance!
The Bible only produces two things:
1: God is love (highest frequency, the resource itself)
2: God is omnipotent. (ALL OF GOD, IT THAN NOTHING!) Everything else is LEGEND!
A world of love (God) is the largest oscillation frequency, and the God of creation is a slow motion through the study itself. The thought of szeretetnél lower frequency, but the material world spektrumánál higher. This creates a higher frequency is lower, the reverse is not true, this is the principle of creation. The principle of creation of a vector, whose direction and sense of your thoughts (positive or negative) by the magnitude and speed of the emotions it created. (Always remember, whatever you want, and do not remember what you do not want to!) The I think only if, and only at a rate of tangible in your life as strong emotional source.
Einstein knew it! Why do you think he said: "He wants to know God's thoughts! The rest is just detail! "I wonder why you said?
This does not change to a negative world-programmed machine or negative! You've reached the age of ten, ten thousand times you hear it mean that it is not, and that we should not, can not be! Only less than 200 television channels you press the program. Meta level, everyone will all the programs, not an obstacle or the wall of the house because the house walls can not withstand the path of radio waves. You do not know about this, not even sure that when you turn on the electric nyomorládát, amplifies the negative one of you programmers program! The negative - spouses, children, friends, neighbors, the district where you live, so everyone, not just the words and actions at the level of draw down, but the mere existence of energy - a vampire, and while you think it is dirty, or that a positive, reality is that positive energy into a negative run in full swing! Familiar with this? As if it had learned that the electro-hours!
There is a kvantummező, we exist in this. This is nowhere to be learned, and not looked after. I have not looked to him, or what the nyavalyáért sárgolyón this? Well, well, your work easier. You've come to a host of negative living the experience, get to the point that you should not be exposed to further suffering, and convert to positive. Megvilágosodj slowly and felt the fullness. Working principle of the holistic world of the holograph, and 7 billion people mainly mediated negative experiences of God. The positive and negative bolygószinten cosmic balance, because the higher frequency power is much greater, and a few hundred thousand people a positive balance with 7 billion people is very negative. It becomes clear to everyone when the time comes, no one before!
God is with you also get to know yourself better. He is inside you and outside you, and gently smiling, having fun - you! When the epiphany, even back in the armchair dőlhetsz because újjászületsz guise of a great teacher, sense of mission. Then people will be angry at you because you are trying to sneak his sötétségükbe light. Rongálni will try, but a deep sleep, if you can not get time to make a team player, named Judas, who is 30 ezüstpénzért can manage to cross a line outside kiutaljanak you, there is no chance that anyone abusing the martyr with your name, kiforgassa tanításodat, and you Referring raboljanak, fosztogassanak, for thousands of years, the name of love. You know, there is an IDEA, a conceptual design plan of the man. Alakulsz you're like the hunchback of certain children under the press.
When the projects are completed, the man realizes the idea, and it disappears. At the time of the dinosaurs died out because they realized the ideájukat, not because of self-proclaimed "scientists" have tried to prove an asteroid impact to rise to be created. An asteroid is a conceptual works are not the cause, but God's instrument.
And on top: no clue about this, do not even know it. How much chance to improve your life when you have no idea of ​​a process?
You all programming, and since this is a tükörvilág, you see everything around him. (The other one mirror, which you see yourself! And not just on the other man, but every circumstance, and even pets. Dogs do not lie, whatever you want He anticipates the love for you, but if it indicates that a skilful little or manure, then this is also a mirror, I did not think that it is either, because God needs you! If it were not for you, then you would not be! All subset of God and everybody, and the journey back to God in the way of errors and corrections to the enemy really your friend and mortal enemy of the good will in fact!
Your friend does not get under the well-wisher! A true friend that can be recognized, that you do not want to do good, but you accept your flaws, despite the many obvious and not an ax to sculpt a better you become. Everyone is in such immediate vicinity, only to realize I should be! But he who sleeps the sleep ...
Here comes the question of fate and free will. A dual holistic world, no one is perfect, but overall the world, the only positive can be achieved through the negative! Only! The inspiration comes after the expiration, if you're not willing to exhale, the air benntartod rather because it is already yours, and you are not willing to give up anything that is yours, you'll suffer a little, then you drown. You do not want to go to the toilet, everything you want to keep what is yours! Of life: RHYTHM! We are suffering because they resist, you do not want this pace, thereby sabotage, and murder in their life! You!
The doctorate, your house, your money, the EGO - d, all remain here, there's nothing you can take with you! What are you taking me with you following your death and your life is the pure consciousness, are the experiences that have not learned from books, but the university life. Therefore, Jesus said, "Do not lay up for yourselves treasures in earth!"
Do you want to change this? Sorry, you will need some humility, and to the realization that despite Doktorovics Doctor or Doctor, you're not infallible, you do not know everything. In fact they know nothing, the whole previous life was a dead end!
But do not despair, because they think that what he said to Thomas Alva Edison, which burned down in 5000 after a laboratory experiment and a reporter questioned about that, having already 5000 - times have failed, when he gives up on the stupid fantáziálással that incandescent " Young man, you do not understand how the world works! I have not failed, but found the method 5000, which does not work, and that by 5000 - it got closer to the solution! ")
Your not a real dead end dead end dead end because no one is not! If you know it, that I went to many dead-end. On the following formula: life experience: Dead End = NO ENTRANCE. The only dead ends used to be a problem: The vast majority of the dead end is always the same walk again and again! The dead end of a dead end! Or not?
To do this takes courage to recognize this, and at least tükörarcoddal yourself alone, you dare to admit. I'll tell you what will happen when you do! Relaxed, kinyílsz, and the inner child in you get the word out. You will be curious and rácsodálkozol the world! This is a wonderful, interesting, fantastic and beautiful world! Only such mine, or yours is that?
Is the only way to be happy, live a life free of this too: bring a decision to be happy today, regardless of the körülményeidtől! Be open-minded and childishly curious about everything! And everyone! Do not pre-acquainted, stripping down the prejudices and be taught! A conceptual structure created by the world is not indifferent to what is going on in your head! If you are free, happy, and you want to be rich, you have to run a wealth of internal játszmáját constantly on your mind!

To do that you know do you need help! The tool, which can be programmed into your life, the greatest opportunity in history: how marketing network is called, and he reached for a lifeline to you, it is called a sponsor.
The mentőkötéllel can not be moved! Caught, or you can go next! If you do not take it, he has no chance! Then you have not suffered ENOUGH!
Maybe you should not have to let that beleláss in the head, and turkálj my mind! These are my thoughts! This is my world! I do not expect me to agree to anything with me!
If you do not want to have, you never knew could eavesdrop on my thoughts! Do you know why they were shared with you? BECAUSE EVERYONE ONE!

THE WORLD WHY show the trends. The dynamic trend of the telecommunication now! Why you should pay special attention to this point? 
1. Because everyone uses it! 
2. For here and now in this you can connect! A 1 trillion dollar business is now included by ACN to connect with virtually no capital in the millions! If you have a reason, you will have 81.250-HUF for registration and 47.500 HUF for videotelefon, and almost unlimited possibilities for a monthly fee of 2.550 HUF businesses abroad, travel and telephone no. You realize that what it is about this offer? You really realize? I think not! If you would realize, you can hold your hand - broken leg for the opportunity to rush me, like a poisoned mouse! I'd rather work for 50 years? Your destiny and your life!

The FANTOM sponsor  

The ACN is currently present in 23 countries, you can see their names on the Internet. Gradually open the possibility of the World. If your country has already opened up this opportunity, then what are you waiting for? Sign in for a sponsor, and go away. He observed that there is always NOW? Now is the best time to start! Manna expect God out of heaven? This is the biggest opportunity exists for everyone who is willing to change for a better life. I know you hate change. But do not you hate to stay poor? I do not like change. But the change is the only reason why we are in this Earth. God has entrusted us with this. Impossible for the holistic world created to develop, through the development of subsets of itself. God so that you can be proud of the greatest confidence that you put into you, or reject. This is your decision, and there are consequences.

Why are so incredibly bad news for MLM businesses? Why is it that when you hear that some MLM you stand up and go to the marketing plan?Everyone has encountered direktmarketinges people, mainly high-value products, vacuum cleaner, pots and disposals. The buyer, whether he said yes, even German, is almost always a very negative image remained for several reasons:1. Most cases, cold bidding technique by a man who does not know - so do not trust him - he came home with some kind of bait aggressively.2. Aggressively sold her a relatively expensive product, a relatively very short period of time pressed decision-making under pressure. There was no possibility of similar products price - value ratio for comparison, is sold to whom, is subconsciously aware that most likely indicted or tried to fool me.3.When someone in the direct marketer's efforts people watching, it is generally thought that he could not do this because he did not like that. Therefore, will be grateful to fate that he should not do this to people who are forcibly sell a product which does not want to buy. Develop an agent working hard for a lot of compassion, which is becoming increasingly difficult as time goes by german say. This was later followed by a kind of repentance: the man once again took advantage of a good heart.4. The extraordinary shopping usually upsets the family budget, and at worst a useless product, which should be getting in your way and just taking up space. However, it is almost impossible to sell, therefore, is often followed by remorse "purchases." Every time a customer gets in the way, this is almost always think: "How stupid I was, that I bought it."5. Although the moment of birth throughout the life of the sale (we learn by imitation and speaking, and sales are also the best.), No matter who we look at the point of view: we love to buy but hates to be sold to us.Much, much more is involved than a lumber sale or purchase: The whole fight is about the struggle for energy: where does the attention outward flow of mental energy. Since the energy of the known physical law that goes from positive to negative, all positive people than he would like to receive energy and to safeguard its own energy to the energy vampire.Although most people are consciously accept that Network Marketing is not direct marketing, like a lot of momentum due to the subconscious is always the attitude direktmarketinges (program) will be activated in the neural pathways for both sides.Since we never see the outside world is always perceived as the "offender".Why is it that when you hear is, "Be positive" then everyone who so asserts this in his own private outside mean? Because it - whether she is positive, the others are negative, they must change! And if they would change - of course we are not willing - it would be a sausage fence and in the meantime we have the right baseball bat until their respective csépelni negative bastard's head until it switches to positive.This style is direct marketing, the trader's style and habit. Now is your chance to bedaráljuk, now is your chance to open the wallet, the bastards have money just sitting on it, and if I sell it to him a mere half million allow vessels in stock, 30% of the beats immediately grasp how it is ? There is a shortage of everything, and if I can not sell it, then remains poor! This fear!Asserts that the MLM is not direct marketing, and we are not agents! Meanwhile, the body language communicates so loud that we preach water and drink wine while that of the candidate, if they eat here, its back - face away. Of course, we try to deceive certain speed and other bonuses, the money is talking about dense. If there are objections, then of course, he is a stupid bitch, fall on, to see if the business is not - because they are not stupid jugs are looking for - but in any event, it must be convinced that who is right, and such a stupid cunt, as he his place, because that is sensitive to our souls. I remember something: a poet named Ady Endre: A Hungarian fallow c. verse. I wonder who they talking about? Certainly not us, it was not even born then ...The activation of the artist gondolatvilágában direktmarketinges approach something like this:"The MLM was also only the sons of bitches errand to the megírjátok névlistátokat tereljétek and the people, and I will tell you the marketing plan. Wow, how much I work, they are just an excuse and do not take people, and if everyone would only be a man! Now it is time to stand up presentation on the others, do not always just me ... But you learn but the marketing plan, because if it does not say word - the word, as I, with okozol damage to the company and me. This is a professional company, you can not afford to hold talks under the standard of this one ... N. 21 - and talking about dreams you'd better forget it urgently because bepanaszollak the center, and you'll get locked up as the enemy of the people ... is way down the road ... We too, that the driver will take you one more time, then you definitely forget it. "Subconsciously communicate with 97%. (400 billion bits / sec. Information reaches the brain, of which 2000 bits / sec. Knowingly.) What do you think consciousness under the sponsorship? Beware of an agent in sight! Energiapajzzsal up! This energi vámpíre who make their living, it takes me the power! Since I can not defend against it, shame on the run, but useful. (A major experience in this, done this before many times before, because I did not understand what is going on here!)Imagine a love-linear scale. The origin 0 in love (fear) and it takes away from the infinity of love. Thus, we come closer to God. The polarity of love is not hate, but the lack of love, fear. The polarity of the light in darkness, nothing more than the absence of light.The world has the largest network marketing opportunity. Who is this is a true, authentic examples of Jesus of Nazareth. Product Name: Gospel = good news. Although the product is skewed and addled during the power system shows that nearly 2,000 years, this is the largest existing store in the world. The shop's founder, the Apostle Paul should not even be alive, happily working without it! Jesus himself worked. People used as mirrors to improve himself. Everyone is still working himself into the world and also in network marketing as well.ACN me the following message: If someone builds rapidly to an appropriate level, it will not be able to control its own country nor the Government nor the international economic situation. If you can train yourself to be entitled to 5 per year income is sufficient, through its investments to gain complete financial independence, then the ACN for the future will be no limit. Therefore unacceptable is when someone does not nourish the brain of every day CDs, books and meetings. Such a person writes on the wall: "I will eat tomorrow." Question: The brain is not hungry? The very big trouble!I, as a sponsor, a contract with the underwriters, who imports a network show. I promise him that he encouraged, and I will support. Hand in hand előbányászni help him in his dreams (which are mostly well-intentioned parents, or other dream was abducted by thieves, so long ago that you can not remember.) Together and accomplish. In order to help him realize his dreams, because I understood that Network Marketing is all about, that my dreams will be realized, if I helped enough people to achieve your dreams.If I make the mistake that critics only once for someone because they indulge my instinct to prove how stupid the other one, then sure, I re-activated direktmarketinges a bad habit. Network Marketing again left the track and direct marketing has changed my attitude, and do not even know about it. The subconscious is communicating, however, there are no boundaries, and everyone who hears it, the subconscious will know that a breach of the sponsorship agreement and a guy I'm vile. The tekintélyemet by others through the gift of confidence in me, that I used to take the other person's mental energy. That this ignorance, I disguised as constructive criticism, or jealousy, the unconscious fear of shortages Motivated by the matter in terms of confidence and replicate.The intention is to improve the expression of only one possible way of asking, because it is not hostile, and not offensive. Network Marketing in the sponsor's role in reassuring and encouraging professional personal trainer's role. The only thing why people commit people, the desire for love. To love and be loved, even more so to return to God here on Earth. All else is explanation. People, because people are coming out of the marketing plan, no trend in telecommunications, or due to oxidation. Search for the lost paradise, of which wound up making. Waiting for someone to back us there, and love fills the gaping void in our souls. And we hope that even in this life we ​​find this man.We do not find it looking in the wrong place. Only need to look into the mirror and see. We'll see the man who leads us to the chaos! Who is love! Who can make us rich. Who can make us wiser. Do not look to the outside world, because we are! Quite close. The God in us, who are looking for. Only there you can find anywhere else!Constructive criticism does not exist! Always, all criticism is destructive! Those who criticize it for communicating, "I do not believe in you. I do not believe in myself. Such an idiot for wasting my time, like you. I do not know why. Probably the reason for the noble soul. The victim, what do you mean, entitles you to parancsolgassak. It will be good if csipkeded yourself, and try to meet me. Do not forget that you're not Sarts the wheel! Or I do what I say or do what I say! "You know someone who wants to copy? I do not! If you do not believe me, you can check out "The Secret" ("The Secret") c. movie again. If you still do not understand, then again and again and again ... Until then, look, until ... until you get a deeper understanding. I'm about. I 50x. I do not claim to understand the full depth. I am sure of one thing: all that is instinctive, fear and lack of offspring. The job is to love change. The furnaces we love this land. But just because we can give, which is within us. Love is the highest vibration, the maximum energy: There are two means to get to it:1.Vagy we reject - as the core - give it to someone else, and more vetésből price. Relying on internal strength, we believe in ourselves and in others. This is the path of love.2. We are constructive or judgmental of others kidnapped by masked, mental energy, free of charge. This leads to wars, to the exclusion, and incitement to hatred. This external force, the circumstances of the victim role journey. This is the way to fear.And now comes the hard part for me is: why do I always like my 18-year sponsors? Well, because of the 2011th by January I was such a sponsor. Like attracts like the principle (The Law of Attraction), the sponsors have helped me, I am reflecting that I may see and know myself. Everyone is master teacher, and the whole universe will help me learn about myself.So no one else in my right eye and put anything there is no reason to be angry with anyone. I have to be more grateful for the invaluable help önismeretemben everything and everyone.The computer said that if garbage goes in, garbage comes out of it! Here's the solution! Why everyone is responsible for the attitude. We need to stop the flow of inward sokszemét unlimited. Cut off the TV!

And to nurture our souls with positive thoughts! Not the solution that do not have time to do so, and then we eat tomorrow!

There is enough love. There is joy enough. We have enough of everything!
You choose. Fortunately, this is a wise universe.
Nothing is without consequences! Choose love!

If you live far away from me, maybe even speak different languages, can I be your FANTOM sponsors. You certainly think that if the sponsor is not handy, then this disadvantage. Let me assure that this is the biggest advantage of the existing MLM businesses abroad. The man in your sponsor as see the first always be as you promoted: If you are great, you have a great sponsor for a while, and then realize that he is "man" is full of errors. And you'll realize this, except if you do not see it. Will be set up as as the greatest man on this earth. And will remain, because if you meet very rarely, and embellishes the solemn do everything.

Human errors and the sponsors do not destroy what you built. (As it happened a few times I have.) Think about it my friend: You have more than enough to cope with their own song, EGO, EGO, or the sponsors want to have to fight, lay? Because he's got, you can be sure! Which do you want? If you want to build up a gigantic business with ACN, the largest to the existing support this blog, and sponsor of a phantom, who is only guided by the interests of their own selfish good to say, (all copied it, too.) Sky's the limit and no limit on the their own fantasies. He certainly does not take off her energy "building -" and "good intentions" criticism.
Since my birth I'm autonomous, and I'm always criticism. Sometimes it pulls me full of energy "constructive intention" to look only for one week out of my head.
And I find your true friends, and try to be good to be with whom. (I know that there is very little!) You will have more true friends, if one of the most important goal is that you become a true friend! You know, everything is copied into your subconscious level.

 The following questions would add:  Is there any reason why not join me?

ACN registration number: 6400000126        GYT99KFT, Szabadi Tibor Gyula

  Contact information: Flat: Győr. Tel: 06304847121, Skype: szabaditibor7 E-mail:, blog:

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