Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Tibor's thought-provoking 12

(Two blogs:
- First: Tibor gondolatébresztői

- Second: Tibor's provoking-though...)

The programming world, and its power to decide
"The major obstacle to the successful planning of fear of change, lack of awareness, uncertainty about the future, and the lack of imagination." John Maxwell. # t = 43

The present paper aims to provide effective lifestyle advice should I give everyone who is dissatisfied with current life, and not only unhappy, but to seek a solution. Kondor Attila writing the first chapter, I use one on one, because it accurately describes the situation, no matter how much you want to change the present condition, this house is not capable or because it is part of the programozottságodnak that this house not to be able to. The subsequent chapters discuss in detail why, and what you can do about it. 55 years of research experience is one to read a lot of patience you need. If you consider the fact that where I am now, and with which dissatisfied or, not there in half an hour's come, I suggest that that give you the virtues of patience, and you begin your life kibogozásához Gordian node.
Kondor Attila is not just any computer technician and young twenties. I He'll read the chapter élettapasztalatából! Although I knew that such a meeting is possible, but deep emotion and joy I feel shocked. That's it! This is the moment when we feel it is worth living! This Network Marketing is almost unlimited potential and power! I have a chance, you have a boss! Not only is it possible for everyone, but everyone is equal opportunity! You have the same chance as me!
I started to write my thoughts in the form of Thought, as I began to discover that this positive effect (programming) may be exercised mainly of myself and everyone who takes the trouble to read into at least. Thus, the law of attraction works and replicate! Why it attracted such people? Since October 18 CD Bagdi Bella - every night listening to the subconscious reprogramming to landfills, because of it. Because the only way I can overwrite the program is the world's eyes to myself. I know a very long time, but only a few months ago I mean if you go into his eyes, his eyes coming out! All counts! You probably already know this! When you can understand it?
(What I write here now, I have written several articles and it is no coincidence, because if you've read it several times, then maybe ...:) Only problem is communication, this is still very much needs to be improved, it is the people tompítós approximation can be improved. Túlkommunikált world, everyone defends his mind, and serves as a filter. This is usually good because it protects a lot of trap, but in fact it is the "protection" of the existing maximum trap! And it's not really a trap, but a minimum of four (80% of people but it's more than five), which builds on each other:
1.Mindenkinek the first trap, which is in the way of a closed mind, his own. (Only a few moments, an average of 25 seconds or a state of attention, everyone, I am too!)
2.If missed the first trap, (When a person is curious, opens an average of 30! Seconds of the mind.) Comes the second trap is in the mind of the two filters (the bias, it is all there is, for me, too!) 1 I already know this, 2 I disagree with the mind filters! If you turn off the two filter in your head: (1 so I already know, 2 I do not agree!), Then and only then have the chance to make me understand me! This message will then get into your mind, you have successfully disabled the above two is filtered, but not before! These two filter blocks the curiosity, and cutting off the flow of information the way! Everyone works the same way! As long as you do not know how you've done to you, there is no chance of staying mókuskerékben!
3.If this is the second trap átverekedted yourself, you will be the 3rd Trap: If I write in short, it is not clear if prolonged, it usually is not, inadvertently or see everyone! (I am no exception!) I do not because they do not have time. And probably you need money quickly, because they push business tax burden, or bank loans, or both. And because they live in constant stress.
4.Ezután is the fourth trap: homeostasis and comfort.: Everything we have achieved, is within the comfort zone, and all you desire, but has not yet reached, and that is outside the comfort zone. With what you are doing now, there you could get to where we are now, if you want different results, anything else to do it.
5.Az fifth trap does not affect the internal controlled. But the people controlled 80% of the exterior. The external controlled his whole life is about, "What will people say?"
I'll tell you: they will criticize. If you live in a small apartment, an old car and you go low on your income, you have "lazy" if you're rich, they are "exploiting" the other man EGO-ja can not accept that somebody smarter than him. "I was lucky," they say, and the majority of people with pathological correlation to the others because of compulsion rather stomp your own soul, and a gun for targets, which is not only pointless, but not impossible: to meet other people. The result: you forget to match their own. (See a child in two years: the best nursery in the game takes itself, and it megharcol! He also knows that her act! What do you think, what do you act?) From a patient in this society, because it consists of neurotic individuals. If you want to help people, help yourself first, do not overload the world has a neurotikussal! Just because you can give what you have, what you do not, because you can not! Leave it to the world's troubles into the world to fix yourself, they automatically will be better in the world because it is a holistic world!
Whose only dream is big enough, bigger than the barriers to moving on!
I invest in people, but only in an open, intelligent people. I would say that it is quite convenient, because everyone is self-selects. Only they see this huge opportunity, so those who are spiritual TOP-on to all of these traps can be avoided.

SORS is hitting people to open their minds! (This is like the Diótörés!) The closed-minded people have not suffered enough! We expect that the problems will be resolved. (They will not, until this world exists: If only ...)

Kondor Attila accompanied him as much for writing to add new habits to be 21 days! Bela Balogh, in accordance with his subconscious reprogramming of the period he was much longer! Half years before starting his own private saw some positive changes! If you're like me, who is "well intentioned" but stupid when I was 14 my parents születésemtől elcipeltek the church where a priest's guilt sadistic programming has made me, here and now let me give you hope! (Just the one did not tell me that I'll be in jail! What luck!) Énnálam this period lasts 18 and a half years ago! Comforted, half a year, enough for everyone who has let herself be kept. After the first 14 years of my life so much, but I did not trust people so much! (If well-meaning parents have done with me, then what can others?) Had to heal myself a sebeimet, because I was unable to trust others! (In retrospect: it was an error, it is not!)
Attila, thank you very much to experience that for me, and I hope that others will soon cause it to burn. I'm proud of you (and myself too!) And I look forward to the sequel!
Motto 1: "Teaching is like learning a higher level!"
Motto 2: "There is no more powerful than the idea whose time has come!"
Then, you come teach Attila:
The address of the letter: A man, like a computer

I Kondor Attila teaching

The thoughts of man's life is determined. What I think, takes the stage of life.

What determines your thoughts?
Thoughts, habits, életszemléletünket, eating habits, lifestyles, etc.. various programs (software) is determined.

How do I installed it (installation), these programs? The parents get the most powerful programming and those who raised us. All what we see during the day, we hear, experience affects us strongly, we think influences: media (advertising etc), tv, radio, Internet. The environment where and with whom we live, where we work, whom we spend our leisure. We read, etc..
So, most of us impacts are determined that what and how they think, what is right and wrong, what should we do it and how it is.

How do I install new programs!
Through meditation, képzelgéssel, "álmodozással".
Tudatszinten deeper, longer periods of time listening and imagining what we want. Only to worry about things that move towards more positive! Make friends with people, read a book, watch a movie in which the assets were shifted towards goals, support your ideas!

The Subconscious
My világegyetememben I'm the only one thinking. This means that I am responsible for the gondolatokért and images that felötlenek in my mind.
My thoughts and feelings create my destiny and define experience. Only have to change myself! The formalities of life ... only causation
As vice subconscious soil, so my body and körülményeimben reapers. The inner world, ie thoughts, feelings and imagination into the külvilágomat. Whatever you say in thought: if you're feeling deep in my soul, subconscious accepts and creates a tangible reality for me.
Vitality, body, financial - health - social status, my friends, my girlfriends are all reflected in the image of yourself.
The answer always lies in the patient's blind faith, as a consequence, releases the healing power of indwelling tudatalattimban. I believe and accept as true the fact that my desire has been fulfilled and has become a reality. The subconscious is infinite intelligence and power to act according to my faith. Life events and circumstances of their own thoughts and reflexiójaként was created. What shaped his imagination, the same real as any part of my body.
All of us we are what we eat spiritually and mentally.

Each prayer is to átéljünk a certain feeling. The feeling of ultimate focus of every prayer! We are living through is also expressed in the prayer intention! The power of prayer lies in the feelings, which are the words of prayer, inspiring us. The feeling itself is prayer. Emotions sets the direction for our thoughts, but breathe life into the meaning of the thoughts offered by notions.
Actuation consider the thought, the sentiments which sets the direction. The idea of ​​multiple correlated with the imagination. The low energy of thought, is not an option, many of which lack the life-giving force. The unemotional thinking allow modellezhessek without adverse consequences to myself over and play opportunities. The only things that are in my thoughts love or hate for life through the imagination lehelhetek creatures.

I came to pray for rain. As the story is missed, it is best to tell your story of David's words:
The secret is that if you send me something, I admit that it is not a possession. If you do it again, please, just do the things I give you my strength did not occur.
Prayers, first felt gratitude for everything that is and also what has already happened. I gave thanks to the desert wind strength, the hőségért the aszályért, because until recently, so things took place. This is not good. It's not bad. That was the spell.
Then I chose a new spell. I began, how it feels when it rains. I felt the rain on my body. I imagined standing on the Stone Age to the village area, I am barefoot in the rain. I felt my toe in the water seeps into the ground one. I felt the smell of rain, storms, after which the village of straw and vályogfalaiból flows. I experienced what it feels like the abundance of rain in the chest height of maize increased to walk. First need to feel what I want to eventually live. Thus it may be the seeds of a new road. From this point, "continued David hálaimává becomes prayer.
The creature is already full. The prayer becomes a hálaimává because they have the opportunity to choose which creature I am living through. A thank you to declare my respect through the opportunity for all, and I quote my world so that they are choosing them.
If you desire the image I created in my mind, and I experienced this feeling of longing beteljesülésének you desire has also become a reality.

The very best-programmed before falling asleep, because then it will be strengthened throughout the night and get their thoughts on a solution ...
- Semi-dormant state.
- The suggestion papírboltban bought a diary and began teleírni imaginary csodálókkal randevúkról spent on the reports. Meditated every night in this pleasant meetings over the details.
- I see myself as the eye doctor congratulated me that my vision is perfect. / Sometimes I just focus on the outcome, it really makes me happy !!!!!!/
- Ernest often involves repeating this prayer during the day. No longer made negative statements, knowing that feeling of inner thoughts are always manifest.
- Four or five times a day repeating this prayer for 15 minutes, especially in the evening, before going to sleep.
- Every day five or six times aloud, slowly, calmly and lovingly elismételgetett
Working in the garden, at work keep saying this to myself, 'God, dig in the garden and planted the ideas of God. " Window during a "purge the mind of the water of life and love."
- I prescribed Agathae even a spiritual medicine, which should take six to seven times a day mentally and emotionally, until finally you just can not vésődik subconscious.
- Vernon all his energies focused on this mental picture. Made and natural life-
- See yourself healthy! Imagine yourself without a problem or disease!

Inner consciousness of the Creator - Extract

The chiropractor asked me to stretch out my arm, and explain counterforce when pressed down. Then we repeated the test, but so that when I had to say seriously: "My name is Mary," while resisting the pressure on my arm. Despite straining my arm to my surprise every lecsuklott.
The students - who became a mentor right now - then explained that in mind when confronted by a previously stored in the unconscious "truth", it weakens the muscles of the spiritual conflict.

Shocked by the recognition of having had this hidden mind beyond the range of consciousness.
Unconscious was aware that Mary is not called, and protested against this woman to keep myself. While we all "knew" is, and how they came to this knowledge?

Human programming: When things go wrong, which was originally a good
1_Kétéves the minimum age rezgésszámú 0.5 to 4 cycles per minute delta brainwave dominates the picture, but from time to time kicsinyeknél rezgésszámú larger waves are also shown.
2_A 4-8 Hz theta waves with two-and six-year-old to reproduce. Hipnoterápiában the patient's brain activity is characterized by delta and theta waves, which befolyásolhatóbb, neurological giving them more easily programmable.
Now you understand why a child's brain is susceptible to a six year old. The child listens with eyes open environment, and what he sees and hears from his parents, it stores the subconscious. I should say, these are the blood of them.
The basic behaviors, beliefs and behaviors, which observe the szüleinknél, synaptic vésődnek routes into our subconscious. Programmed, then the rest of our lives here to specify, unless some way is not pronounced how to reprogram them.
The toddler has not yet developed enough sense to take a critical balance of coarse szidalmait parents, which identifies itself. Programmed into the unconscious, these are stored in raw szitokszavak igazságokként eternal, and once and for all lay poor kid's behavior, even életsorsát.
3_Az years decreases the predisposition against outside programming, and will become more frequent in the high rezgésszámú, 8-12 Hz alpha waves. Hullámtevékenység resting state assumes the alpha. (6-12 years)
4_Nagyjából 12 years of age are shown in an even higher frequency, 12-35 Hz beta waves, active, alert, conscious brain activity inherent in (this is required to read this book, too).
5_-35 Hz higher than the peak rezgésszámú gamma waves are characterized by, for example, when the pilot of the plane to land, or when the opening volley tennis opponent.

The unconscious teenager is already overflowing with a wide variety of information. Nurtured their minds, how to walk, that wicked, or if you are good parents to do everything they can, if nekikészülnek. Genetically programmed into teachers' beliefs and instincts and their parents got together constitute the unconscious, which is a kinesiology treatment elgyengítheti our arms, or work against fogadalmunknak New Year to lose weight, or quit this or that amenity of the protection product.

Life processes and our behavior, both internal voice "truths" listen, to suggest this is good or bad.

The unconscious is really mechanical, emotion-free data service, whose role in the processing of environmental signals and mechanical behavior is limited to repeat, without any kekeckedés or self-reflection. The unconscious is programmed to a hard drive, which put in élettapasztalatainkat. Basically, these programs are simple reflexválaszok. Stimuli arise from activation or from the environment - emotions, joys and pains of the picture - the internal világunkból. In this case, the stimulus automatically triggers a learned response. Who himself experienced the mechanical nature of these processes, often admits that "bepörgött was started."

The emergence of consciousness of the unconscious, before directing our lives. The primitive brain is simply reflexválaszt only knew, he or genetically programmed instinct or learned reactions to the environment corresponded ingereire.

The dynamic duo, together with two types of elmeműködés form. While the consciousness of a specific issue - such as the Friday night party - reflecting on the unconscious safely mow the lawn without the legs or ráhajtanánk elvágnánk while the cat.
The knowledge acquired by an extremely complex tasks can take over later in the unconscious (eg car driving)..

Until the mind moves forward and backward in time, while the unconscious is only the present. The mind daydreaming, musing on the past or tervezget; dutifully implement the other hand, the unconscious, which is required in the moment. Which does not need to know bábáskodásának.

This amazing double but not without tension. While working towards the happiness of our mind, keep your hands on the reins? The unconscious. How to carry out trouble-crafted affairs? Exactly as programmed to do so. Unconscious behavior is not our invention, as we embrace the most basic viselkedésmintáinkat observation of others.

We also need him to realize that no matter the adulation of all consciousness, entreaty, does not alter the unconscious fed 'tapes' contents. Once you realize the futility of this warfare, will stop that war with the tudattalanukkal, instead, take out the common sense, and go about the reprogramming.

Meaningfulness of the unconscious to fight hard to digest, since most of us raised admiration of willpower. Such efforts are usually the body will meet resistance, because the cells is programmed to obey the unconscious.

The knowledge expressed by the opposition of will and unconscious programming can lead to serious neurological diseases.
The majority of people are less dramatic battle waging the unconscious, while trying to neutralize the childhood programming. Think of those who are not at all find a job or remain in what they can not stand, because they feel they do not deserve a better life.

The unconscious reprogramming

Psychological, kinezológiai, military (agymosás!) and esoteric books are all unanimous in the 21 + regular daily programming is described.
Thus, a minimum of 21 days, each day, preferably several times a day should be taken to the new program.
Take two paper sheets.
Write down the first time, or what position. Describe the present situation, and to feel the emotions associated with it.
Put it all in bullet points in the life, health, work, money, etc., of a relationship. point of view.
Which only comes to your mind. Probably will not be sétagalopp. Still, you must dig the legmélyére.
The ulcer should cut deeply into it. Repressed emotions, sooner or later seek to manifest.
Repression and clogs the energy flow path. Szabaduljatok of them.
Now pick the other for paper, and write it down, what would be the situation in question.
Feel the joy inherent to the fulfillment of your desires. As we have just made this unpleasant feelings, we experience the kellemeseket is that these subconscious now Hynix. The more you fall in love the new images and feelings, the sooner you experience
they are in reality. Take it out again now, the first paper, read it over, tear it apart and then burn it.
Then take it again in the second set and the new énképedet indicative, the second person singular to say, or a tape recorder or a computer to record your voice in mp3.

Just a note: after dissolution of the kinesiology recording is not always 21 days. I also had 2 days and 4 weeks also .... Ergo is not so. Always the case and the individual's need to determine the number of repetitions, if any, is needed.

But it's no coincidence that the psychologist was I saying if you learn, the more effective notice loud reading.
This is because, if readers, if we are talking about, you are just in our brains "alert", but if something is repeated in your head, then in addition to numerous other thoughts in our heads is cikázhat and divided attention.

The frequent repetition of words the subject of our desires is a necessary but not sufficient condition to achieve the desired state. Success does not just want to be, but you also need to imagine every possible detail to be visually displayed, you must live. This is necessary because if the desires and ideas contradict each other, you can always win in the imagination. If we are successful, but imagination is displayed in the image of failure, no matter how much you can exert oneself, we will not achieve success because the subconscious is always obey the stronger proposal. Since the picture is more convincing and thus contains information such as voice, so the subconscious imagination of the proposal developed by the subject himself.

The desire itself is not even enough beteljesüléséhez desires, if we believe in the feasibility. To make our desires become a reality, one should expect success from those who have been dependent. The most efficient way of visualization, ie a process where we imagine ourselves to be playing a crucial role in our case the positive attitudes of persons eliminate obstacles in our way, we create a favorable situation.

However, we do become more successful visualization may not always be guaranteed because it is not enough to imagine the fulfillment of success, care should also be noted that negative thoughts do not poison the subconscious. If your imagination loose after disallowing the prevailing doubts us again, it degrades the process has already started. Dr. Joseph Murphy is quoted in this case, we act as a poor farmer who has sown seeds of the next day, dig in the ground. Once you have managed to abandon the "core" then let meggyökeresedni.

So hessegessük away in the negative thoughts, desires, and unbroken faith believe beteljesülésében. Who are not able to freely imagine the desired success, choose the visualization of a time when the critical mind, that is, the left hemisphere of the least active. Getting ready for Bed This usually occurs, so if we relax before going to sleep all day, for 5 minutes and hence to the fulfillment of or imagined, you will soon find the path to our subconscious. Later, the sight of small successes will grow rapidly in the faith, a chain reaction that will produce improvements in our lives.

However, our efforts will only be kamatozni if ​​the practical implementation is also actively participates in, so we employ the designated by the subconscious means by which we achieve the abandonment of the desired goal. The subconscious is - as the will and imagination to reach a consensus - at once set to achieve our desires. Working tirelessly around the clock to find the ideal solution. In the meantime, take advantage of all the opportunities that offer a subjective dimension, if need be, the higher intelligence is brought into contact with. The resulting information stored in the brain, comparing the options, and better and better since then fills the mind with ideas. We must do nothing more than to achieve these brilliant ideas. However, who is on their hands waiting for the "miracle" or not to recognize these ideas to the "divine spark" of the remains will prevail, because the subconscious is unable to act for you, he is only able to steer us in the delivery waiting for us.

Imagination is a very important feature that is not only more powerful than words, but the intensity is inversely proportional to the agyfrekvenciával. As we know, some dormant brain. 20 Hz frequency energiahullámokat emit. If you are nervous, upset, we are agyfrekvenciánk will continue to grow, and thus reduced the imagination. This means that anyone who forcibly wants to persuade the subconscious will accept the opposite effect is achieved. Manifestations of violence associated with higher agyfrekvencia lebénítja the imagination, and almost total loss of the relationship between the range of conscious and subconscious brain. Meggyőzésénél subconscious imagination which are usually used, and not our will, awareness of the solution is immediately after the start of the implementation.
Source: Ákos Kun, Esoteric at a Glance, 1997

What to do with habits?

The Nature of the clever inventions of tradition, to work, thinking, willpower and save time. Saves work, because rhythmic, it automates. Thinking saves you control the action of the subconscious to the conscious elméből moves. Willpower to save in the same way. And saves time because it eliminates the stakes balancing decisions without due késlelkedést.

When we do something, the easier it will go more and more reps. The first attempt in the most difficult. Tenth, it's easy. When you have done it a thousand times, it becomes automatic.

Habits are formed not only to do something again and again, but also that we do not do something again and again, even if we are motivated to do so inside. Over time, this power will decrease and eventually cease, and the bad habit will disappear from our lives.

Whatever you do, in a strictly scientific point of view, leaves an indelible mark on you. This is good and bad. As a result of drinking a lot of alcoholism and become a separate, stand-alone in the same way a lot of their virtuous saint can do, or the result of a lot of effort to separate and become outstanding professionals.

What is the custom and what is bad custom?
Habit when talking about any of this activity (thinking, feeling and action) for us, which is repeated again and again, because we feel an internal need for this repetition, and the incentive effect of this internal strengthening ourselves doing more and more of the potency of this incentive. There is usually plenty, ranging from smoking, the körömrágástól up to the point of the evening before the two féldeci dukál TV, or someone in every second word is "fact". However, there is a common custom in all the way: the development depends on us all and in a sense an artificial creation. What shape they are, whether we realize it or not.
The above article, I would like to introduce the two methods, which enable it to vibrational frekvenciádat energiavámpír all - eliminating the impact to maintain or gradually increased.

II. Szeretetszűrőd The Secret (Law of Attraction ... Szabadi Tibor Werner Ablass wake.)
(An explanation of the analogy - to tan.)
The hermetic philosophy teaches that not only the materials, but each thought, excitement, and state of mind is a characteristic of vibration, where the positive, constructive thoughts and feelings, like love, hope, peace and harmony, the higher vibration, such as the Hate, envy, jealousy or mérgelődésnek. The finer the vibration, the less they can affect us in the coarser vibrations. The soul of man can flourish in any arbitrary level, because our brains vibrate at frequencies of a certain nature. As such, the radio is not able to catch the medium wave, just can not comprehend a man szeretethiányban in the events, which are full of love-ly. (The esoteric doctrines should not be hidden, because they hide themselves away from the uninitiated. You know what the reason is that the FM radio is much less disturbance occurs, such as medium wave? The UHF band frequency of the emitted waves is higher than the medium wave , and gravity causes a small deflection, because of the greater momentum. This is what happens to us: If you are at the highest levels - namely at the level of love - you vibrate, disturbances in your life is minimized.
Is that how you live in the outside world, really depends on the frequency depends on which you vibrate you emotionally. If a lower vibration kötődsz - such as the apathy, the refusal or fear - the cosmos obstacles and difficulties are almost insurmountable barriers respond (at least in part, that perceive, ie the immediate environment.) These may be, after that it is you get to a conclusion that the cosmos has rejected you, or completely indifferent to him. If a higher vibrational level, staying emotionally - Adoption, elragadtatottság or love - you respond to events in the cosmos, which are positive and constructive and will live. This is the law of resonance.
In physics rezonanciáról occurs when the excitation frequencies of harmonic vibrations and excited to connect with each other. In this state the best possible interaction between the systems. This is the optimal interaction between the people of the Hungarian language, the "one wavelength or" szófordulattal about. (In fact it means that the same frequency vibration, or resonate with each other.)
The cosmos is not separated from each other, existing bodies in space by itself, but also relationships interwoven, connected network. Although we are independent beings perceive, after all, all is connected, mutually influencing each other and work as a whole. (Holistic universe.)
You have already realized how much you függsz the outside elements - the earth, the sky, the air, water, the sun and the plants and animals? Remove the air and the earth, the sun, plants, etc.. and then you can end here. In addition to the air in your body is just as important as the lungs, which can pick up breathing through the air. But of course, not only air but also the other elements are all you need to make yourself can become. Telepathic contact with people on occasion, there is a togetherness. particularly among those who have strong emotional ties, feelings and ideas are exchanged between cable or radio, without the tax as if they were - and the receiver.
There are things which should not necessarily know or believe to be positively élhesd the law of resonance. Such as the fact that we are energy beings. However, this knowledge can help to ensure that the resonance - a better understanding of mechanism of action of the law. What we learn about the tangible világunkból only a tiny slice of our existence. Than a fingertip, which protrudes deszkafalból the hole, behind which the far greater part of the body. True nature of essential being, the self of "hoarding" behind none other than love. The AGAPE love in all its fullness. This love is the source of all variation. Immutable. Inexhaustible. Does not require compensation. If felkészülsz love, and this resonance then automatically brings you into harmony by the innermost lényeddel. Earthly, material or frequency slowed love, through you, and God is about to study slow-motion recording itself. (For each one - comes from, say, every one!)
We all know the phrase: "As the adjonisten, so the fogadjisten". If you are approaching someone in a bad temper, you can usually point you get a barátságtalanválaszt. This direct resonance between people. Generally less aware of us, that we are lelkiállapotunkkal always contributed to their own realities. Everything we think, feel, do, and you say, constantly emit vibrations and send me apart - of course often do not consciously - to the outside world. Since everything is linked to the cosmos, accept any vibration. Echo returns of your life events. The gondolataidból are the emotions. The érzelmeidből will be everything in the world megélsz.
Why do poor people? Due to the vibrations. Why remain poor? Trapped in poverty because of the vibration. Jesus put it: "For I say unto you, everyone who has given, who is not, even what he has also taken away." It's pretty unfair, one would think, if we did not know that everything in life experience, those based on the vibrations that issuer, and which responds to the cosmos in the form of resonance.
Do you understand that why the hermetic philosophy states: "Anyone who understands the vibration princípiumát, seize the scepter of power itself." Vibration is one which is to prosper, or make miserable. Vibration helps your career, and the vibration, which leads to a career break. Vibration to unemployed, and he creates a job for you. Vibration leads to the desired partner, and together with veszejt vibration. Similarly, vibrations caused by the war and keep the peace. vibration to rich nations, while others hold bitter poverty. Vibrations caused by everything in your life, you just átélsz. If you want to change the életkörülményeidet, increase the rezgésszintedet, and so a magnet will attract the purity, harmony, happiness and success. This change is enormous in terms of the fastest, if you simply love the tune. Love is the highest vibration and are therefore attracted to the pleasant events élményvilágodba. It increases the vibration of love than anything else. The technique is very simple: It's a decision! Right there, start with where you are! You do not need to change your life! Should not concentrate on techniques to learn!
Be just a simple trick: at any time, any situation, think of the word: love! Thus, let, let every word that has come out this feeling is love. Whether the love is like a flowing stream. Whatever happens to you, count to 10 - up and think about love. When you aware that life goals will come faster if you increase the rezgésszintedet, and love is the most effective way to do so, then this practice will be just as important as any other obligation in daily life. This state of consciousness invalidate the criteria according to which "generally" do you like or dislike. I do not love me now, because certain people, objects, situations, or are you worthy of love.
We love, because you realize how good you feel it. How strong you stay inside, and how loaded you are. How much less affected by quarrels and difficult situations. We love, because every day more and more experiences that change the living conditions and relationships in a positive direction. You realize that you have never been more unity with yourself and the cosmos. Therefore, the subject of love is not crucial anymore, only a subordinate role.
Not hard, life is not no fight, no love is not it! The practice in relation to let go of all tension! Stay in, as usual, with the difference that actively start to love yourself such as, or as you think, the way you feel, as you stand in relation to others. Just tune yourself to love and let it flow in you.
You may, of course, that does not feel anything at first. Maybe you could even speak a voice: "kidding yourself." Or: "This situation does not want you to love." Well, just then, surrender to state hug yourself! Whatever you do, love yourself for what you do. Whatever you think about it, love yourself because you think! Here's the trick: they must start exactly where or precisely. Not be consistent with standards! You do not need to climb to the levels of love! Rather, it descends from the love thee to the level where we are now, and transforms it. When you start to feel hatred or indifference, you can use the trick of the swing state of love: in such cases, try to say this: "Közönyömben embracing myself." Or: "Even if today I am indifferent to this as well, even love myself." Report a simple, and try not to feel! Then comes the feeling is completely by itself.
Tell us your experiences Thaddeus says: "The enlightenment no matter how it is achieved." I know from experience: the vibration of love is not important how you create. If there is anything else, then do not bother to even to search for something worthy of love around you, but simply choose közömbösségedet the subject of love. Egykedvűségedbe fall in love. If you are a little more experienced, you will not need the ideas already expressed. Just think of love, and to diffuse the already prevailing szituációdban.
Love is not only to recall the positive experiences, while defenders of the negative effects as well. Filter function, which lets through only positive experiences. The negative effects of coffee grounds similar to persist. Small as well as a large scale.
The throw up my eyes that I'm talking about love, and I'm not even able to love those people who do not immediately find open ports? You will not believe, therefore, feel able to do so. I'm not a believer in the love that sacrifices itself and its interests on the altar of radical self-denial.
Self-sacrifice is very far from me, because it does not help, but hinder the love in me, and the opposite effects in the long term: not closer, but would hinder the achievement of a loving state. Destructive things to force us to love. Would not be in love, but dutifully fulfilling the ethical standards.
Ethical standards is of course necessary, and as far as possible, they should live by, but the vibration of love can only be created if it does not feel resistance. If someone or something does not feel love for you to start at the point where love is possible. If there is no other than the aversion, then hug yourself from this state, and let the resulting flow of their love, their negative vibrations. Sometimes it is best to do what the other man.
Megfigyelsz When someone behaves that you think: "What a fool!", Then do not blame yourself that you do not feel so much love and respect him because they blame the same holds for low vibration. Do not invest energy into this negative criticism, but immediately take the love around. This will neutralize and restore you in a respectful, loving state.
If you're nervous, anxious because a car pointing at you, love circulate this berserk state. I love you for being nervous. If you sell, or a consultant or, and an obnoxious, angry, or meet with a customer, you can love yourself or the internal resistance because of fears it generates. Go one step further and tell him I thought that you love her. Think about the fact that he is not the subject of love, but your emotional state, your vibration, which grows through love, and prevents the negative waves of the vacuum cleaner yourself in his heart, and accordingly yourself feel unclean.
The longer it takes them to the exercise, the more it increases the vibration and, increasingly, you'll be able to love people and situations, even if it does not seem to be particularly sympathetic. Of course, while this is not the case, simply take them around with love, which is aware of yourself, it's great you'll feel.
You can not stop that lower vibration húzzanak not do it again down. The decision to take everything we think or do, are you taking me a little love, just a first wave of excitation is almost imperceptible, like a butterfly szárnycsapásához. As in some circumstances it may be evidenced in the low energy of a hurricane, love all the wave envelops you in the mood, so you stay in harmony with yourself.
Do not deny yourself of negative feelings, or images, not to stifle but to Open up, watch out exactly, and say to yourself: I love myself for what I think (feel, perceive.) "Just so, as a sort of test. The effect is going to Astonish. This is like water poured on the fire: the flame is usually immediately, or go out for a little while later.
Where is written that it is just to love, which is worthy of love, I can sympathize with or find? Who bound thee to this? It is included somewhere in the constitution? You must also pay a penny if you simply because you love me, because from this you feel better? Of course not. You decide whether you want to why someone or something to love. Körülveheted hatred is love itself. Or the boredom and moodiness. The head is a hangover after a night átmulatott. A seller of the boutiques, who question whether a thing where you can find, so resentfully answered, as if a crime had been committed. A waiter, who released the reklamációdat the ear, and thus responds: "So far all the guests enjoyed it." Another officer, who insists on a completely meaningless piece of paper that is not you. Well, they are also the körülveheted love. The people of the will of Heaven. This also applies to the decision to take with love in everything.
The situation in which you find yourself in the place where we are, what exactly do you do it, just as you feel, how all at the moment seems to hear, feel, or taste - it is now exactly the drill hall. (And not even know it!) There is no more optimal medium for you.
Some people say, "Exactly like to break free from this negative state," so I replied that, yes, but probably never break free from fogysz as long as it vágyódsz. Desire to break out because of wave forms, which beat back a wave of the cosmos. This means that you live exactly the life situation, which confirms the fact cements unfulfilled desires. As long as you think you should look for something after, we still do not have the resonance of the cosmos before the law, it will settle életkörülményeidet it never will be, the feeling that he has acquired.
The óhajokkal, desires and goals there is nothing wrong. On the contrary, motive power and motivation to supply us. But even though it tightens vitality, bows, arrows desire to find the target in the middle, if there's something I will not let you finish you will never achieve. If the current situation a little more love, smugglers, they no longer need to deal with letting go. Easily performed. Remission who exert oneself, to sabotage the plan, because all the quest - the quest for remission is - exactly the opposite of letting go.
The secret of success you may have heard when researching the visualization technique, practicing and maybe even: "Imagine that you get where you want to be, and the goals will come true." Although this works, though: I imagined my goal for years, and some it is realized, but the decisive breakthrough occurred only when it is practiced in order to keep the wavelength of love. Because previously the target image rather than the whole day rather align feeling of discontent is, having not yet reached the goal. The target image, instead of yearning rather align: "Oh, I wish this, you accomplish this!" This responded to the cosmos. I directed my life to earn enough to live exactly the feeling of discontent, that desire to achieve the objective.
Everything that is manifested, (created) is there because they were reluctant to acknowledge it. Although it is difficult to believe, is not the way out lies in the fact that resistance will continue to exemplify ... but that stuff readily acknowledge the existence, in short: we love.

You might think: OK I understand. I give in! I accept my situation. I like the situation! But a little later I think: I can not accept at all, because my stomach turnin him. I did not love. I do not want anything else, just előrejutni! Porcikám all protests against the status quo!
If so you can be honest with you against each other would be repression, and no change in the vibrations. Adopted in this case means that you like lázadásodat. We are not invading the - I - love érzésedet. (Only insofar as they can.) Because it does not love the subject matter is about. It is only the vibration changes.
You do not need to understand the law of resonance to be felt. Only the conditions should be created. I love what you have, does not mean that the wishes and desires without a fatalistic way to live and be accepted everything that happens. Nor does it mean that you do not bosszankodjunk more, do not be angry anymore, not to quarrel over this, and do not be sad. Not at all a negative internal state repression, or in problem situations through pink glasses szemléléséről is. I love what you have, it means that everything you leave it as is, and just in all situations, all the love you give to an internal state. Alias ​​Szoktasd yourself to everything and everyone you love. This is the simplest and most effective way to ensure that the soul is the most difficult situations can also hold a high vibration.
The cosmos is not inanimate objects, but also a very sensitive rezonanciatest. (Like a hegedűtest.) You do not need to repeat the imaszerűen kívánságaidat and your goals. The wording of the cosmos is at the moment they receive, even the inside of the violin strings vibrations. Dive into a wave of love, because it sounds best suited to the pursuit of happiness felcsendítsék élményvilágodban and életvidámság melódiáját.
Love always, just the idea that a thing what it should be enough to szerethesd, inhibits the love that can flow, and seems to make something else than what is generally - such as anger. here only is that disturbed the internal blockade of love - power. The tension increases, and if it is not aware of you, you can certainly come up short, and the idyll is broken. The negative feelings are nothing more than love, which flow is blocked you feel.
III. Life: the current LESSONS!
I repeat: your life is nothing more than the current lesson!
Indeed, the Kondor Attila described by the negative programming is nothing but a puzzle that must be solved! The world has been negative programozottságod of help, which solved the puzzle. This is your breath option. The rhythm of life, and inhalation is kilégzésből! Exhalation only start the process all the time! Try to breathe, when filled with air in the lungs deteriorated. We are breathing in, because you benefit from the exchange! But the first step is always the exhale a big breath. The start-up fund from the world already got: a good large slice of the cake is negative: this is a problem - call it a problem as well - have you got! Did you get your weight in the fitting - not smaller, not bigger, but points can figure, she elbírsz you right now - to find out súlyemelővé divorce. How is it you do not like and why did so in such a form? My answer is this: Please understand: Almighty God the same, but without the mountain valley - a polar world - yet he can not strike.
This Practice is a polar world, you come here voluntarily, in order to grow, and now you're here, like Balaam's ass, be difficult to understand, and you say indignantly, "Boy, I do not want this horse!" I went to the gym, paid the fee you see the weights, rather than stand there and workout hurt, like a big pile! (Not a small bunch of he said, because No offense!) I should have to work yourself, such as running a poisoned mouse, and difficult to understand, you're just standing there, indignantly ... I do not know, Chinese talk again?
If you do not understand something, why do not you go and look after him? If you just stand and look out of your head, automataként react to everything, I do like to work while the world pretends to pay you so and you méltatlankodsz that few, then what will happen then? 're Curious about this, surely? Then this is the only meaningful question is a sensible answer, here it is: you were born with wings and a puppet on your back and then you die, your soul to receive the recognition, therefore, no work, what a life here and now we did it. Pályázol another, very similar to an option and you win, again over a lifetime of doing nothing, and die again and the whole rat race goes on. Until the stack karmádat negative, while a rate rise, and so generates suffering, which no longer will live to see you suffer more, and a sudden determination to turn on their own villanykapcsolódat, brains and a split-second runoff of the light ...
This is the path of suffering, or otherwise in the way of destiny. God wrote to you in the event of free will or not willing to evolve. Is the only original sin, ignorance, and if you choose, the answer is that I have not suffered enough, and the strike will sorskalapácsod a while until you nyílsz, because they're not worth it to you. Gates not normally open döngetni, and if you start with an open mind to explore the duties of your life, then: "Seek and ye shall find, zörgessetek and opened unto you" is familiar from somewhere?
God is love, the world's financial and vibrational spectrum slowed love of God with the slow-motion recording, self-study. Because everything that happens, it makes itself, because all his.
IV. Replace negative programming
With more than 200 TV channels in your community and the people standing to neutralize the negative programming of your mind and its programs can be overwritten to begin NOW. Programkarbantartásodat a daily basis. Underline the two instruments, which helped me:
1. Bela Balogh: The Ten Commandments subconscious, books, CDs, (YOU TUBE - to download)
2. Bagdi Bella: Csodadalok, CD - R, (downloaded from You Tube)
Get your dream night and listen quietly. (Much better sleep, less sleep than they would otherwise do, and effectively átprogramoz to become more patient with everyone, and disuse of automated visszavicsorgó reakciódról. Of course, not 1 night, but a half years for sure.) And in any situation during the Second Practice described in section: always, everywhere, and the adoption of a tiny love bevonzza added and amplifies all the miracles in your life you desire!
Easy, very easy, but requires the full attention!
My question: How about a palm, you bang?

Last but not least, here is a 20-minute training economist. If you open up, revealing Dr. John Drábik in front of the world's biggest fraud, which was accepted by the majority belief systems, and really thinks. You're a slave because of the belief systems adopted by this! The great majority of customers and has been taking this ökörszarra, which link the opening 20 minutes, now follows.

All belief systems limit! But so much?:

How long will you remain a slave? As long as you learn healthy kételkedéssel, an outsider looking at the world without having to get involved emotionally in the circumstances, which are always causation.

THE WORLD WHY show the trends. The dynamic trend of the telecommunication now! Why you should pay special attention to this point? 
1. Because everyone uses it! 
2. For here and now in this you can connect! A 1 trillion dollar business is now included by ACN to connect with virtually no capital in the millions! If you have a reason, you will have 81.250-HUF for registration and 47.500 HUF for videotelefon, and almost unlimited possibilities for a monthly fee of 2.550 HUF businesses abroad, travel and telephone no. You realize that what it is about this offer? You really realize? I think not! If you would realize, you can hold your hand - broken leg for the opportunity to rush me, like a poisoned mouse! I'd rather work for 50 years? Your destiny and your life!

The FANTOM sponsor  

The ACN is currently present in 23 countries, you can see their names on the Internet. Gradually open the possibility of the World. If your country has already opened up this opportunity, then what are you waiting for? Sign in for a sponsor, and go away. He observed that there is always NOW? Now is the best time to start! Manna expect God out of heaven? This is the biggest opportunity exists for everyone who is willing to change for a better life. I know you hate change. But do not you hate to stay poor? I do not like change. But the change is the only reason why we are in this Earth. God has entrusted us with this. Impossible for the holistic world created to develop, through the development of subsets of itself. God so that you can be proud of the greatest confidence that you put into you, or reject. This is your decision, and there are consequences.

Why are so incredibly bad news for MLM businesses? Why is it that when you hear that some MLM you stand up and go to the marketing plan?Everyone has encountered direktmarketinges people, mainly high-value products, vacuum cleaner, pots and disposals. The buyer, whether he said yes, even German, is almost always a very negative image remained for several reasons:1. Most cases, cold bidding technique by a man who does not know - so do not trust him - he came home with some kind of bait aggressively.2. Aggressively sold her a relatively expensive product, a relatively very short period of time pressed decision-making under pressure. There was no possibility of similar products price - value ratio for comparison, is sold to whom, is subconsciously aware that most likely indicted or tried to fool me.3.When someone in the direct marketer's efforts people watching, it is generally thought that he could not do this because he did not like that. Therefore, will be grateful to fate that he should not do this to people who are forcibly sell a product which does not want to buy. Develop an agent working hard for a lot of compassion, which is becoming increasingly difficult as time goes by german say. This was later followed by a kind of repentance: the man once again took advantage of a good heart.4. The extraordinary shopping usually upsets the family budget, and at worst a useless product, which should be getting in your way and just taking up space. However, it is almost impossible to sell, therefore, is often followed by remorse "purchases." Every time a customer gets in the way, this is almost always think: "How stupid I was, that I bought it."5. Although the moment of birth throughout the life of the sale (we learn by imitation and speaking, and sales are also the best.), No matter who we look at the point of view: we love to buy but hates to be sold to us.Much, much more is involved than a lumber sale or purchase: The whole fight is about the struggle for energy: where does the attention outward flow of mental energy. Since the energy of the known physical law that goes from positive to negative, all positive people than he would like to receive energy and to safeguard its own energy to the energy vampire.Although most people are consciously accept that Network Marketing is not direct marketing, like a lot of momentum due to the subconscious is always the attitude direktmarketinges (program) will be activated in the neural pathways for both sides.Since we never see the outside world is always perceived as the "offender".Why is it that when you hear is, "Be positive" then everyone who so asserts this in his own private outside mean? Because it - whether she is positive, the others are negative, they must change! And if they would change - of course we are not willing - it would be a sausage fence and in the meantime we have the right baseball bat until their respective csépelni negative bastard's head until it switches to positive.This style is direct marketing, the trader's style and habit. Now is your chance to bedaráljuk, now is your chance to open the wallet, the bastards have money just sitting on it, and if I sell it to him a mere half million allow vessels in stock, 30% of the beats immediately grasp how it is ? There is a shortage of everything, and if I can not sell it, then remains poor! This fear!Asserts that the MLM is not direct marketing, and we are not agents! Meanwhile, the body language communicates so loud that we preach water and drink wine while that of the candidate, if they eat here, its back - face away. Of course, we try to deceive certain speed and other bonuses, the money is talking about dense. If there are objections, then of course, he is a stupid bitch, fall on, to see if the business is not - because they are not stupid jugs are looking for - but in any event, it must be convinced that who is right, and such a stupid cunt, as he his place, because that is sensitive to our souls. I remember something: a poet named Ady Endre: A Hungarian fallow c. verse. I wonder who they talking about? Certainly not us, it was not even born then ...The activation of the artist gondolatvilágában direktmarketinges approach something like this:"The MLM was also only the sons of bitches errand to the megírjátok névlistátokat tereljétek and the people, and I will tell you the marketing plan. Wow, how much I work, they are just an excuse and do not take people, and if everyone would only be a man! Now it is time to stand up presentation on the others, do not always just me ... But you learn but the marketing plan, because if it does not say word - the word, as I, with okozol damage to the company and me. This is a professional company, you can not afford to hold talks under the standard of this one ... N. 21 - and talking about dreams you'd better forget it urgently because bepanaszollak the center, and you'll get locked up as the enemy of the people ... is way down the road ... We too, that the driver will take you one more time, then you definitely forget it. "Subconsciously communicate with 97%. (400 billion bits / sec. Information reaches the brain, of which 2000 bits / sec. Knowingly.) What do you think consciousness under the sponsorship? Beware of an agent in sight! Energiapajzzsal up! This energi vámpíre who make their living, it takes me the power! Since I can not defend against it, shame on the run, but useful. (A major experience in this, done this before many times before, because I did not understand what is going on here!)Imagine a love-linear scale. The origin 0 in love (fear) and it takes away from the infinity of love. Thus, we come closer to God. The polarity of love is not hate, but the lack of love, fear. The polarity of the light in darkness, nothing more than the absence of light.The world has the largest network marketing opportunity. Who is this is a true, authentic examples of Jesus of Nazareth. Product Name: Gospel = good news. Although the product is skewed and addled during the power system shows that nearly 2,000 years, this is the largest existing store in the world. The shop's founder, the Apostle Paul should not even be alive, happily working without it! Jesus himself worked. People used as mirrors to improve himself. Everyone is still working himself into the world and also in network marketing as well.ACN me the following message: If someone builds rapidly to an appropriate level, it will not be able to control its own country nor the Government nor the international economic situation. If you can train yourself to be entitled to 5 per year income is sufficient, through its investments to gain complete financial independence, then the ACN for the future will be no limit. Therefore unacceptable is when someone does not nourish the brain of every day CDs, books and meetings. Such a person writes on the wall: "I will eat tomorrow." Question: The brain is not hungry? The very big trouble!I, as a sponsor, a contract with the underwriters, who imports a network show. I promise him that he encouraged, and I will support. Hand in hand előbányászni help him in his dreams (which are mostly well-intentioned parents, or other dream was abducted by thieves, so long ago that you can not remember.) Together and accomplish. In order to help him realize his dreams, because I understood that Network Marketing is all about, that my dreams will be realized, if I helped enough people to achieve your dreams.If I make the mistake that critics only once for someone because they indulge my instinct to prove how stupid the other one, then sure, I re-activated direktmarketinges a bad habit. Network Marketing again left the track and direct marketing has changed my attitude, and do not even know about it. The subconscious is communicating, however, there are no boundaries, and everyone who hears it, the subconscious will know that a breach of the sponsorship agreement and a guy I'm vile. The tekintélyemet by others through the gift of confidence in me, that I used to take the other person's mental energy. That this ignorance, I disguised as constructive criticism, or jealousy, the unconscious fear of shortages Motivated by the matter in terms of confidence and replicate.The intention is to improve the expression of only one possible way of asking, because it is not hostile, and not offensive. Network Marketing in the sponsor's role in reassuring and encouraging professional personal trainer's role. The only thing why people commit people, the desire for love. To love and be loved, even more so to return to God here on Earth. All else is explanation. People, because people are coming out of the marketing plan, no trend in telecommunications, or due to oxidation. Search for the lost paradise, of which wound up making. Waiting for someone to back us there, and love fills the gaping void in our souls. And we hope that even in this life we ​​find this man.We do not find it looking in the wrong place. Only need to look into the mirror and see. We'll see the man who leads us to the chaos! Who is love! Who can make us rich. Who can make us wiser. Do not look to the outside world, because we are! Quite close. The God in us, who are looking for. Only there you can find anywhere else!Constructive criticism does not exist! Always, all criticism is destructive! Those who criticize it for communicating, "I do not believe in you. I do not believe in myself. Such an idiot for wasting my time, like you. I do not know why. Probably the reason for the noble soul. The victim, what do you mean, entitles you to parancsolgassak. It will be good if csipkeded yourself, and try to meet me. Do not forget that you're not Sarts the wheel! Or I do what I say or do what I say! "You know someone who wants to copy? I do not! If you do not believe me, you can check out "The Secret" ("The Secret") c. movie again. If you still do not understand, then again and again and again ... Until then, look, until ... until you get a deeper understanding. I'm about. I 50x. I do not claim to understand the full depth. I am sure of one thing: all that is instinctive, fear and lack of offspring. The job is to love change. The furnaces we love this land. But just because we can give, which is within us. Love is the highest vibration, the maximum energy: There are two means to get to it:1.Vagy we reject - as the core - give it to someone else, and more vetésből price. Relying on internal strength, we believe in ourselves and in others. This is the path of love.2. We are constructive or judgmental of others kidnapped by masked, mental energy, free of charge. This leads to wars, to the exclusion, and incitement to hatred. This external force, the circumstances of the victim role journey. This is the way to fear.And now comes the hard part for me is: why do I always like my 18-year sponsors? Well, because of the 2011th by January I was such a sponsor. Like attracts like the principle (The Law of Attraction), the sponsors have helped me, I am reflecting that I may see and know myself. Everyone is master teacher, and the whole universe will help me learn about myself.So no one else in my right eye and put anything there is no reason to be angry with anyone. I have to be more grateful for the invaluable help önismeretemben everything and everyone.The computer said that if garbage goes in, garbage comes out of it! Here's the solution! Why everyone is responsible for the attitude. We need to stop the flow of inward sokszemét unlimited. Cut off the TV!

And to nurture our souls with positive thoughts! Not the solution that do not have time to do so, and then we eat tomorrow!

There is enough love. There is joy enough. We have enough of everything!
You choose. Fortunately, this is a wise universe.
Nothing is without consequences! Choose love!

If you live far away from me, maybe even speak different languages, can I be your FANTOM sponsors. You certainly think that if the sponsor is not handy, then this disadvantage. Let me assure that this is the biggest advantage of the existing MLM businesses abroad. The man in your sponsor as see the first always be as you promoted: If you are great, you have a great sponsor for a while, and then realize that he is "man" is full of errors. And you'll realize this, except if you do not see it. Will be set up as as the greatest man on this earth. And will remain, because if you meet very rarely, and embellishes the solemn do everything.

Human errors and the sponsors do not destroy what you built. (As it happened a few times I have.) Think about it my friend: You have more than enough to cope with their own song, EGO, EGO, or the sponsors want to have to fight, lay? Because he's got, you can be sure! Which do you want? If you want to build up a gigantic business with ACN, the largest to the existing support this blog, and sponsor of a phantom, who is only guided by the interests of their own selfish good to say, (all copied it, too.) Sky's the limit and no limit on the their own fantasies. He certainly does not take off her energy "building -" and "good intentions" criticism.
Since my birth I'm autonomous, and I'm always criticism. Sometimes it pulls me full of energy "constructive intention" to look only for one week out of my head.
And I find your true friends, and try to be good to be with whom. (I know that there is very little!) You will have more true friends, if one of the most important goal is that you become a true friend! You know, everything is copied into your subconscious level.

 The following questions would add:  Is there any reason why not join me?

ACN registration number: 6400000126        GYT99KFT, Szabadi Tibor Gyula

  Contact information: Flat: Győr. Tel: 06304847121, Skype: szabaditibor7 E-mail:, blog:

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